Start page / Template development / Forms / Input components / NUMBER

CMS_INPUT_NUMBERAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 3.0

for example
to the methods: Number


This input component is used to input numerical values, whereby the template developer can specify both the values range (e.g. using the parameters max and min) and the type of numbers that can be entered (integer, decimal number, ... using the parameter type) as well as any display format for the numbers (using the parameter format).

Important Depending on the configuration and the language, only figures, a decimal separator (e.g. period if English is chosen as client language), a leading minus and the exponent character E can be input into this input component. Grouping separators (e.g. comma if if English is chosen as client language), round brackets, space characters etc. are not allowed. See also parameter format.

For information about transfer types which are supported for drag-and-drop please see also page Drag-and-drop.

Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters


The following table gives the parameters of the NUMBER input component.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The attribute "name" is the variable name of an input component with which the the result object of the input component can be used in the templates - with the help of $CMS_VALUE()$ - or the content can be output.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The "allowEmpty" parameter is used to specify whether a value has to be entered for an input value or not.

If allowEmpty="YES" input is not mandatory; however, it is if allowEmpty="NO".

Input components with allowEmpty="NO" are also called mandatory input components.

The default value for allowEmpty is YES.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The "convertEntities" attribute is used to convert special characters entered in the input component for output in HTML characters.

There are three forms:

  • convertEntities="NONE" (standard)
  • convertEntities="STANDARD"
  • convertEntities="QUOTE"

With the NONE form, no conversion rules whatsoever are applied.

If STANDARD is given the conversion rules in the "convert" area of the selected conversion rule of the template set are applied.

The form QUOTE explicitly includes STANDARD too. However, the "quote" area of the conversion rule is also applied.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The editable parameter can be used to specify whether editing of an input component is allowed or not.

Editing of the input component is possible if the parameter is omitted.

If NO (...editable="NO"...) is specified, editing of the input component is not possible.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


An input component is always displayed with a pre-defined width.

However, if the input component is to use the full available display width the parameter hFill must be given with the value YES .

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


With the "hidden" parameter an input component can be hidden from the editor.

If hidden="YES" the input component is not visible for the editor, if hidden="NO" it is visible.

The default value for hidden is NO.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The length parameter can be used to specify the width of the input component.

The parameter expects an integer value.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


Using the parameter max the maximum value which can be entered into the input component can be defined.

As a default, any numerical value can be entered into the input component. If a value was specified with max an according note will appear if a numerical value is to be saved in the input component which is higher than the value specified by the max parameter.

The parameter expects a decimal number in the format "Double". A point must be used as decimal separator, e.g. "3.5". If an integer is given, it will be completed automatically by ".0" when the template is saved.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


Using the parameter min the minimal value which can be entered into the input component can be defined.

As a default, any numerical value can be entered into the input component. If a value was specified with min an according note will appear if a numerical value is to be saved in the input component which is smaller than the value specified by the max parameter.

The parameter expects a decimal number in the format "Double". A point must be used as decimal separator, e.g. "3.5". If an integer is given, it will be completed automatically by ".0" when the template is saved.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The noBreak parameter can be used to suppress automatic line break after an input component.

The noBreak parameter must be given with value "YES" (noBreak="YES") to suppress the automatic line break.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


Using the preset attribute the handling of default values in an input component can defined (see also chapter Default values). If preset="default" is set, the fall-back value defined in the form is used. If this value in the form is changed later on, these changes will be affect all usages of this default value in the input components maintained by the editor, as long as a value will be set manually in the input component. This is the default setting. If preset="copy" is set, the value entered by the editor is copied directly into the input component. Subsequent changes to the default value in the form do not have any effect on the usages of this default value in the input components maintained by the editor.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


This parameter can be used for determining the weighting of content of this input component in search results (SiteArchitect: Global search (→Documentation FirstSpirit SiteArchitect), search in data sources | ContentCreator: search in report area). For example, using this parameter, template developers may specify that elements that contain a search term in a headline input component should be displayed more prominently in search results than elements that only contain the search term in a body text input component. Additionally, contents of individual input components may be configured so that they be ignored during indexing for search, which may increase indexing performance.
Input components may be configured with the following values to specify their contents' weight in search indexing:

