Introduction / FirstSpirit JMX Console / Project Manager

Project Manager

The Project Manager primarily provides information on the exact number of objects (grouped by object types and stores) of a project. Each project has its own MBean, which is displayed under the “ProjectManager” folder. This information is not updated dynamically. The calculation is started once the calculateCounters()method is called. This updates the desired information in the Attributes area while at the same time setting the value for the _Status attribute to CALCULATED.


All: number of all the project's objects.

All_ContentStore: number of all objects in the project data store.

All_GlobalStore: total number of objects in the global settings for the project.

All_MediaStore: number of all objects in the project media store.

All_PageStore: number of all objects in the project page store.

All_SiteStore: number of all objects in the site store.

All_TemplateStore: number of all objects in the template store.

ContentStoreDefinitions: number of data sources in the project data store.

ContentStoreFolders: number of folders in the project data store.

GlobalStoreBodyNodes: number of content areas in the global content area of the project.

GlobalStoreFolders: number of folders in the global content area of the project.

GlobalStoreGlobalContentArea: number of objects in the global content area of the project.

GlobalStorePages: number of pages in the global content area of the project.

GlobalStoreSections: number of sections in the global content area for the project.

MediaStoreFolders: number of folders in the project media store.

MediaStoreMedia: number of media (files, images) in the project media store.

PageStoreBodyNodes: number of content areas in the project page store.

PageStoreContentSections: number of references to a table template within the page store.

PageStoreSections: number of sections in the project page store.

PageStoreFolders: number of folders in the project page store.

PageStorePages: number of pages in the project page store.

PageStoreSectionReferences: number of section references within the project page store.

SiteStoreDocumentGroups: number of document groups in the project site store.

SiteStoreFolders: number of menu levels in the project site store.

SiteStorePageReferences: number of page references in the project site store.

TemplateStoreFormatTemplates: number of format templates in the project template store.

TemplateStoreLinkTemplates: number of link templates in the project template store.

TemplateStorePageTemplates: number of page templates in the project template store.

TemplateStoreQueries: number of queries in the project template store.

TemplateStoreSchemes: number of schemata in the project template store.

TemplateStoreScripts: number of scripts in the project template store.

TemplateStoreStyleTemplates: number of style templates in the project template store.

TemplateStoreTableFormatTemplates: number of table format templates in the project template store.

TemplateStoreTableTemplates: number of table templates in the project template store.

TemplateStoreWorkflows: number of workflows in the project template store.

_Status: status of the calculation NOT_CALCULATED | CALCULATED. The calculation is started by executing the calculateCounters() method and then the value CALCULATED is set; executing the resetCounters() method resets it to the value NOT_CALCULATED.


void resetProjectStores(): when executing the method, the cached, server-side Access API stores are reset. This may be practical, for instance, when adding or removing resolutions or languages in a project and these changes are not yet visible in the project. Note: this method should not be executed while the server is running.

void resetCounters(): when executing the method, the number of attribute values previously calculated is reset to 0. After execution, the value of the _STATUS attribute changes to NOT_CALCULATED.

void calculateCounters(): the number of project objects provided as attribute values in the individual MBeans need to be calculated in advance. To do this, the calculateCounters() method needs to be executed. After execution, the value of the _STATUSattribute changes to CALCULATED.

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