Introduction / FirstSpirit JMX Console / Reference Manager

Reference Manager

Essential FirstSpirit functions are based on a project's reference graph. The reference graph is used to identify dependencies of objects within complex projects. The Reference Manager is responsible for calculating and supplying these references. The calculation of references is usually automated and done while the project is being worked on. In some cases, however, manual recalculation of the references may be necessary. The recalculation of references is asynchronous, i.e. servers and projects can still be used while the reference calculation is running. However, this is not recommended, since some operations that analyze the reference graph may be relying on incomplete information. Therefore, objects used in a project are deleted if the incoming references have not yet been calculated in their entirety.


ActiveCalculated: current number of all project references being recalculated on the FirstSpirit server.

ActiveDuration: current duration of the actively running recalculation of project references on the FirstSpirit server. This information is also shown in ServerMonitoring under Overview – Activities.

ActiveQueued: current number of project references waiting to be calculated on the FirstSpirit server.

ActiveRecalculations: current number of project references that are being recalculated now.

ActiveRepaired: current number of repaired project references on the FirstSpirit server. This information is also shown in ServerMonitoring under Overview – Activities.

CalculationRate: number of references that were recalculated within the last 60 seconds (references per minute).


void updateProjectReferences(): this method starts recalculation of all obsolete project references on the FirstSpirit server.

void startRecalculation(projectID): this method starts recalculation of the most recent revision of project references for a particular project. The JConsole is used to pass the project ID for which a recalculation of the references is to be started.

The recalculation of project references can also be monitored in ServerMonitoring under Overview – Activities.

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