Introduction / FirstSpirit Server configuration / Configuration files (FirstSpirit Server) / FirstSpirit Server (fs-server.conf) / Privacy
Area: Privacy
# Privacy
You can use this parameter to make personal system data of deleted users (for example via FirstSpirit ServerManager / User / Delete) anonymous in FirstSpirit (see also page Notes about GDPR).
Default value is false. If the parameter is set to true (privacy.anonymizeDeletedUsersData=true), data from deleted users can no longer be obtained. In the revision history (see Version management (→Documentation FirstSpirit SiteArchitect)) and in other locations where the user name would be displayed, the phrase {DELETED USER} and, if applicable, the ID of the deleted user is displayed instead.
Note: If this parameter is reset to the value privacy.anonymizeDeletedUsersData=false, the personal system data of deleted users will be displayed again. For permanent anonymization, the Anonymize menu function of the ServerManager should be used.