  • none: The contents of an input component that is configured with this search relevancy value will not be indexed. Pages, sections, and datasets which contain contents in input components configured with this search relevancy value will not appear in search results if the search term only appears in these input components. Searching for contents of such input components using drag-and-drop will yield no results ("The field is not eligible for search, as it is marked non-relevant for searching."). Such fields are also marked accordingly in "Simple Search" in data sources ("Not eligible for searching.").
  • default: The input component's content receives default weight in the search index (default setting).
  • high: The contents of an input component that is configured with this search relevancy value will be displayed more prominently in search results (exception: search for datasets). This means that if a search term appears in both an element with an input component configured with high search relevancy and an element with an input component configured with default search relevancy, the element which contains the search term in a high-relevancy input component will be shown in a higher position in search results.

If the parameter is not specified for an input component, the component's contents will be indexed with a default weight (searchRelevancy="default").

Note: Header fields of snippets (tab Snippet in templates, "Label" field) are also indexed. If an input component is configured with a weighting none (searchRelevancy="none") but its value is included in the template's snippet header field, searching for the input component's value will cause the associated element to appear in search results

Changing the weighting setting of an input component in a template does not immediately affect existing elements based upon that template, and search results will continue to reflect the old weighting until elements based upon that template are modified (at which time they will be reindexed in the background). Alternatively, the entire project or parts of it may be reindexed via a schedule task or the FirstSpirit APIs, which does not require elements to be changed (see FirstSpirit Manual for Administrators, Chapter "Rebuild search index (→Documentation for Administrators)"). However, reindexing large numbers of elements is memory and CPU-intensive and should only be performed during a planned maintenance period!

For further information, see

  • interface GomSearchRelevancy (package, FirstSpirit Access API)
  • interface SearchService (package, FirstSpirit Access API)
  • interface QueryAgent (package, FirstSpirit Access API)

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The singleLine parameter can be used to specify whether an input component is to be displayed in one row (without frame) or not.

If the parameter is not given the input component is displayed in one row - without a frame.

If NO (...singleLine="NO"...) is specified the input component is displayed over two rows with a frame.

To ensure uniform layout of the input components it is advisable to enter the following for the input components which support this attribute (e.g. COMBOBOX, NUMBER, TEXT and TOGGLE) singleLine="NO".

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


Using the parameter type you can define the type of number which is to be used for displaying and storing numbers in the input component CMS_INPUT_NUMBER.

Two types are available:

  • LONG: Numbers are processed in the long integer format. They are integers between -263 and 263-1. They can take a memory capacity up to 8 bytes (see java.lang.Long). Example: ...type="LONG"...
  • DOUBLE: Numbers are processed in the double format. They are floating-point numbers between 2-1074 and (2-2-52) * 21023. They can take a memory capacity up to 8 bytes (see java.lang.Double). Example: ...type="DOUBLE"...

The default setting for type is LONG. I.e. that only integers are allowed in the input component by default.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The useLanguages parameter can be used to specify whether or not an input component is to store different or deviating values for different languages (multi-lingual maintenance).

If the parameter is not given, deviating values are stored for the different languages as a default.

If NO (...useLanguages="NO") is specified, one value is stored for all languages.

Available from FirstSpirit Version 5.2R5 useLanguages="YES" will potentially no longer be evaluated in FirstSpirit version 5.2R5 and higher. See also parameter forbidPolyglotDataHierarchy (FS_CATALOG).

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value

LANGINFOSAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 4.0

Using the tag LANGINFOS language-dependent information can be defined for each input component, e.g. which title is to be used for the input component in the different project languages (parameter label), which tooltip is to be displayed (parameter description) etc. For reasons of clarity, definitions which are identical in multiple languages will be merged. For example,

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Datum"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Datum"/>
<LANGINFO lang="EN" label="Datum"/>

will be merged to

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Datum"/>

after saving.

