Start page / Template development / Template syntax / System objects / #tr

#trAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 4.2.427

The system object #tr is available in format templates with the abbreviation tr and in the function Table. This system object can be used to determine information on a table row.

The general syntax is:


The individual method invocations are given in the following table:



Return data type


Returns the row number. The counting begins with 0.



Returns the row number. The counting begins with 1.



Determines whether it is the first row of the table.

(Boolean value)


Determines whether it is the last row of the table.

(Boolean value)


You can access further properties and information of tables by using the following system objects:

  • #cell (properties and values of single cells)
  • #table (e.g. number of the lines and columns of table)

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