Introduction / FirstSpirit Server configuration / Roll-out process for native applications / Roll-out process (server)

Roll-out process for native applications

Roll-out process (server)

A browser engine is used in FirstSpirit within the scope of the “Integrated preview” (inline preview) function. The native system components required for this must first be distributed to the users' workstation systems.

The fs-isolated-server.jar file contains for this purpose a current version of all platform-dependent, native components of the browser integration (client application). As a default, when the server is started, the client application is extracted into the ~FirstSpirit5\data\clientapp directory, for example, in Windows operating systems under:


The directory for the roll-out process of the client application files can be configured using the CLIENTAPP_PATH parameter in the file fs-server.conf (see FirstSpirit Server configuration (fs-server.conf)).

An application consists of operating system dependent files and common files. The common files are located in the “common” directory. The operating system dependent files are located in separate, operating system-specific directories, for example, clientapp\jxbrowser4\windows or clientapp\jxbrowser4\osx.

Server version management: If the respective application directory contains a version.txt file, the application is subject to server version management and, if necessary, is updated with each server start.

If version.txt is deleted, the application is no longer updated by the server and must be managed manually.

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