Introduction / FirstSpirit JMX Console / ConnectionPool


from FirstSpirit 5.2R5 onward

This entry contains information about databases the FirstSpirit server is connected to. The display is dynamic, i.e. the entry will only be loaded in the JMX console if the project using a database connection is loaded by at least one user. The information will then be updated dynamically during the runtime. Each project and each database connection is represented by an individual MBean which will be shown within the folder “ConnectionPool”.


ConnectionRetryCount: Number of connection attempts to the database. When executing an SQL query, FirstSpirit tries to employ a currently established but unused connection from the connection pool. If no unused connections are available, FirstSpirit attempts to establish a new connection to the database. In that case, queries may be rejected (e.g. due to the database configuration).

ConnectionRetryCycleMillis: Defines the time interval (in milliseconds) that the ORMapper will wait before retrying to establish a connection to the database if the previous attempt failed.

ConnectionTimeoutMillis: Defines the time interval (in milliseconds) after which the FirstSpirit server considers an unused connection in the connection pool to be outdated and thus closes that connection. Values of zero or negative values will deactivate the time-out.

DatabaseUrl: Contains the JDBC URL to a database server and a database located on that server, e.g.:


The format of JDBC URLs is specific to each database system. For more information, see the documentation specific to the database system.

Driver: Contains the fully-qualified class name of the JDBC driver used.

FetchConnectionTimeoutMillis: Defines the time interval (in milliseconds) that the FirstSpirit server waits for an unused connection from the connection pool while accessing the database.

IsolationLevel: Transaction isolation level for the JDBC database connection. See the Java documentation for valid values. The set of available isolation levels is specific to each database system. For more information, see the documentation specific to the database system.

MaxConnections: Maximum allowable number of concurrent established connections to the database per connection pool.                                             

MinConnections: Minimum guaranteed number of available established connections to the database per connection pool.

OpenConnections: Number of currently established connections to the database per connection pool.   

PoolCheckIntervalMillis: Defines the time interval (in milliseconds) between two checks of all established connections in the connection pool.

PoolSize: Size of the connection pool. This value always matches the number given in maxConnections (see above).

PoolTimeoutMillis: Defines the time interval (in milliseconds) during which the FirstSpirit server may use a database connection from the connection pool. If the server does not release that connection before the end of this interval, the connection will be closed automatically.

UsedConnections: Number of currently established and used database connections.


void flushConnections(): Executing this method causes all unused connections in the connection pool to be closed and, if necessary, new connections to be established up to the number given in MinConnections.

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