Introduction / FirstSpirit JMX Console / Session Manager

Session Manager

The Session Manager is responsible for managing the server sessions. When a user logs in, a new session is created on the server. The Session Manager regularly checks to see if a session is still valid or if it has already finished (see ExecutionManager). An overview can also be requested in FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring.


ActiveProjectsCount: number of projects with active sessions.

ActiveUsersCount: number of users with an active session.

LicenseSessionCount: number of sessions requiring a FirstSpirit license based on the FirstSpirit licensing terms and conditions. Temporary sessions, i.e. sessions created by the server, are not shown.

MaxSessionCount: maximum number of possible sessions based on the FirstSpirit license.

SessionCount: number of currently valid sessions. Temporary sessions, i.e. sessions created by the server, are not shown. Note: updates, e.g. user manually deleting cookies, are potentially displayed only after a timeout of 20 minutes. 

SessionCreationRate: number of sessions recently opened within the last 60 seconds. 

TicketCount: number of tickets on the FirstSpirit server. 


void dumpSessions(): executing this method writes the session information to the server log file (fs-server.log).

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