All Classes and Interfaces

The base class for all implementations of Constraint which define an attribute based filter.
Internal base implementation of descriptor classes.
A resource available on the Java classpath (e.g. a JAR file)
Abstract GomElement implementing common functionalities needed for GuiXml handling.
Abstract class defining most common features of a form element.
Abstract implementation of a language information provider.
Abstract implementation of a GOM list.
Generic class for defining String-Facades.
Abstract implementation providing basic functionalities supporting value holding SwingGadgets.
FIRSTspirit web application interface.
Super class for FIRSTspirit runtime exceptions.
Utitly class providing methods for Access-API operations like server release, server delete
Progress of an server action (e.g.
Interface defining an activity.
This interface represents an activity in an workflow-model.
FirstSpirit AdminService functions.
Use getService(AdminService.class) to request an instance of this service.
Comparator providing means for alikeness.
This interface represents the allowed element which is a child of a page template.
This interface provides methods to handle the alternative pages for pagereferences
Interface to combine different sub constraints with and
Annotation for inline documentation, like suggestions when editing templates.
Agent providing information about the application.
Map for keeping application aspects in a type safe manner.
Type used for identifying specific aspects within a task application.
Definition of a plug-in describing an application connected to FirstSpirit.
The contextual icon type.
Client service to open tab applications
Controls the application tab: close it or add TabListener to be notified on tab focus changes.
Configuration interface defining the appearance of the related application tab.
Configuration builder to configure tab appearance.
The font style types.
Configuration class for application tabs.
Token representing an application type.
An area of some shape at some place hosting a link.
Visitor to operate on different shapes of areas.
Generic definition of a builder for shaped areas.
Interface for classes supporting aspect provisioning.
A simple map for type safe aspect mapping.
Type token implementation for aspect types.
Definition of an associate for adding to some index.
Container for transporting attachments.
This is the interface for all implementations of attributes which can defined by an entity type.
The base class for all constraints which define an attribute based filter.
Provides generic attributes configured for this object.
Exception thrown if a authentication was not successful because of invalid credentials for instance.
The type of a backup.
A simple base context used for firstspirit hotspots like client plugins.
Definition of execution environments.
This class represents an identifier for a store element to a specific revision.
Container providing basic information about an entity.
This interface represents an identifier for a store element.
since 5.2.231004 - Use BiFunction instead
A binary medium used by FileEditorValue
The type of the binary medium.
since 5.2.231004 - Use BiConsumer instead
This interface provides methods to handle the bodys of pages in the PageStore.
Definition for an agent offering access to SpecialistsBrokers, each of which operates on a remote projects that is registered for the given symbolic name.
Browser application interface to open and control an integrated browser instance.
Configuration builder to configure browser applications.
Interface for listener on browser change events.
The class that is interested in processing a browser event either implements this interface (and all the methods it contains) or extends the abstract BrowserListener.Adapter class (overriding only the methods of interest).
An abstract adapter class for receiving browser events.
Interface providing utility methods for element nodes returned byBrowserApplication.getCurrentDocument()
Interface providing methods for node based actions.
Handler for browser node based user interaction.
Builder for creating and binding a BrowserNodeHandler.
Interface providing access to drag context.
A drag listener receiving information on drag events.
A drop handler receiving information on drop events.
Decorator for registered elements.
Selection mode for the registered nodes
An identifier for an event bus.
The different case modes ( CaseMode.UPPER_CASE, CaseMode.LOWER_CASE, and CaseMode.MIXED_CASE) a database may support.
Container value holding an arbitrary number of unique cards.
Single entry of a catalog providing some meta data on the item and a reference to the item itself.
Generation time accessor to the snippets of a catalog.
since 5.2.23 - use FormField instead
Aspect definition for a gadget that manages its changes.
This enum represents change types used for storeelement changes in RevisionMetaData.getChangedStoreElements()
This interface provides comprehensive methods for all elements which provides channel specific (belonging to a template set) source content.
Rule based (see CharacterReplacer.getMap()) character replacer.
Container of a single character.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
This class CheckedException and its subclasses are a form of Exception that indicates conditionsthat a reasonable application might want to catch.
Interface indicating a change of a children list of the belonging StoreElement
An area of circular shape.
Definition of a builder for circular areas.
String type replacement for class names.
Interface for an action.
Example for the creation of a ClientItem:
Properties and identifier constants for the client-side action plugins.
Context for which actions have been requested.
The handler performing the action.
The provider for actions in a specific context.
Example for the implementation of a ClientItemsPlugin:
since 5.0.100 use a specific plug-in type instead (see hierarchy).
since 5.0.103 with no replacement
since 5.2.231303 - see ClientPlugin
Operation providing means to load resources on the client-side.
Definition of a plug-in providing resource urls to be loaded in webedit.
Script context providing the current user and a context element.
Operation providing means to execute JavaScript on the client-side.
Item providing a native script for client-side execution in the context of inline editing.
Item providing a native script for client-side execution.
Definition of an item targeting media managing providing a native script for client-side execution.
Item providing a native script for client-side execution in the context of webedit reports.
Item providing a native script for client-side execution in the context of toolbar actions.
Definition of an agent offering ability to register client local service instances.
Definition of an agent specialized in creating client urls.
The type of client.
Basic client url builder definition.
The JavaClient url builder.
The connection modes.
The Webedit url builder.
Helper class for controlling cluster nodes.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Simple container providing type-based access to transferred commodities.
FirstSpirit WebEdit Javascript Common API, accessible via
Listener for events about changes of the navigation.
Listener for events about changes of the current Preview-Element.
Listener for events about requests for new elements to be displayed
JavaScriptObject which is passed over to the WorkflowTransitionListeners when a workflow transition happens.
Listener for events about workflow transitions in this websession
The base class of all compare constraints.
Operation for comparing two revisions of a DataProvider element.
Super interface for all FIRSTspirit Components.
Exception to notify about a problem occuring during construction of a component.
Error levels, an exception can have.
The component descriptor contains name, type, class and other information of a Component.
The scope describes the place where the component is available: server-wide, project-local or web-local.
Component type.
Definition of a foreign key based attribute.
Enum represanting the relation between tables.
The base class of all composed constraints.
This exception may be thrown by methods that have detected concurrent changes of an object.
Interface for configurable components.
Connection to a FirstSpirit server.
FirstSpirit database connection configuration parameter holder.
This class may be used to extract the current Connection associated with a HttpServletRequest.
Factory for connections.
An input stream for accessing client jars.
Container for socket parameters.
Interface for all filters which are used to restrict the result of a Select.
Enum specifiying the type of the constraint.
Interface providing means to operate on content2 elements.
Parameters container for use with database referencing elements.
Scripts which are started on an contentstore entity entry (e.g. in java client) have an instance of Content2ScriptContext stored in variable 'context'.
This is a section which renders new content.
Since 5.0.107 - usages of CMS_INPUT_CONTENTAREALIST should be replaced with FS_CATALOG.
This interface provides methods to handle the ContentStore-folder
Since 5.0.107 - usages of CMS_INPUT_CONTENTLIST should be replaced with FS_INDEX.
Definition of information for multi page output of data records.
This operation indicates a content commit.
It provides information about created, changed, deleted and released entities.
The interface ContentPackage represents a package which contains content nodes.
A content processor can alter or transform the produced content during the generation process.
During generation the usage of a content processor instance comprises three steps: The method ContentProcessor.init(de.espirit.firstspirit.access.GenerationContext, is called. A writer is requested where the content is directed to (ContentProcessor.getWriter()). The end of the content stream is signaled by a call to ContentProcessor.finish().
