Introduction / FirstSpirit Server configuration / Configuration files (FirstSpirit Server) / FirstSpirit Server (fs-server.conf) / FirstSpirit Web App

Area: fs4root (FirstSpirit web app)

Table of contents
# fs4-root
# store element least recently used cache element size for each session
# (-1 : weak references / 0 : soft references / <-1 : lru and weak references /
# >0 : lru and soft references, -999999 : bypass cache)

# login timeout in seconds for web authentication


This parameter defines the size of the cache for web session project objects that are required in order to generate the preview. The value defined here determines the number of store elements that can be stored in the cache.


If a server fails or takes too long to answer (>30 seconds), timeouts may arise during login to the root web application. The time span after which a timeout occurs can be increased via the parameter web.login.timeout (default value: 30).

# login timeout in seconds for web authentication

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