Start page / Template development / Template syntax / System objects / #global / Page-specific

Page-related #global invocations

The demands made of a website are very many and diverse. For example, several websites are multi-lingual, others are monolingual. Several have several content areas - others only have one single one.

Page-related information and mechanisms are required for the display and linking of complex websites with multi-lingual pages and several content areas.

In FirstSpirit, the system object #global can be used to access site-related information (includes, among other things, pages, sections, page references, content areas, etc.).

The most important page-related invocations are listed in the following table:



Return data type


Returns the canonical URL of the generated page (as an absolute path with prefix; see instruction $CMS_REF()$, parameter abs:1)
Background: In a project, several different URIs may refer to the same document, e.g. when using short URLs.
By using the return value of #global.canonicalUrl, the page's canonical URL may be placed inside the page's HTML code, e.g.:
<link rel="canonical" href="einleitung/
thema-dieser-dokumentation/index.html" />

If the currently generated URL is already canonical, this call returns null.

(character string)


Insert the contents of a global page from Global Content Area .


Returns the ID of the currently rendered node (e.g. page, section, etc.).



Returns the first, displayed dataset of a multiple page.
(For the current dataset of a multiple page see expression #cs.dataset.)



Returns a URL to the first, displayed dataset on multiple pages. Clicking on the URL starts the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect, loads the project, and opens the corresponding dataset for editing. For information on requesting URLs via the FirstSpirit Developer API, see Requesting ClientUrls.

(character string)


Returns a URL to a page reference in which datasets from the Content Store are output (multiple page). When clicking on the URL, the FirstSpirit ContentCreator is started, the project is loaded, and the desired detailed page for editing the first dataset of the multiple page is opened via the table template.
For information on requesting URLs via the FirstSpirit Developer API see Requesting ClientUrls.

(character string)


Determines whether the current node is a document group or not.

(Boolean value)


Returns a page reference or a document group.

For the preview of a page reference from the Site Store: Returns the current page reference.
For the preview of a page from the Page Store: Returns the page reference for this page, which is found first, or the project's starting page reference, if the current page is not yet referenced.

With #global.node always the start page of a page group or of a content projection is returned. If the actual element of a content projection or a page group is to be returned, #global.ref should be used instead of.

Depending on the node:


Returns the change date of the page reference.



Returns the depth of the page reference relative to the root node of the Site Store. The counting begins with 0 for the root node.



Returns the last editor of the page reference.



Returns the abbreviation of the last editor of the page reference.

(character string)


Returns the eMail address of the last editor of the page reference.

(character string)


Returns the phone number of the last editor of the page reference.

(character string)


Returns the name of the last editor of the page reference.

(character string)

Returns the ID of the page reference.



Returns a list of all key words for the page reference. This list results from the union of sets of all key words defined in the Site Store along the tree structure (starting from the current page reference up to the root).


Returns the page from the Page Store.


Returns a content area.
The expression is frequently used to output the contents of the sections of a content area. The IDENTIFIER is to be specified as the identifier of a content area.


Returns the change date of the page.
(See also #global.section.changeDate.)


Returns the depth of the page relative to the root node of the Page Store. The counting begins with 0 for the root node.


Returns the last editor of the page.


Returns the abbreviation of the last editor of the page.

(character string)

Returns the eMail address of the last editor of the page.

(character string)

Returns the phone number of the last editor of the page.

(character string)

Returns the name of the last editor of the page.

(character string)

Returns the ID of the page.


Determines whether, for the page in the current language, the attribute Page completely translated for this language is set.

(Boolean value)"IDENTIFIER")

Determines whether, for the page in the given language, the attribute Page completely translated for this language is set. The abbreviation of the language (e.g. EN) must be given as the identifier.

(Boolean value)


Returns, similar to #global.node, the current page reference or a document group.

In contrast to the output with #global.node the output with #global.ref does not return the start page of a page group or of a content projection but the actually subordinated element, e.g. the actual page of a page group.

Depending on the node:


Returns the section in a section template. If the current object is not a section, null is returned.



Returns the change date of the section.
(Identical with the change date of the respective page, see also



Returns the depth of the section relative to the root node of the Page Store. The counting begins with 0 for the root node.



Returns the last editor of the section.



Returns the abbreviation of the last editor of the section.

(character string)


Returns the eMail address of the last editor of the section.

(character string)


Returns the phone number of the last editor of the section.

(character string)


Returns the name of the last editor of the section.

(character string)

Returns the section's ID.


Returns the name of the section. Can be used to create manual references to automatically generated anchors.

(character string)



Several examples of use of the instruction within templates are shown in the following. The examples are intended to clearly show the specific effect of the instruction and provide help for the template developer when creating their own templates.

Important The examples displayed here must be adjusted for use within a project! For example, variable names must be changed to the specific variable names of the project in which the instruction is to be used.

1st Example: Output of the last editor

Last change on $CMS_VALUE("dd.MM.yyyy"))$ by $CMS_VALUE($

The example outputs the last change to the page formatted and the name of the editor.


Last change on 27.06.2007 by Mustermann

2nd Example: Language change

<a href="$CMS_REF(#global.ref, lang:"EN")$">Page in English</a>

The instruction $CMS_REF(...)$ is used to determine the URL of the actual node in another language.


<a href="/preview/671041/show/site/EN/current/671044/681046">Page in English</a>

3rd Example: Changing the template set

<a href="$CMS_REF(#global.ref, templateSet:"print")$"Print version</a>

The instruction $CMS_REF(...)$ is used to determine the URL of the current node in another template set.


<a href="/preview/671041/show/site/DE/current/671086/681046">Print version</a>

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