This interface provides method to get ContentStore-table object for given ContentStore-table name
Date: 04.05.2004 Time: 12:59:36
Container definition for providing contextual information on one specific level within an evaluation process.
A context used for client plug-in context menu items.
Implementors of this interface enable to contrast their current value with another one.
Definition of a type providing means and information about a desired conversion of characters.
Mode definitions for entity conversion.
Indicates a create operation.
Operation for cropping resolutions of a media picture.
Utility class to parse CSV files.
Class representing a single token
Utility class to write CSV files.
An execution schedule which is executed repeatedly on the same time of a day, on which days can be specified by manipulating the week day set.
since 5.2.21 - use FormData as appropriate
Map for keeping access aspects in a type safe manner.
Type used for identifying specific aspects within an access plug-in.
Aspect providing means to ensure access to data via a bound DataAccessSession.
Exception thrown, when access to the session's data is denied.
Plug-in allowing access to data managed by some sort of container.
Session providing access to data.
Builder to configure and create a session via aspectable features.
Aspect providing means to associate data with certain identifiers (e.g. group, parent).
Agent providing methods regarding data association.
Handler for element associations.
The type token of the association handler.
This interface indicates changes in content form data or meta form data on a belonging store element.
Flag identifiying the change type.
This interface represents one editor/variable change in a form data object
Interface providing methods for data access.
Ensure to call DataProvider.setData( after modifications of the provided data object.
Provides objects for display within a report plug-in's results list.
Renders object-specific data for use in individual snippets of report result lists.
Interface providing means to operate on datasets.
A Dataset change operation of an event.
A container for a dataset, see DatasetEditorValue.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Interface for elements providing current and historic access to Datasets.
Definition of an accessor for snippet information.
Definition of a provider of information used to visually represent objects in form of snippets.
A data stream providing continuous access to fitting data objects.
Builder to configure and create a stream via aspectable features.
Aspect providing extended means for representing information on a data object.
Set of parameters to be used with the given template.
since 5.2.21 - see Data
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Annotation to define the default value.
Node of DomElement content.
Default implementation of a GOM information object.
Generic implementation for GOM language information container.
Interface indicating a delete of a StoreElement or a StoreElement subtree.
Operation providing means to delete elements on the server.
Interface representing the result of the delete operation.
since 5.2.1804 - no replacement
Provide means to determine which parts of a site (project) should be re-generated respecting the changes between two revisions.
Change set wrapping the calculated changes of a DeltaGeneration.
Info describing a deleted page.
Dependency rules.
Create delta generation instance: DeploymentUtil.createDeltaGeneration(ScheduleContext).
Create an iterator for generated files: DeploymentUtil.getGeneratedFiles(ScheduleContext).
Deploy Target.
Abstract class that can be used to implement a factory class for deploy target dialogs.
DeployTargetFactory<DTO extends de.espirit.firstspirit.server.scheduler.DeployTargetDTO,T extends de.espirit.firstspirit.admin.AbstractDeployTarget>
Factory for a deploy target task application.
Task for deploying generated files.
The deployment target
The type used for deployment
A descriptor for modules or components.
String type replacement for designators.
Dialog in FirstSpirit WebEdit style.
Dialog button.
Interface representing a dictionary.
Transport object for a difference description.
Aspect for ValueEngineers providing means to compute differences between values.
Aspect on support for visualising differences.
Operation providing means to display an element in the client.
Marker for client specific configurators, providing means to define client depending settings.
Aspect for a gadget that is able to handle changes in display settings.
This interface represents a document link.
Exception thrown during access on nodes of documents delivered via BrowserApplication.
A DocumentGroup groups DocumentGroupLink's as their child nodes (see StoreElement.getChildren()).
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
API interface for an DomEditorValue element.
Node of DomElement content.
The type of the dom node.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Exception thrown on the detection of a duplicate reference name.
This exception is thrown during creation of a user if thespecified login name is already used for another user.
Aspect definition for editable gadgets.
Model for the current selected gui language of the java client related to the language tabs in the editorial area of the java client.
A node identifying an editor's item.
A node identifying an editor component.
Interface providing generic access to an editor value object.
Event to inform interested objects of changes within an EditorValue.
Listener interface to listen on EditorValueChangedEvent's
This exception will be thrown if an already deleted element is tried to change.
This interface represents an IDProvider during the ExportOperation.
This exception will be thrown during call of IDProvider.moveChild(IDProvider) if the object which should be movedis already moved on the server.
A generic type for providing a list of elements within defined limiting parameters.
Definition of value transport container holding a reference to a firstspirit element.
Exception indicating an element not being available.
Combined validation report on an element.
Exception thrown on validation containing reports on all validated elements.
Browser engine type.
An entity of a specific entity type as retrieved from a session.
All possible states of an entity.
Container definition for lightweight information on an entity.
This interface holds infos to identiy an entity.
A list containing Entity instances.
Definition for a type of an entity.
This interface represents a single entity type of a schema during the ExportOperation.
Data entry specific validator.
Constraint to check if belonging attribute is equal to a specific value.
Evaluator definition for templating engines.
An event agent providing means for custom event buses and events.
Lightweight project and revision based event metadata.
The change type which caused the event.
Public type acting as an executable.
An executable item to be used in context menus.
Definition of an toolbar item that is executable and additionally provides sub-items.
Item for inline editing providing an executable operation.
Definition of an item targeting media managing providing an executable operation.
Definition of an item providing an executable operation.
Toolbar menu item providing an executable operation.
An executable item to be used in a toolbar.
Definition of a execution scheduling entry.
Exif data holder object.
The exif-tag representation.
Definition of common and specialized vendor specific Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Canon Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Casio Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Casio Exif tags.
Definition of common Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Fuji Exif tags.
Definition of specialized GPS Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Kyocera Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Nikon Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Nikon Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Olympus Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Panasonic Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Pentax Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Sigma Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Sony Exif tags.
Definition of specialized Sony Exif tags.
Marker Interface defining exif data upload hooks.
Value holder for an exif data element.
Format a given object value of type ExifValueFormatter.getValueType() if ExifValueFormatter.getSupportedTags() return an array of length 0 or all defined tags returned by ExifValueFormatter.getSupportedTags().
A more complex value formatter which could return different types of <S> and <C> where S=simple value and C is the complex one.
RuntimeException indicating that a valid mapping/ExifValue for a defined Tag-Type-Hex or Tag-Type (Integer) was not found.
This interface represents a project export file existing on the server.
The type of the export file.
This interface represents a single changed element during the ExportOperation.
Type defining the changed ExportInfo.
This interface represents a FileHandle during the ExportOperation.
Operation providing means to export store elements to files in a file system.
Request this operation via OperationAgent: OperationAgent.getOperation(ExportOperation.TYPE).
To get a file system use FileSystemsAgent.
Options for configuring the export of an added channels provider.
Container providing access to the result of the export operation.
Options for configuring the export of an added schema.
Configuration class for project export
Interface providing access to the progress information of a project export.
Represents a status for an ExportInfo or ExportInfoFileHandle.
An external group, for instance correlating to a group from a LDAP server.
Context providing information and accessors for external preview items.
Provides access to an external preview service.
Definition of a plug-in providing specific items providing integrations for external preview services.
Definition of a container of an external resource based reference.
A factory creating instances of type T based on a given configuration.
Agent providing means to handle content transport features.
A builder for creating a new feature descriptor.
Definition representing the result of a feature analyze process.
The analyze result provides information about problems which could appear during the installation of a feature.
Definition describing a content transport feature related to a specific project.
