Introduction / FirstSpirit Server configuration / Configuration files (FirstSpirit Server) / FirstSpirit Server (fs-server.conf) / VM hiccup detector MBean
Area: VM hiccup detector MBean
# VM hiccup detector MBean
# start VM hiccup detection thread
# log warning if VM hiccup exceeds this limit in seconds
This section is used to configure the measurement of Java VM breaks. Prolonged VM breaks (“hiccups”) of this nature are not desirable. They can be caused by a lengthy GarbageCollection, for example. The MBean HiccupMeter used to measure brakes uses a dedicated thread which can be started and stopped.
This thread is used to start the metering thread (default value: true).
This parameter is used to configure a time interval in seconds (default value 20 s). A warning is written to the server log when the time interval expires for a Java VM break.