Start page / Template development / Forms / Input components / FS_LIST: Migration Guide

Example project for lists

On this page you can download an example project which, among other things, illustrates the following topics:

  • Exemplary configurations and combinations of tags and parameters for the different input component types
  • Comparison of
    • FS_CATALOG vs. FS_LIST (Type Inline)
    • FS_INDEX vs. FS_LIST (Type Database)
  • Application cases for use of FS_INDEX
  • Application cases for use of FS_LIST (discontinued with 2020-01), e.g. creating and managing
  • Simple output options

This example project for lists focuses on the function of the list input components FS_CATALOG, FS_INDEX and FS_LIST (discontinued with 2020-01) and related FirstSpirit features. The Content Schemata and templates used in the application cases are kept as simple as possible to enable the relationships between the functions to be more easily highlighted. The HTML output of the project on the other hand is deliberately kept simple.

Important This example project which is presented here is currently being developed and can change at any time. It is not claimed to be complete or exhaustive. It can be individually changed and extended to meet your own needs.

You can download the example project from here:
Example project (Version 2024.8)

To use FS_LIST in the DATASOURCE type SERVICE (section template “FormDataProviderExample” in the folder “Form definitions / type="SERVICE"”) the “FirstSpirit FormDataProvider Example” module must also be installed on the FirstSpirit server (file name “fs-example_listprovider.fsm”). You can download this here:
FirstSpirit FormDataProvider Example module (Version 2024.8)

To use FS_INDEX with the “TextBlocksDataAccessPlugin” (section template “TextBlocksDataAccessPlugin” in the folder “Form definitions / FS_INDEX”) the “FirstSpirit WebClient Examples” module must also be installed on the FirstSpirit server (file name “fs5_webclient_examples.fsm”). See also page Plug-In Development / Examples.

Structure and description of the example project

The example project is adequately and realistically filled in all Stores.

The project is multilingual (German, English and French (without any content). “English” was deliberately chosen as the master language, to take into account increasing internationalization. The display and reference names were assigned for all elements in the languages German and English throughout. The tree labeling can therefore be set to the required display via the “View / Preferred display language” menu. A uniform schema was chosen for the reference names. Numbering was also used at special points, in order to specify consistent sorting.

Navigation is implemented in the project. This can be disabled or enabled for each page using the “Only content” and “Content and navigation” radio buttons respectively in the Page Store.

The structure of the project is described in the following. The descriptions are based on the templates used. Their use or effect in the Page or Content Store can be easily determined by using “Show usages” (“Extras” context menu) or Ctrl+U.

Form configurations

Especially FS_LIST provides extensive application and configuration options and is very complex due to the large number of tags and parameters that can be used. Exemplary configurations and combinations are presented in the example project, ordered by DATASOURCE types. The corresponding templates are located in the section templates (Template Store), "“Form definitions”" folder (reference name: "“form_definitions”"). Example forms for each DATASOURCE type are grouped together in folders.

The name of the section template indicates the type of configuration. It is formed within the form definitions for FS_LIST according to the following schema:
Basic description (Aspect) [Parameter]
For example, "“CONTENTLIST → FS_LIST (MediaMode)”" refers to a configuration of FS_LIST as a replacement for CMS_INPUT_CONTENTLIST (DATASOURCE type DATABASE) with the MEDIAMODE tag. In addition, various layout variants are implemented (e.g. CONTENTLIST → FS_LIST (StackedView) [Selection: PopUp] or CONTENTLIST → FS_LIST (SimpleView) [Alignment: Right]).

For examples for FS_CATALOG and FS_INDEX please refer to the correspondent folders in the folder “Form definitions” and to the folder “Comparison of input components”.

Media galleries

A media gallery is implemented in the example project. The table templates on which the gallery and media table are based are located below the “Media Galleries” database schema (Template Store, “Database schemes” node).

The media gallery function can also be used in the Page Store. The section template based variant is used for this: Section template “CONTENTLIST → FS_LIST (MediaMode)” in the Template Store, “Section Templates” node, “Form definitions” folder, “type='DATABASE'” folder.

The workflow, with which media galleries and the selected media can be simultaneously released, is filed under the workflows in the project and is called “Media dependent content release (Content-Store)” (reference name “media_dependent_content_release”). The integrated script required for this (“Media dependent content release (script)”) is located in the “Workflows” folder, under the “Scripts” node.

Product database

The product database has been reduced to a few exemplary functions. The corresponding database schema and the table templates and queries are located under the “Products” Database Schema (Template Store, “Database Schemes” node).

Complex product database

A complex product database is implemented under the “Attributed relations” node in the Database schemes. Product data can be entered in a central table (“Product” data source), for which information from two other tables, each linked via a 1:N external key relationship, can be accessed. In this way, multiple categorizations can be made.

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