Definition representing an error of a feature analyze process
Error code definition describing the type of the belonging feature error.
The level of this feature error.
Interface representing a feature transport zip file created on the server.
Agent providing means to handle installation of content transport features.
Configuration options for initiating the feature installation process via FeatureInstallAgent.installFeature(FeatureInstallOptions).
A builder for streamlined creation of FeatureInstallOptions.
Definition representing the result of a feature installation process.
Interface representing the content model of a content transport feature.
Definition of an feature reference referencing a dataset.
Definition of an feature reference referencing a store node.
Definition representing a feature reference.
Action progress definition representing the progress of a server side feature transport file creation process.
The FeatureToggleAgent provides access to feature-toggles set for a FirstSpirit server.
This interface provides methods to handle a media object of type FILE from the MediaStore.
A basic file based implementation of a UploadFilter.
Since 5.0.107 - usages of CMS_INPUT_FILE should be replaced with FS_REFERENCE.
File entry providing information about a file created within a generation process.
Interface for file handles provided by a FileSystem.
Support for file handle operations.
Callback interface to produce file and path names used for storage in the file system.
Interface representing a filesystem and providing means to operate on file handles.
Agent providing means to access file systems.
Deployment of contents into a local file system.
The type of a file.
Interface to be implemented by filters on specific types.
A simple combinatorial filter that requires all inner filters to accept an element to be fulfilled.
Abstract definition for combinatorial filters.
Simple equality filter implementation.
A filter implementation accepting elements based on a logical consequence concept, i.e., it accepts an element, if the implication accepting the element is a consequence of the condition accepting it.
A simple filter negating the single inner one.
A simple combinatorial filter that requires one of the inner filters to accept an element to be fulfilled.
Extension to a filter definition that provides the element in question as type safe object, if the filter accepted it.
Usage example
Aspect providing means to filter a data stream via parameterization.
A schedule which is executed once at a specified time or only manually (if set to manual).
A focus area preset available for a specific image.
Builder for a focus area preset.
The context given to a FocusAreaProviderPlugin providing access to information about the contextual image.
A plugin providing capabilities for detecting focus areas inside an image.
This interface provides methods to handle the FolderSpecification (language dependent properties of the folder at SiteStore)
This exception is thrown during the import of a font to the server.
Storage for the fonts installed on the server.
A form managing type.
Definition of a template specialized for formatting tasks.
Interface providing access to a set of format templates
Definition of a container for channel specifica of a FormatTemplate.
This interface provides methods to handle FormatTemplateContainer in TemplateStore, a container for FormatTemplates
This interface provides methods to handle FormatTemplateFolder in TemplateStore
This interface represants the subroot for format templates in templatestore.
Interface definition for form data containers providing direct, generic access to transported values and form information.
A self-containing list of form data containers.
Marker interface for factories producing form-data containers.
Language specific property container of a form's field.
Implementors collect references stored in a provided form.
Agent providing means to operate with forms.
A language-specific report.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use ApiStatus.NonExtendable instead
FirstSpirit WebEdit Javascript API - Store-element identifier.
This interface represents the FirstSpirit only related meta information stored in directory .FirstSpirit.
Global collection of fs resource keys for icons and colors used in different contexts.
Definition for color based resource keys.
Definition representing a color resource key.
Definition for icon based resource keys.
Definition representing an icon resource key.
Definition of an agent specialized in providing access to fs resources.
Deployment of contents using the file transfer protocol (FTP).
Definition of several ftp proxy types.
Definition of several ftp server types.
Definition of a plug-in providing entries for the future timeline of the multi-perspective-preview.
Marker interface for graphical user interface components.
API for context information that is provided to Gadget implementations on construction.
Important: The context may change during its lifetime, hence, objects retrieved via the context may be altered or replaced.
GadgetFactory<G extends Gadget,E extends GomElement,C extends GadgetContext<? extends E>>
Interface for a factory that is able to produce a Gadget.
Identifier for gadgets providing information to find named form elements in a gadget model.
Implementing Gadgets provide an identifier.
Interface representing a body in globalstore.
This interface represents folders in globalstore
Interface providing means to operate on global store pages.
Interface providing means top operate on global store sections.
Operation for a synchronous execution of a schedule entry generating a PageRef.
Generation task.
An entry referencing an Entity and a PageRef node.
Source used for generating.
The condition the generate task should be marked as "finished successful"
The generation Type used for this generate task
Aspect providing means to access information on a performed generation task.
Agent providing means to support operating on generating tasks.
Context definition for generation tasks.
Context for a script within the generation task.
Agent for performing generative AI requests.
Agent for performing GPT completion requests.
Plugin for connecting to a specific generative AI.
since 5.2.231004 - Use Supplier instead
Agent providing means to set/adapt gids for entities.
Attention: This agent can only be used by admins.
Adaptation result object.
Root node for global content.
Interface providing methods to handle global store root and short access to specific children (e.g.
Identifies a global web-app by it's id.
Definition of the GOM descriptor for the FirstSpirit catalog gadget.
Interface for GOM elements that can be checked on syntax and semantics.
Interface providing access to the validation context.
Aspect for enabling GOM based configuration.
Annotation for inline GOM documentation.
Tag for GOM elements acting as group, i.e., a container for a list of GOM elements.
Tag for marking a class to implement a GOM element.
Provider of entries.
Definition for a GOM element acting as editor.
Interface for hideable gom elements.
Definition for configuration implementations providing include functionality for GOM elements.
Hot-spot interface to provide a list of values for input components.
Definition of the GOM descriptor for the FirstSpirit index gadget.
Definition of a source for an index gadget.
Interface for GOM elements allowing to define their treatment wrt. indexing.
Entry for defining labeled language information.
Root definition for GOM elements providing specific information of primitive types (attribute-gained data).
Definition of a language information providing GOM element.
Definition of a GOM language info container.
Definition of a GOM list-element interface.
Interface featuring GOM elements to allow defining their relevancy level with respect to searching their value.
The GOM (gui object model) describes the input form presented to the end user (editor).
This error indicates an invalid gom source.
Definition of the value container for a picture based editor.
since 5.2.190405 - no replacement
Constraint to check if belonging attribute is greater than a specific value.
Constraint to compare if belonging attribute is greater than or equals to a specific value.
A user group.
Interface representing a group used in the permission service.
A grouping item providing a set of sub menu items.
Definition of an item providing sub-items.
Interface representing a group root model belonging to the groups.xml file specified by the param (DOCUMENT_NAME.path) in service.ini of permission service.
since 5.2.1502 use ProjectMembersAgent
Common properties: ------------------ sessionId (java.lang.Long)
Definition for the server-side implementation part of a GWT-based Gadget.
Host that dispatches transfers to registered handlers depending on the transferred commodities types.
Host that dispatches transfers to registered handlers in a bulk manner, i.e., if the targeted object is registered, and any of the types to be handled are supported by a transfer, all registered types' data will be resolved and handed to the handler for further processing.
A transfer handler.
A transfer handler.
An aspect making a gadget hidable.
Definition of an agent offering highlighting capabilities.
Interface for providers of historical revision information.
Wrapper on a HistoryProvider to act as ElementProvider on Revisions.
Definition of a plug-in providing entries for the historical timeline of the multi-perspective-preview.
Generic host definition.
Aspect to enable an application to provide an icon.
Definition of form data container that is identified by its ID.
Interface representing the identifier of an entity.
List interface providing at least the key (identifier) for a specific index, also the related entry IdentifierList could be null
Aspect supporting to identify data objects.
Type for the dependent release handling.
Type represanting the revert mode.