Available from FirstSpirit Version 4.2R2 Up to and including FirstSpirit version 4.2R2 language definitions will be deleted only in the case if the values are identical in all languages (as in example above). Furthermore, only the parameters lang, description and label are taken into account when merging.

Available from FirstSpirit Version 4.2R4 Since FirstSpirit version 4.2R4 all parameters are taken into account (e.g. format and length). Furthermore, language definitions are also merged within LANGINFOS tags, if they are identical in at least two languages. For example,

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Date" format="dd.MM.yy"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Date" format="dd.MM.yy"/>
<LANGINFO lang="EN" label="Date" format="MM/dd/yy"/>

will become

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Date" format="dd.MM.yy"/>
<LANGINFO lang="EN" label="Date" format="MM/dd/yy"/>

after saving.

The definition for the fallback value (*) will not be deleted in any case. If there are two or more language definitions with identical values the first one will be maintained, the other will be deleted.

Available from FirstSpirit Version 4.2R2 IMPORTANT: Up to and including FirstSpirit version 4.2R2 at least one definition for the fallback labelling ("*") must be given:

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="TEXT"/>

Available from FirstSpirit Version 4.2R4 From FirstSpirit version 4.2R4 the fallback definition can be omitted. In this case, the language which is defined first will be used automatically as fallback value. For example,

<LANGINFO lang="EN" label="Date"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Datum"/>

will become

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Date"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Datum"/>

after saving.

LANGINFOAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 3.1

The LANGINFO tag is used to give values or attributes for a language as well for use as fallback values.

In order to state values or attributes for a language it is necessary to give the abbreviation of the project language in the lang parameter:

<LANGINFO lang="DE".../>

Fallback values are given with the special language abbreviation * ("for all languages"):

<LANGINFO lang="*".../>

The lang parameter is a mandatory parameter.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The lang parameter is used to give the language abbreviation which is entered in the server properties see Language templates (→Documentation for Administrators)) to specify for which project languages the definitions are to apply, e.g. DE for German, EN for English, FR for French etc. The following characters can be used as often as required: -, _, 0-9 and A-Z. Lower case letters are transformed automatically into upper case letters after having saved the template. In addition * can be used for fallback values.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The description parameter can be used to specify a description of how the input component is to be used and filled by the editor. The text defined here is displayed as a tooltip on mouse-over at the relevant input component.

The text should serve as a guide for the editor and be as short as possible, understandable and relevant. It should match the label (label parameter) and complement it appropriately.
Make sure to use terminology that the editor knows and expects.


...description="Please enter the text for the headline here (H1)."...

Tip: If you would like to know how to better support and guide editors when filling input components, take a look at the chapter on Rules and other parameters and functions of forms.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


Using the parameter format you can define how numbers are to be displayed in the input component. Here, country-specific particularities are taken into account.

For this purpose a formatting pattern can be specified. This is a model for defining e.g. if and which symbols are used as decimal separator (comma or dot) and how many decimal places are to be output etc. After having left the editing mode the numbers entered by the editor are adapted – if necessary – to the format requested by the formatting pattern. However, the value of the number will never be changed.

The following symbols can be used for the formatting pattern:

