Start page / Template development / Rules / Form properties <PROPERTY/> / Property CONTAINERTYPE


Returns the object type that contains an input component

Available from FirstSpirit Version 5.2R6 Input components can be used in different contexts, in sections, in list components such as FS_CATALOG, or also in datasets or pages. The CONTAINERTYPE attribute can be used to determine the type of object. Depending on the surrounding object type, the input component can then be actively displayed or hidden, for example (or even block them from being edited).

The expression <PROPERTY source='#global' name='CONTAINERTYPE'/> can also be used as the rule definition in the value determination area (or for the definition of a precondition). It returns the identifier of the container type, whereby the returned value corresponds to the type name (in uppercase letters). The following types are currently supported:

Type name

Surrounding object/container type


Input component of the FS_CATALOG type


Input component of the CMS_INPUT_DOM type


Input component of the CMS_INPUT_DOMTABLE type


Input component of the CMS_INPUT_LINK type


Input component of the CMS_INPUT_IMAGEMAP type


Section underneath a content area


No surrounding object/container
(e.g., input component opened in a dataset, on a page, or
through programming via API)


The returned value can be compared with the type names given above via <TEXT/>.

Note: The ELEMENTTYPE attribute can determine whether it is a page.


Check if the input component is in FS_CATALOG

In this example, a check is being carried out to ascertain whether the input component is contained in a FS_CATALOG component. If this is the case, the “st_text” component is shown. If it is not contained in a FS_CATALOG, it will not be shown.

<PROPERTY name="CONTAINERTYPE" source="#global"/>
<PROPERTY name="VISIBLE" source="st_text"/>

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