Defines the name space in which the unique identifier has to be unique.
An IDProvider based change operation.
An event agent providing means for IDProvider based change events.
Definition of a IdProvider reference holding container.
Interface definition for form data providing an unique identifier.
Type providing means to translate between IDs from a publisher and IDs from a subscriber.
Interface for image containers.
Provides an image object for visualization.
An abstract consumer type providing an "extensible interface" to consume available sources of images.
Exception wrapper to forward checked exceptions from within the consumption process.
Factory for creation of different Image types.
Agent providing image containers.
Agent providing means to operate on image map specifics.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Generic utility to provide image related operations.
Container of information on an element being imported.
This interface provides information about a packagepool subscription update.
An instance of this interface will be available in the session of a workflow mapped with ImportInfo.IMPORT_INFO_KEY.
Operation providing means to import store elements from files in a file system.
since 5.2.513 - use LayerMapper instead
since 5.2.513 - use LayerMapper instead
Bundles a description, the store type, and the node id of a problematic element.
Container providing access to the result of the import operation.
Configuration class used as parameter for project imports
Interface providing access to the progress information of a project import.
Constraint representing the IN operator.
Exception thrown if a value is not appropriate.
Types for inclusion of value ranges in option editors.
Container value holding an arbitrary number of records referring to some data.
Single entry of an index providing some meta data on the item and a reference to the item itself.
Generation time accessor to the value of an index.
since 5.2.23 - use FormField instead
Marker for annotation processors to identify that annotations shall be inherited.
Defines an extended preset mode for initial value providing editors.
Aspect for ValueEngineers providing an initial value.
Object providing information and accessors about the context in which inline editing items have been requested.
Definition of an item targeting inline editing.
Configuration interface for project specific inline preview constraints.
The default application engines file name extensions used for (bound to) a specific engine type.
Inline preview control option
Aspect providing means to execute a (simple) data integrity validation.
Integrity problem descriptor.
A periodic schedule, the length is specified in IntervalExecutionSchedule.getInterval().
Exception informing about an invalid form definition.
Exception thrown if a invalid session is detected.
Generic exception on setting invalid values.
Constraint to check if belonging attribute is not null
Constraint to check if belonging attribute is null
Abstract supertype for item providing containers.
Item<C extends BaseContext>
General (abstract) definition of a pluggable FirstSpirit item.
Optional interface for a Item to support a customized identifier.
ItemsPlugin<A extends Item<?>>
General type definition of plug-ins providing an arbitrary number of items of a specific item type.
Api object which will be injected as javascript proxy object in the browser apps of FirstSpirit (e.g.
An item to be used in context menus of the java client.
Definition of a plug-in providing specific items for the "new" sub-menu of context menus of the java client.
Definition of a plug-in providing specific items targeting the plugins menu of the java client.
Configurator for java client specific settings on the display element operation.
Definition of a plug-in providing specific items targetting the editorial toolbar of the java client.
Definition of an item providing an executable operation in the java client.
An executable item to be used in java client reports.
JavaClient plug-in providing items.
A marker for a FirstSpirit plug-in that is to run permanently, i.e., throughout a java client's lifetime.
since 5.1.100 use a specific plug-in type instead (see hierarchy).
Interface representing a quickstart defintion for the SiteArchitect.
Definition of an item targeting the toolbar of the javaclient.
Agent providing access to the overall information of the active job.
The interface for json arrays.
A value class for representing a boolean value in JSON.
This class represents a JSON value that is a date.
Root interface for any kind of value that could be part of a json object.
Interface representing a specialized version of the GenerationContext for json.
Logger interface used in the JsonGenerationContext.
Interface for converting any object to a specific type of JsonElement.
A value class representing a null value in JSON.
A value class for representing a numeric value in JSON.
The root interface for json objects.
An interface for representing a json key/value pair containing of a key and a JsonElement.
Settings for json output rendering.
A value class for representing a String value in JSON.
Specialized JsonHandler interface for ValueEngineers providing means to transform the related value to JSON.
Specialized JsonHandler interface for DataAccessSessions providing means to transform the related value to JSON.
Definition of a (primary) key value descriptor.
Label container interface for providing language dependent labels.
An aspect providing access to a gadget's label.
A factory producing Label containers for given objects.
Aspect for a gadget that might want to hide its label.
Basic renderer of a label for some object types.
A Language
Definition for an agent offering information about project persistency languages.
This interface provides language specific infos
FirstSpirit Database Layer.
Definition of a type providing information about a database layer.
Mapper providing layers to be used for transported Schema instances.
This mapper is used in content transport and external sync.
Default implementation based on a given map mapping from source layer name to target layer name.
Mapping context providing access to the transported schema and the source layer name.
Default implementation of a layer mapper using a given map mapping schema uid to target layer name.
Legacy api just to provide useful and necessary methods.
Constraint to compare if belonging attribute is less than a specific value.
Constraint to compare if belonging attribute is less than or equasl to a specific value.
Component descriptor for a library referenced and used by a module.
Exception which will be thrown if a functionality is called which is license dependent and the installed FIRSTspirit license doen't support the expected license feature.
Service for accessing license features and modules.
Constraint to compare the belonging attribute value by matching against the pattern specified by value.
A GOM element supporting line breaks.
The form can be retrieved via Link.getTemplate().
A dom node representing a link.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Since 5.0.107 - usages of CMS_INPUT_LINKLIST should be replaced with FS_CATALOG.
A link template is a container for the rendering template for links.
This interface represants the subroot for linktemplates in templatestore.
An iterable on store elements that enables to transform the iterable into a list.
A dom node representing a list.
Represents the list style type.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Definition for localizable classes, i.e. classes providing a resource descriptor.
Provides contextual information like an error code and localized messages for exceptions.
Generic runtime exception providing support for localization.
This interface provides methods for all elements which supports lock mechanism Date: 24.07.2006 Time: 07:45:22
This LockException occurs if a lock attempt ora lock attempt fails.
Interface providing methods for logfile access.
Interface that describes a general logger that is capable of logging with different severity levels.
A LogLevel is used to describe the severity of an event that is being logged.
The Logging is used to log messages for a given class.
Listener for log events.
A Serializable object of the mail header
A builder for creating a new MailHeader.
Service interface for sending mails via the server.
Use getService(MailService.class) to request an instance of this service.
Definition of a mail task.
This agent is used to control active maintenance mode tasks.
Provides current information about an active MaintenanceModeTask.
A task of this type puts the server into maintenance mode after a customizable period of time.
Describes if other tasks may be executed while the maintenance mode is active.
When the maintenance mode starts, existing sessions may be quit or kept alive.
The maintenance mode may only affect certain projects or the whole FirstSpirit server.
A maintenance mode task consists of up to five stages, from an initial preparation period up to activating the actual maintenance mode.
The notification that a maintenance is imminent may be displayed to the users in different ways.
Annotation to mark a method to be mandatory.
This class hides and serves as a substitute for the underlying logging system's MDC (mapped diagnostic context) implementation.
Value container for an image map.
The kinds of marks.
Mastertemplates are used to create nodes in pagestore (pages, sections, content sections)
Container for describing a match of a search.
Aspect for ValueEngineers supporting indexing and searching.
Context container definition for a mathematical context, allowing to define the precision of mathematical computation within an evaluation process.
Exception thrown if a session creation is not possible because the maximum count of licensed sessions is reached.
This interface provides methods to handle a media object from the MediaStore.
Project Media-Constraints settings. project level based media restrictions based on file size and/or file extension.
This Exception will be thrown if a media constraint setting is violated.
Definition of the exception variant type.
