Introduction / FirstSpirit ServerManager / Server properties / Presentation channels

Presentation channels

This is where the server presentation channels are defined. The template sets found on the server are based on the presentation channels defined here.

Presentation channels

Add: clicking on "Add" opens a dialog box where a new presentation channel can be defined. 

Properties: the Properties button is active if a presentation channel is highlighted in the list. Clicking on this button opens a dialog box where the user can edit the presentation channel properties. 

Name: name of the presentation channel. This name is displayed for the presentation channel in the project and within the list of presentation channels after it is saved.

System channel: this checkbox indicates if the presentation channel is a system channel. These presentation channels cannot be edited or deleted.

File extension: the presentation channel file extension is specified here; e.g. “html” for the HTML presentation channel.

Post processing: this option lets the user specify the processor for post processing.
Further information

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