Introduction / FirstSpirit Server configuration / Configuration files (FirstSpirit Server) / FirstSpirit Server (fs-server.conf) / Preview

Area: Preview

# preview


A comma-separated list of file extensions to be supplied directly by the servlet engine can be specified here. Files that are not in the list are supplied to the web server via an internal redirect. (This can be an Apache web server, for instance, which then handles processing of the file, e.g. PHP.)

Default value: *

This is used to allow the servlet engine to supply all files with an extension that is not in the preview.externalDelivery parameter list.


This parameter is used to specify a comma-separated list of file extensions that are to be supplied by an external web server and not by the servlet engine. This parameter is only taken into account when the preview.internalDelivery parameter is set to *.

By default, the parameter is empty and must be set as needed.


This parameter is used to specify the URL to the external web server that will be used for file types that were not defined in the preview.internalDelivery parameter (e.g. PHP or ASP). The URL is composed of the server name and the port.

Example: preview.externalDeliveryURL=

By default, the parameter is empty and must be set as needed.


This parameter accepts a comma-separated list which contains the names of HTTP header fields which should be forwarded to the external web server specified by the parameter externalDeliveryURL (see above). Evaluation of this parameter is case-insensitive.

Possible values:

  • preview.externalDeliveryForwardHttpHeaders=   
    Parameter is specified with an empty value. No header fields and cookies are forwarded to the external web server.
  • preview.externalDeliveryForwardHttpHeaders=Cookie
    (Default) Cookies set in header fields will be forwarded to the external web server, other header fields will not be forwarded. This setting is also used if the parameter is not specified.
  • preview.externalDeliveryForwardHttpHeaders=*
    All header fields will be forwarded to the external web server. (Note: If the wildcard * is contained in a comma-separated list that contains explicit mentions of HTTP header fields, the wildcard will be ignored.)
  • preview.externalDeliveryForwardHttpHeaders=f1,f2
    The HTTP header fields named f1 and f2 will be forwarded to the external web server.


This parameter can be used to configure the delivery of content via a redirect (true) or via an include (false, default).

Possible values:

  • preview.externalDeliveryRedirect=false (default value)
    The content of an external web server will be loaded, included, and delivered by the servlet engine (e.g., Apache Tomcat) configured in FirstSpirit.
  • preview.externalDeliveryRedirect=true
    A redirect to the external URL (HTTP status 302) will be performed, so that the browser on the client PC can load the page directly from there.
    This setting should be used if the application server used by FirstSpirit does not have access to the web server delivering the contents.

Configuration (Example):

# external preview 
# Redirect browser to external delivery URL instead of requesting the external delivery URL and including the response.


The generated pages that are stored temporarily in the cacheDir are only valid for the time interval defined here (in seconds). If the interval has lapsed, the preview pages (when requested) are regenerated and cached again. All files that are older than the set time interval are removed from the cache.

The default value is 1200 seconds; the minimum value is 60.


This parameter is used to add a time stamp to file names. This is important, for instance, when using IBM WebSphere so that JSP files can be recompiled correctly when the content of the file has changed after being compiled previously. For this purpose, a comma-separated list of file extensions that are to have a time stamp appended to the file names is specified for preview.cacheFileWithTimestamp, e.g.   

In order to add the time stamp to all file names, the parameter can be set to *.
The parameter is empty by default. The parameter must be set when using IBM WebSphere.


Usually files that are still in the cache of a web browser and have not changed since they were last queried are not resent by the server. Instead, the server sends the HTTP status code 304 (“Not modified”). The preview.enforceDelivery parameter is used to specify file types for which a response using the status code 304 is never to be sent. This makes it possible to force a delivery for these file types. For the parameter, multiple file extensions can be specified by separating them with a comma.

Default setting:   


Available from FirstSpirit Version 5.2R7 Multi Perspective Preview (MPP, see Multi Perspective Preview (→Documentation FirstSpirit SiteArchitect)) allows previews of pages as they would look at future dates. Use this parameter for defining globally, if you want to cache files for these previews or not.

  • true: Preview pages will be cached. This potentially creates many files, enabling previews for previously viewed pages to load faster. (Default value)
  • false: Preview pages will not be cached. This causes all relevant files to be created anew upon a preview request. This potentially causes more load but creates fewer files in the cache directory.

Use of true is recommended if editors are able to request previews for pages as they would look at future dates via the MPP timeline.

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