Marker element for media objects.
This interface provides methods to handle the MediaStore-folder
Context providing information and accessors for media managing items.
Definition of an item targeting media managing.
Definition of a plug-in providing specific items for media management.
This class holds relevant metadata information regarding Picture-objects with the resolution requested.
This interface provides methods to handle the MediaStore-Root
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
A specific message in the context of a generative AI request.
Builder for a message object.
Represents a specific part of a message content.
Message content type representing a specific image.
Message content type representing a textual content.
Service interface for sending messages via the server to other users, all users or usergroups.
Use getService(MessageService.class) to request an instance of this service.
This class represents a simple immutable MIME type object.
Interface for listeners on model changes.
Defines a journal for model references.
Client service to add or remove ModelListener.
Abstract super class for all model types.
This enum provides fields indicating a modification type.
Interfaces for modifiable classes providing an indicator on their modification state.
Interface for listeners on modification events.
This interface indicates a modification operation
Interface for a FirstSpirit module class.
Agent providing administrative methods for maintaining FirstSpirit modules and components.
The module installation/update result containing the installed/upgraded module descriptor and the process log message.
Defines the actions to be performed when a module is updated or uninstalled.
Interface for a class that brokers a class loader instance which is capable of loading public classes.
FirstSpirit Module (FSM) descriptor, containing all information of a specific module and its components.
Module related runtime exception.
Interface representing monoglot information, marking a data hierarchy path to only allow having one language-dependent component.
A monthly schedule where you can specify the week and the week day of the execution.
The week of month.
Interface indicating a move operation on a belonging storeelement.
This interface represents a single viewport in the multi-perspective preview.
Builder to configure and create a MPPViewport.
A viewport icon type used to symbolize the viewport.
Definition of an agent offering capabilities to modify the viewports of the multi-perspective preview (MPP).
This interface represents a container for viewports.
FirstSpirit JavaScript MPP API, accessible via "MPP_API".
Listener for events about changes of the preview parametrization.
Listener for events about changes of custom parameters.
Listener for events about changes of date / time in MPP.
MultiApplication interface to open and control multiple applications.
Configuration builder to configure multi applications.
A validation report container for multiple language-focused forms.
Operation for creating new sections.
Exception thrown when trying to access a component not being available.
Exception signaling that a field name is not defined.
Constraint to compare if belonging attribute is not equal to a specific value.
Host definition providing means for notification about various events emitted by a Gadget.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Since 5.0.107 - usages of CMS_INPUT_OBJECTCHOOSER should be replaced with FS_DATASET.
Generic utility to provide null-safe operations.
Configurable operation providing means to compare two textual sources.
Operation providing means to open an element's data form.
Operation providing means to open an element's meta data form.
Configurable operation providing means to merge two textual sources.
Definition of an agent specialized in providing access to application operations.
Exception thrown when an operation cannot be performed with the given setup.
Type token implementation for operation types.
Option is the persistence object for option based editors.
Interface for factories providing option creation functionalities.
Interface for provider of options, where an option consists of its value and language dependent labels.
Interface for a model on options.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Interface to combine different sub constraints with or
Parameter class for order criteria used for or selects
The Package object needs to be locked for modifying operations.
Enum representing a package type.
Interface representing a logfile of a package import
Interface providing access to a logfile belonging to a package pool Package
The PackageManager interface is the main interface of the corporate content (package pool) service.
All items which may be added to a package implement this.
Definition for accessing version information of a package.
Interface providing access to a log file created during creation of a package version
This interface provides methods to handle the Pages in the PageStore
This interface provides methods to handle the PageStore-folder
This interface provides methods to handle the page-groups in the SiteStore For creating a page-group see
This interface provides methods to handle the PageSpecification (language dependent properties of a site at SiteStore)
This interface provides methods to handle the pagereferences in the SiteStore
Since 5.0.107 - usages of CMS_INPUT_PAGEREF should be replaced with FS_REFERENCE.
This interface provides methods to handle the SiteStore-folder
This interface represents the PageStore-Root node.
Interface providing means to operate on page templates.
This interface provides methods to handle templates of type section in the TemplateStore
Container for a pair of objects, usually a key and a value.
Parameter definition for a ReportPlugin.
Due to limitations of the ContentCreator (webclient), it is not possible to use your own implementations of this interface, use Parameter.Factory instead.
since 5.1.5 - use Parameter instead
Placeholder for the value of an attribute specified in comparisons.
Factory for creation of different Parameter types.
Boolean parameter definition.
since 5.1.5 - use ParameterBoolean instead
Definition for objects taking a generic key-mapped collection of parameters.
An object that maps Parameter to values.
since 5.1.5 - use ParameterMap instead
Selection parameter definition.
since 5.1.5 - use ParameterSelect instead
Definition for a selectable item.
Definition for a selectable item.
String parameter definition.
since 5.1.5 - use ParameterText instead
An error identifying a problem that occurred during a template parsing process.
The PasswordAgent provides access to the internal mechanisms of FirstSpirit which allow to encrypt and decrypt password strings.
Although the FirstSpirit internal mechanisms are used, the encryption is not compatible to the password property encryption used by the FirstSpirit server.
With a path lookup you could lookup predefined paths for nodes.
Encapsulation of node permission flags which depend on the tree structure and on a group or a user and his assigned groups.
Indicates permission changes on a belonging store element.
Flag identifiying the type of change.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Interface to listen on permission change events of store element.
Permissions represents the persistence object of PermissionEditorValue.
Agent providing access to permission information.
This script context is available via variable 'context' in serverside scripts executed in the permission service.
This interface provides methods to handle a media object of type PICTURE from the MediaStore.
Represents a cropped rectangle of a picture, picture resolution.
Since 5.0.107 - usages of CMS_INPUT_PICTURE should be replaced with FS_REFERENCE.
This interface provides methods to get the specification of a PictureResolution for a medium from the MediaStore.
General type of FirstSpirit plug-ins.
An area of polygonic shape.
Definition of a builder for polygonal areas.
Definition of a presentation channel.
Interface representing the general gom preset modes.
FirstSpirit WebEdit Javascript Preview API, accessible via
Listener for events about reloaded elements in the preview document.
since 5.2.190105, please use PreviewUrlAgent.getContentProducerBuilder() or PreviewUrlAgent.getMediaBuilder() to create preview urls.The builder can be used to create preview urls for elements of type Page, PageRef or DocumentGroup.
Interface providing means to access and change elements preview image.
Operation providing means to control the preview in the original client.
Object containing a map of parameters configured in the Multi-Perspective-Preview, accessible via PreviewParameter.Factory.from(Object) on the webserver.
Factory providing methods for getting a PreviewParameter instance.
Model representing a preview url.
The type of the preview url.
An Agent that is able to create preview urls for StoreElements.
The preview url builder for ContentProducers like Page, PageRef or DocumentGroup nodes.
The preview url builder for Media nodes.
Basic preview url builder definition.
This interface represents Users and Groups
Interface representing a printable template node.
Priorities for permissions.
Agent offering means to start an external process.
Each ProcessBuilder instance manages a collection of process attributes.
The listener interface for receiving events that associated with progress changes.
FirstSpirit project.
Comment mode options.
Fallback strategy when an untranslated medium is generated
Definition of an agent offering access to project specific information.
FirstSpirit project application interface.
Descriptor for a project app.
Definition for a task to perform a basic backup of the project's current state.
Definition of a task to perform a differential or incremental backup of the project's data.
Task for archiving project repository files.
Version history archiving mode.
Project based server environment.
Agent providing access to user and group information.
Handler to define further options for a project.
