Introduction / FirstSpirit ServerManager / Project properties / Project


Name: the unique project name, which can be changed as necessary, is displayed in this field. If the project name is changed, the “OK” button remains inactive until a unique name has been entered.
If the project is a remote project (see page Remote projects), the remote configuration can be adjusted in the dialog which opens when you have changed the name and confirmed with “OK”.

Cancel: The project name will not be changed.

Change project name: The name of the remote project will be changed. No changes will be made to the remote configurations of the affected target projects; remote access will be disabled. A manual change in the remote configuration of the affected target projects can restore this connection. The affected target projects are listed in the dialog below.

Change project name and configuration: The name of the remote project will be changed. In the remote configurations of the affected target projects, the project name will be changed as well, ensuring that remote access remains active.

Important If the remote connection of a target project cannot be changed, e.g. because the target project is being edited by another user at the time or the user attempting to carry out this change doesn't have the necessary permissions in the target project, an error message indicating this will be displayed.

Description: the project description, which can be changed as necessary, is displayed in this field. The description does not have to be unique, but it is also a mandatory field.

e-mail distribution list: after each generation procedure, an e-mail with status information is sent to the addresses entered here. A semicolon is used to separate multiple addresses.

Global UUID: the unique GID of a project is displayed. This GID can be copied but not changed.

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