Start page / Template development / Template syntax / System objects / #table

#tableAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 4.0

The system object: #table is available both in the format templates with the abbreviations table, tr and td and in the Table function. This system object can be used to determine information on a table which is entered and maintained with the input component: CMS_INPUT_DOMTABLE or with so-called Inline tables (CMS_INPUT_DOM with table="yes").

The general syntax is:


The individual method invocations are given in the following table:



Return data type


Returns the number of columns in a table. The counting begins with 1.



Returns the position of the last column in a table. The counting begins with 0.



Returns the position of the last row in a table. The counting begins with 0.



Returns the number of rows in a table. The counting begins with 1.

Available from FirstSpirit Version 4.2.439

Returns the table format template

TableFormatTemplate Available from FirstSpirit Version 4.2.439

Returns the UID of the table format template



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