Option handler to further restrict a type within a project.
Interface providing means to operate on project properties.
Interface representing the properties of a project in the office import module.
Agent to recalculate the reference graph of a single element or the complete project.
Aspect to override the application's tasks project requirement.
A restriction defining which and how a project shall be applied.
Common properties:
userService (UserService)
FIRSTspirit Project management.
Identifies a project-local web-app by it's id and scope.
Agent providing access to the current prompt configuration.
Plugin providing default prompt configuration.
Plugin providing testing capabilities for prompt operations during their configuration.
Context containing information about the prompt to be evaluated.
An operation to be performed using AI.
A builder to create an operation definition with.
An option an operation can be configured with.
A builder to create an option definition with.
An item selectable in a specific PromptOption.
Interface providing means to configure properties transport in content transport or file system sync.
Enum describing types available for properties transport.
Aspect defining property processing objects.
Exception indicating that the value given is not valid for the targeted property.
Exception indicating that the requested propery is not available.
Implementors provide values for named properties.
Exception to be thrown in case of an unknown property was requested.
This interface represents an PropertiesTransportOptions.ProjectPropertyType during the ExportOperation.
Marker interface for the public hot spot of FirstSpirit.
Public implementations can be defined in the module.xml of a FirstSpirit module:
A component descriptor for defining a public class.
Interface representing a publish group within the Corporate Content functionality of FirstSpirit.
A package can be subscribed for a specific publish group and new versions of packages can be published for a specific publish group.
Definition of a query description container.
Agent providing means to answer queries for project-related FirstSpirit elements stored in its repository.
A quickstart item provides a convenient way for opening SiteArchitect or ContentCreator with a predefined link on the start page.
The quickstart type.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Simple range container.
Definition of a builder for rectangular areas.
An area of rectangular shape.
A reference is either an internal reference (e.g.
Interface for IDProviders that support referencing.
Aspect for ValueEngineers supporting reference-aware indexing and full text searching.
Agent providing means to create reference holding containers for store elements, data sets, and external URLs.
Aspect for reference containing ValueEngineers.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Base definition for an entry to the references system.
Generic super type for reference holding containers.
Definition of a callback on changes in a referenced element.
Indicates that a required reference could not be found.
Interface indicating changes in referenced elements.
Specific type on entity references identified by a tuple of schema uid, type name, and a unique key.
Specific type on external references identified by their external resource.
Specific type on references identified by their id and kind.
Kind of id reference.
Specific type on references identified by their uid and type.
Specific type on foreign references of projects identified by their id.
Marker interface for elements providing information on references.
Specific type on foreign references of projects identified by their remote configuration name.
Aspect providing means to report references to FirstSpirit or external elements.
Agent providing means to transform reference holding containers to their persistency form and vice versa.
Support for reference types and prefixes.
Indicates a release operation
Operation providing means to release elements on the server.
Interface representing the result of the release operation.
Representing various problems that can occur during a relase Used by ReleaseOperation
since 5.2.180606, use ReleaseOperation instead
since 5.2.180606, use ReleaseOperation instead
Enumeration of options defining a relevancy level.
Interface definition for form data containers providing remote, generic access to transported values and form information.
Thrown to indicate that a field is not accessible.
Language specific property container of a form's field.
This class holds all necessary information for a connection to a remote project.
Remote task type - a cluster node is configured to execute a set of types and a task is of a specific type.
Agent to perform content rendering of FirstSpirit elements.
Rendering result.
Listener which is called when a link to a media is generated.
Node specific renderer, use RenderingAgent.Renderer.render() or RenderingAgent.Renderer.getResult() to get the rendered template output.
An intermediate instance which has to be enriched with a link root before further usage.
Rendering result.
FirstSpirit WebEdit Javascript Report API, accessible via
Context providing information and accessors for report plugin items.
Aspect providing means to show data in a public report within a client.
Item for report plugin providing an executable operation.
Aspect for providing items operating on a report's entries.
Adapter for implementation convenience.
Interface for report plug-ins integrated in both clients ContentCreator and SiteArchitect.
since 5.1.5 - use DataProvider instead
since 5.1.5 - use DataRenderer instead
Container for defining a search request.
A descriptor for a generative AI request.
Builder for a Request instance.
The mode of the request
Aspect providing means to match requests.
Operation providing means to select from a set of answers.
Definition of an answer object.
The kind of the operation.
Marker aspect for resizable gadgets.
Picture resolution
Definition for an agent offering access to resolution information defined for the underlying project.
Response descriptor of a generative AI request.
Builder for a Response instance.
A stream of response fragments.
Interface providing access to the progress information of a server restore action.
The problem type.
Interface providing access to the progress information of a server revert action.
The problem type.
Definition of a container providing information about a revision.
This interface represents details of storeelement changes belonging to a specific revision
Aspect for enabling revision aware sessions.
Definition of an event containing information about the causing Revision and all contained changes.
This interface represents metadata of an specific revision.
Interface reprensenting the operation belonging to a commit of revision
The type of the revision operation.
Marker interface identifying all direct sub roots of GlobalStoreRoot. e.g.
Marker interface identifying all direct sub roots of TemplateStoreRoot.
Container of a ruleset definition.
since 5.0.111 use RulesetContainer instead
This agent allows for validating rules of a Template.
A failure that occurred while validating rules with the RuleValidationAgent.
The severity of a failure.
FirstSpirit server run level with increasing level.
Agent providing information about the current FirstSpirit server RunLevel.
Run state used for schedule tasks.
Operation to save a store element with defined options.
A context with access to schedule entry execution-related objects.
Defines a single entry for a job list of tasks to be scheduled.
The modes used to set the ParallelExecutionMode of this entry
Provides information on a currently running or a historic schedule entry.
Interface representing a schedule entry execution state.
Definition of a statistics container for a scheduled entry.
FirstSpirit storage for schedule management.
A single task to be executed within a scheduled job.
Agent providing access to all available ScheduleTaskFactorys.
Definition of an application providing persistency and execution means for a schedule task.
Type used for identifying specific aspects within a running task.
Container providing means to control a task.
Agent providing control handles on a job's tasks.
Interface for a container of custom task data.
Container providing means to access a task's definition.
Context for a task definition, providing specific, task- and job-related agents to access their information.
Agent providing information on the defined tasks within the context's job.
Helper definition for creating and opening a dialog for a schedule task.
Factory to create a task dialog.
Execution context for a task execution, providing specific, task- and job-related agents to access their information.
Executor providing means to execute and validate a scheduled task's operation.
Module class to hook new schedule task types into FirstSpirit.
Marker interface for task data transfer and persistence object.
Definition of a form for configuring a related schedule task.
Container holding configuration information of a schedule task.
Factory for forms allowing to configure a schedule task's data.
Schedule task templates can be used for project or server scoped actions.
Interface representing a schedule task test result.
Wizard dialog for creating schedule entries.
Factory to create a wizard dialog for schedule entries.
Definition of a database schema description.
Interface representing the or schema model.
Interface providing methods for elements which can have schemas as children.
Definition of a container having schema entries.
This interface represants the subroot for schemas in templatestore.
This interface provides methods to handle the scripts in the TemplateStore
Interface providing methods for elements which can have scripts as children.
Common properties:
isWebClient (java.lang.Boolean) - since 4.2.404 - indicates whether this script context is executed in webclient or not.
(Note: This property has been deprecated with 5.0.12, use #isEnv(Env.WEBEDIT) instead)
Type definition of a script engine.
Registry to handle the different script engines.
Definition of a container that holds scripts.
This interface represants the subroot for scripts in templatestore.