  • 0
    Wildcard for digits. The number of nulls will have an impact on if empty places are filled with zeros or on how many digits can be entered after the decimal separator.
    • Case 1: If 0 is used in a formatting pattern without dots or before a dot (see below), the number of nulls will have an effect on the editor's input if the number of nulls of the formatting pattern is greater than the places of the editor's number: the places which are wmpty in the editor's input, will be filled with zeros.
      Example: Using the formatting pattern "00" a "3" which is input in the component, will be "03" after saving.
    • Case 2: If 0 is used in a formatting pattern after a dot only, the editor can enter only as many decimal places as the formatting pattern nulls comprises. Decimal places which are requested by the formatting pattern but not given by the editor will be filled with zeros.
      Examples: Using the formatting pattern "0.00" only two decimal places can be entered in the component. If only one decimal place is entered a null will be added: "012,3" will become "12,30" after saving.
  • #
    Wildcard for digits. If the place is empty in the editor's input it will stay empty after saving. By this means, leading zeros and zeros after commas will be deleted. If # is used after a dot (see below) the editor can enter only as many decimal places as # are defined by the formatting pattern.
    Examples: Using the formatting pattern "#.#" the editor can enter only one decimal place. "012,3" will become "12,3" after saving.
  • . (dot)
    Decimal separator, separates integer and decimal places. It will be only respected if type="DOUBLE" (see parameter type above) is set.
    Only one decimal separator may be used in a formatting pattern. If no decimal separator is defined no decimal number can be entered into the component. The decimal separator must be entered depending on the language, selected on the FirstSpirit home page ("Locale"), e.g. , (comma) if German is used as language and . (dot) if English is selected.
    Example: see examples for 0 and #
  • , (comma)
    Grouping separator. For reasons of readability of big numbers the digits of the number can for example be united into triples starting from the lowest places by using the symbol ,. If more than one is defined , in one formatting pattern only the last will be interpreted. The grouping separator must entered depending on the language, selected on the FirstSpirit home page ("Locale"), e.g. . (dot) if German is used as language and , (comma) if English is selected. It can also be combined with the dot (see above).
    Example: Using the formatting pattern ",000.00", "12345678,9" will become "12.345.678,90" after saving.
  • E (exponent sign)
    The number will be displayed in exponent notation.
    Example: Using the formatting pattern "##E0", "1234567890" will become "12E8" after saving.

Important Formattings are displayed in the input component depending on the selected language.
Important If using several symbols please pay attention that they do not conflict. If an invalid formatting pattern is defined, the template can not be saved and a notification will be displayed.
Important For outputting national currency symbols, per cent and per mille signs and individual text the method format (data type Number) can be used.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


Use the label parameter to define the label of the input component.

Choose a label that is as short and meaningful as possible.
In combination with a relevant description (description parameter), you can help the editor to use the input component correctly and successfully.


... label="Headline (H1)" ...

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


Positive integer


Unique identifier of variable length; must start with a letter or underscore and may only contain the characters "A-Z", "a-z", "0-9" and "_", e.g. "fr_st_varName"


Switch to define the type of number

LONGAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 2.0

Number of the type Long Integer (integers between -263 und 263-1)

DOUBLEAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 2.0

Number of the type Double (floating-point numbers between 2-1074 und (2-2-52) * 21023


Definition of relevancy for search

NONEAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 5.2.305


DEFAULTAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 5.2.305

Normal relevance

HIGHAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 5.2.305

High relevance


How to deal with default values

CopyAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 4.0

The value entered by the editor is copied directly into the input component, subsequent changes do not have any effect

DefaultAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 4.0

The fall-back value defined in the form is used, as long as a value will be set manually


A random character string


Switch to apply an attribute or not

NOAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 2.0

Do not apply attribute

YESAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 2.0

Apply attribute


Switch with which to define the conversion rule

NONEAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 2.0

Do not use any conversion rules

STANDARDAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 2.0

Use the conversion rules of the "convert" area

QUOTEAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 2.1

Use the conversion rules of the "convert" and "quote" area


Double precision number.


Language abbreviation, e.g. DE, EN, FR or * for return values


An example of the input component NUMBER:

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="TEXT_FALLBACK" description="TEXT_FALLBACK"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="TEXT_DE" description="TEXT_DE"/>
<LANGINFO lang="EN" label="TEXT_EN" description="TEXT_EN"/>

For the output of the NUMBER a simple $CMS_VALUE(...)$ instruction can be used, or the template developer uses a $CMS_IF(...)$ to query the value of the form of a NUMBER.

$CMS_IF(st_number > 0)$
$CMS_VALUE(st_number)$ * 4 = $CMS_VALUE(st_number * 4)$<br>

The output is then as follows.

  223 * 4 = 892<br>

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