Introduction / FirstSpirit start page

FirstSpirit start page

Important The graphics of the FirstSpirit start page, FirstSpirit ContentCreator, and FirstSpirit SiteArchitect are currently being revised, however functions and user guidance remain largely unchanged.
Adjustment of the documentation is carried out gradually. The presentation in this documentation may therefore no longer correspond to the current design.

Initial access to FirstSpirit Server is usually via the Internet. In accordance with the settings, the standard connection to FirstSpirit Server is established during installation (see the Installing FirstSpirit (→Installation Instructions)).

Depending on the login configuration, the login procedure may be automatic or it may require entry of the user name and password. The login procedure is configured in the fs-jaas.conf configuration file.

Important Logging onto multiple FirstSpirit servers simultaneously with the same host names (e.g. myServer:8200 and myServer:8400) via a web browser is not supported.

Automatic login using single sign-on (SSO)

If the server has an SSO-compatible login module, the user can be authenticated (e.g. using his Windows login credentials) on the FirstSpirit server automatically. To do this, the jaas.default parameter must be configured for SSO (for configuration JAAS see Area: JAAS – Login configuration). The corresponding configuration can be made using FirstSpirit ServerManager (see Start page).

When the start page is retrieved, the system checks if automatic login is possible. If the server has an SSO-compatible login module, the user is logged onto the FirstSpirit server automatically using his Windows login credentials and is sent straight to the start page. If the user is not yet registered on the server under his Windows login credentials, he is added as a new external user.

Login with user name and password

If automatic login fails (or if SSO login is not configured), a login page appears. The user can log onto the FirstSpirit server using the login screen. This login method applies to all applications on the server and will even retain inactive users for a certain length of time.

User: the user name that the user will use to log onto the FirstSpirit server is entered in this field.

Password: the user password is entered in this field.

Clicking on the Login button logs the user in under the registered user name.

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