Introduction / FirstSpirit Server configuration / Configuration files (FirstSpirit Server) / FirstSpirit Server (fs-server.conf) / Server Reporting Parameters

Area: Server Reporting Parameters

# server reporting parameters
# disable reporting, default value is "true", use "false" to enable it
# reporting.disabled=true
# the min. level to report - ERROR, WARN, INFO

Using these parameters the automatic reporting of software errors can be activated (see Automatic reporting of software errors (optional)). The reporting is deactivated by default.


This parameter can be used to enable (false) or disable (true) the function. If the parameter is not given, the function is disabled by default.


This parameter can be used to configure the level of reporting. Messages with ERROR level and higher are included into the automatic reporting by default.

Therefore, in order to use automatic error reporting, the


parameter must be supplemented in the fs-server.conf file.

For more information please see Automatic reporting of software errors (optional).

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