Definition of a task to execute a script.
the script task
Definition of an agent offering capabilities to modify the settings for the search indexer.
Please consider using QueryAgent.
Service interface for searching within FIRSTspirit.
Use getService(SearchService.class) to request an instance of this service.
This interface provides methods to handle the sections of Pages in the PageStore.
since 5.0.501 - usages of CMS_INPUT_CONTENTAREALIST should be replaced with FS_CATALOG.
since 5.2.21 - no replacement
Definition of a section as entry in a list.
Interface providing means to operate on section references.
Interface providing means to operate on section templates.
This interface provides methods to handle templates of type section in the TemplateStore
Provider type for query segments.
Model representing a Select statement to query entites from anor session.
Simple model for a single IDProvider selection, used in different selection contexts of the java-client (e.g.
Operation for a lightweight selection of a list of simple options.
Highly configurable operation providing means to select one or more store elements.
A selection container providing access to the selected element and remote project name.
Selection user interface variants.
This exception is thrown if an e-mail could not be sent.
Aspect type providing means to edit a gadget component in a separate window/dialog.
An item used as separator in java client context menus.
Aspect providing an API to highlight textual sequences.
Aspect definition for providing serialization means for value's of a specific type.
This interface provides methods to handle server actions like e.g.
Thrown, if no server action existed for a requested action id.
This class represents a server backup file.
Progress action for the server backup progress.
Interface providing means to operate on server configuration.
The Java Servlet Specification 3.0 introduced "pluggability" features which require the server to scan web applications for annotations.
Agent providing access to the server configuration.
Environment definition for server operations.
Agent providing information of the FirstSpirit server.
Interface representing the FirstSpirit version.
Indicates the mode which is currently active.
Indicates the quality level of the related FirstSpirit version.
A list of all accessible server properties.
A configurable property of the FirstSpirit server, e.g. the socket port number.
Indicates a server release operation
FirstSpirit service interface.
A component descriptor for defining a service.
Locator to look up services while processing a FileBasedUploadFilter.
This exception is thrown if an service is requested Connection.getService(String)which doesn't exists on the server or is not running.
A service proxy is an optional, client-side service implementation.
Interface for a class that brokers services.
Deployment of contents using the FirstSpirit deployment servlet (e.g. used to deploy contents into a local file system remotely)
Session is the entry point for a connection to a database.
Map for keeping session aspects in a type safe manner.
Type used for identifying specific aspects within an access plug-in.
Map for keeping session building aspects in a type safe manner.
Type used for identifying specific aspects within an session builder.
Locator to look up services.
Agent providing means to durably store job related settings.
Exception stating that there is no setting with a requested name.
Operation enabling to show a form as a dialog.
Exception informing about an invalid ruleset definition.
Configurable operation providing means to open and refresh a plugin based report.
Definition of a simple attribute.
Base interface for input components providing a simple text representation.
Singlelineable aspect for a swing gadget, whose component supports a single line layout.
Interface providing means to operate on site store folders.
This interface provides methods to handle the SiteStore-Root
Interface definition for a form data container containing sitestore variables.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Interface representing a snippet definition.
See the section 'Snippet' of the ODFS (online documentation - /help/odfs/template-develo/snippets/index.html) for further information.
Agent providing access to stored element snippet information.
Fallback configuration object definition.
Interface providing means to access snippet definitions.
A configuration definition to provide contextual information being used in snippet building.
Interface providing access to template snippet definitions.
Broker for requesting services or providers, specialized on (small) tasks or information.
Token representing a specialist type.
This interface combines elements which could be start nodes in sitestore.
This interface represents an state in an workflow-model.
Aspect for providing static items for a data access report.
Listener on steps, their states and their progress.
The type of this store (e.g.
Definition for an agent offering access to FirstSpirit's stores.
Definition for an agent offering direct access to store elements by referencing information.
Marker interface identifying folder elements.
The type of a StoreElement.
Listener to receive Store changes.
The type of a Store.
Map for keeping stream building aspects in a type safe manner.
Type used for identifying specific aspects within a stream builder.
Generic utility to provide stream related operations.
Aspect providing means to represent its value as localized string.
Aspect providing means to represent its value type as localized string.
Generic utility to provide string related operations.
Definition of a container defining style specifica.
Interface providing means to operate on style templates.
Definition for defining a link to a style template from a rendering component.
The region targeted by this link.
This interface provides methods to handle the subscription to a corporate-content package.
Host that enables transfers from registered suppliers.
Host that enables transfers from registered suppliers.
A supplier providing a specific type of commodity that further enables to request to take the supplied commodities out of the supplier's value (realizing a cut operation in two steps).
A supplier providing a specific commodity type.
A supplier providing a specific commodity type.
Swingapplication interface to open and control a swing application.
Configuration builder to configure swing applications.
Factory to create a component.
Defines a provider of a swing component.
Aspect for swing based gadgets that provide a focusable component.
Handler providing means to actually give the focus to a focusable.
View mode for gadgets.
The base type for all swing gadget objects in the pluggable FirstSpirit module/component architecture.
Context container for swing based gadgets.
Definition for a factory providing means to create a specific SwingGadget.
Synchronizes the bodies of all pages referencing a PageTemplate by Creating bodies that are defined in the template but missing in the page Removing bodies that are defined in the page but removed from the template Setting the "hidden" attribute as defined in the template
Interface representing the result of the synchronize operation.
This SyncOperationException may be thrown when using ExternalSync API.
A global system prompt definition.
Table is the persistence object of DomTableEditorValue.
Instances represents the cells of a table.
Since 4.2.17 a table cell extends the interface DomNode.
A dom node representing a table.
Interface providing means to operate on table format templates.
A dom node representing a table row of a table.
Interface for templates defining GUI for content store.
Type providing information on a mapping of a field to a column.
Definition of a table template providing editor.
Since 5.0.107 - usages of CMS_INPUT_TABLIST should be replaced with FS_INDEX.
This interface can be used to be informed about tab changes of a specific application tab inside the tab application area.
An abstract adapter class for receiving tablistener events.
Tag interface for tagged repository revisions.
TargetReference is the persistence object of the reference editor (FS_REFERENCE).
TargetReference factory methods.
A workflow task.
Task editor mode
Error code for task verify.
Task context mode
Task priority
This class holds the error code and a localized error message of verify errors.
Error information if an error occured durch a task.
Interface representing a task execution result.
Value holder for the current or a history state of a task $Date$
TaskState creation mode
This interface provides methods to handle templates.
Definition of a container providing information about a body that is part of a page.
Interface providing methods for elements which can have templates as children.
Interface for nodes which provide a template document
Interface representing a node of a template document.
This interface provides methods to handle TemplateExtensions for Page- and Section-Templates
This interface provides methods to handle the TemplateStore-folder like setting the name, creating sub folders, and creating templates.
A package restricted to nodes from templatestore, contentstore, and mediastore.
This interface is implemented by all elements which have a template.
A template set
Interface for nodes which are elements of the TemplateStore and belong to a specific sub root (e.g.
This interface provides methods for the TemplateStore root node, i.e. access to the sub root nodes, getting a template by its 'template id' (TemplateStoreRoot.getTemplateById(long), and getting a workflow by its 'workflow id' (TemplateStoreRoot.getWorkflowById(long)).
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
A dom node representing text content.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Definition for an entry in the timeline of the multi-perspective-preview.
Factory for creation of TimelineEntry.
Provides entries for the timeline of the multi-perspective-preview.
This exception is thrown if a timeout limit is reached.
Hierarchical data object.
Client provider interface for hierarchically organized data.
Persistent format of a TNodesEditorValue.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
FirstSpirit client interface for hierarchically organized data.
Definition of an item providing a toggleable state.
Listener to inform about selection change events.
A toggleable item to be used in a toolbar.
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Information about the token usage of a request.
A context used for client plugin toolbar items.
Agent providing means to gather and collect statistical, timing and usage information.
This kind of event is thrown whenever a tracking point has been hit, e.g. with TrackingAgent.track(UUID, String, String).
Definition for an agent providing means to produce transfer relevant objects.
Exception thrown if consuming a commodity failed.
Handler for transfer supplying.
Host that enables transfers from registered suppliers.
A supplier providing a specific commodity type.
Aspect for providing support of transfer handling.
Aspect providing means to handle transfers.
Aspect providing means to handle transfers.
Host that dispatches transfers to registered handlers in a bulk manner, i.e., if the targeted object is registered, and any of the types to be handled are supported by a transfer, all registered types' data will be resolved and handed to the handler for further processing.
A transfer handler.
Aspect for providing support of transfer supply.
Aspect providing generic means to supply transfers by arbitrary sources.
Transfer type, a typed wrapper for data flavors.
Aspect providing generic means to validate transfers by arbitrary sources in depth.
Interface representing the transformation rules defined in office import module.
This interface represents a transition in the workflow-model.
Common parameter for workflow transitions.
The translation context.
Host that dispatches translation requests to registered handlers.
Handler providing means to translate a certain type of content.
Operation providing means to open a translation view on the client-side.
Definition of a plug-in providing access to translation services.
Content type, a typed wrapper for translatable content flavors.
Options for how to treat associations wrt. indexing.
Abstract typed filter definition providing base mechanisms and factories to easily create specific kinds of filters based on its specific object type.
Abstract type token implementation, click on Use-link above for further reading.
Error thrown, if the sub-type does not give a proper parametrization.
Agent providing UI related functionality.
Indicators for the UI's status.
since 5.2.231004 - Use Function instead
since 5.2.231004 - Use Consumer instead
A RuntimeException with additional information like an error code or localization data.
Exception thrown for unsupported type's of gadgets.
Throw if the script engine is not supported by FirstSpirit.
Aspect providing means to update DAP parameters from within a DAP.
The interface Upload filter.
Media upload hook hot spot interface of FirstSpirit.
This exception indicates a media insertion/upload into the repository has been rejected.
Definition for an agent offering information about the projects seo und short urls.
Each instance of this interface represents an UrlAgent.UrlEntry for a MediaFolder.
Each instance of this interface represents an UrlAgent.UrlEntry for a Media.
Each instance of this interface represents an UrlAgent.UrlEntry for a PageRefFolder.
Each instance of this interface represents an UrlAgent.UrlEntry for a PageRef.
This interface represents a single url entry.
since 5.0.3, use the interface UrlCreator.
Replacement for the FirstSpirit v4 interface UrlCreator.
Factory to transform a legacy UrlCreator implementation into a new UrlCreator instance.
since 5.0.3 - use UrlCreator.Mode.
The different flavours an url can be created in.
Definition for types that provide some url creator.
Specification container for url creator.
An event that is fired when a stored URL is changed.
Allows for distinguishing different event types.
Factory producing URLs for media and content producers.
Context to be given to the UrlFactory.
The context in which an URL will be request using the UrlSupporting aspect.
Builder for an UrlGenerationContext.
Model representing a url.
Provide stored URLs for media, content producer, or folder nodes.
Aspect providing means to support URLs for data objects.
FirstSpirit user.
Interface representing a user used in the permission service.
Definition for an agent providing access to current user information.
Interface representing a users model belonging to the users.xml file specified by the param (DOCUMENT_NAME.users) in service.ini of permission service.
A service providing user based access to a project's data.
Definition for an agent providing access to user statistics.
FIRSTspirit User management.
Enum represanting different order strategies
Agent providing means to validate form data against defined rules.
Aspect for ValueEngineers supporting value validation.
Provides information about constraints on an attribute.
Host that enables transfers from registered suppliers.
A commodities validator.
Definition for classes acting as notifiers for value change events.
Aspect providing means to compare one value to another one in terms of equal meaning.
Engineer operating on values.
Context container for value engineers.
A factory that is able to create a ValueEngineer.
Aspect definition for a persistency object holder of a specified type of value.
An indexer on field based values.
Aspect providing means to support indexing.
Aspect providing means to liken its value to another one.
Marker interface for classes providing a static valueOf(String) method to be created from String.
Utility class to provide reflective mechanism to access the contracted method.
Defines a journal for references.
Service providing a value based on parameterization.
This exception is thrown if a firstspirit client version doesn't fit together with the firstspirit server version and therefore communication problem are expected.
View mode for list components.
FirstSpirit web application interface.
A descriptor for a web app.
Contains filter definition based on an include and exclude list of paths.
The scope describes the place where the component is available: global or project-local webapps.
Identifier for global or project-local web applications.
Factory for WebAppId objects.
Colors compatible with the Webedit color theme.
Provides information of which elements should be available for workflow actions and in which release state is a given element.
Factory to create a WorkflowGroup.
Kind of release state of a given element.
Definition of an item providing an executable operation in the web client.
An executable item to be used in web client reports.
Definition of a plug-in providing specific items for inline editing.
Webedit plug-in providing items.
A marker for a FirstSpirit plug-in that is to run permanently throughout a WebEdit session's lifetime.
since 5.1.5 - use ReportPlugin instead
Object definition for a status information in webedit.
Builder for a WebeditStatusNote.
Provides context information useful for creating statue notes with WebeditStatusNoteContext.createNote().
Item definition for a status information in webedit.
Definition of a plug-in providing specific items for status information in webedit.
This interface maps a given SiteStoreFolder to a (maybe new) PageFolder and is used during create and move operations in the FirstSpirit WebClient.
Plug-in definition targeting the 'Actions' drop-down menu of the WebClient toolbar to provide customized, project-specific actions.
Item definition for the toolbar in Webedit.
Agent providing specific information of the webedit UI.
A web based project environment.
In which web scope is the component available: preview, staging, live, webedit or global.
Definition of a pluggable gadget providing means to a build web-technology based form element on server side.
Definition for factories producing custom client-side gadgets using web-technologies (i.e., HTML, JavaScript, and CSS).
Definition of the host providing means to access and communicate with a web gadget's framework environment.
Definition of a web server component.
since 5.0 - no replacement
since 5.0 - no replacement
A component descriptor for defining a web server.
Java Web Start configuration, e.g. for starting SiteArchitect or ServerManager
Optional aspect defining this gadget component to have a fixed width indicator.
Generic utility to provide windows related operations.
Definition of a workflow element.
This interface represents an workflow-model.
Implementors are FirstSpirit elements which allows starting a workflow.
Agent providing means to start new workflows orprocess steps in existing ones.
This agent is related to the project specified by the surrounding context.
Exception thrown if a timeout occurred.
Context representing a manual activity in the corresponding workflow process.
Interface providing methods for elements which can have workflows and WorkflowFolder as children.
Context object for performing a task state change.
This interface represents an workflow-element from an workflow.
This interface represents a workflow folder in templatestore.
A workflow group contains elements for common workflow actions.
This exception will be thrown if an operation on an element failed because the element is write locked by a workflow instance.
Interface providing methods to define workflow permissions
This interface represants the subroot for workflows in templatestore.
Definition of a context container for workflow scripts.
Type defining information on permissions for a transition.
Boolean enum type for properly named attribute values to switch some option.