Introduction / Input forms / Link-sensitive graphic

Link-sensitive image (CMS_INPUT_IMAGEMAP)

Using this input component, links can be embedded at various locations in a selected background image. A map area object is generated first for each link and its size and position are adapted to the required position of the background image. The link can then be embedded in this map area object.

If the project developer has defined a default value for the input component, the “Reset to default value” icon  or the “Adopt default value” icon  is located in the top right-hand corner.

Upload; click on this icon to upload a medium to the Media Store (depending on the configuration settings made by the project developer). A window opens in which the required medium can be selected from the file system on the workstation computer. The new medium is selected directly as a background image.

 Select background image; click on this icon to open a selection dialog in which the background image can be selected from the Media Store.
The resolution to be used for the background image must also be set in the Resolution field.       

Alternatively, the background image can be added to the selection dialog using drag-and-drop or dragged directly to the input form, e.g, from

  • results from global search
  • the integrated preview
  • the Media Store
  • the input element for reference selection (FS_REFERENCE)
  • another input element for link-sensitive images (CMS_INPUT_IMAGEMAP); in this case, the CMS_INPUT_IMAGEMAP input component from which the image is to be selected must be in view mode.
  • the file system on the workstation computer

Go to medium; clicking on this icon jumps to the selected image in the Media Store.

 Remove; clicking on this icon removes the selected image, including any frames/links that have already been created.

Draw rectangle; clicking on this icon generates a map area object in the shape of a rectangle on the background image. The size and position of the rectangle must then be adapted manually.

 Draw circle; clicking on this icon generates a map area object in the shape of a circle on the background image. The size and position of the circle must then be adapted manually.

 Draw polygon; clicking on this icon generates a map area object in the shape of a polygon on the background image. Each of the individual points of the polygon can then be set on the background image by clicking with the mouse.

 Delete object; clicking on this icon deletes the selected map area object.

Important A check for an existing link embedded in this map area object is not carried out prior to deletion.

 Insert/edit link; if a link has not yet been embedded for the selected map area object, clicking on this icon inserts a new link. The operation to insert a link is similar to that described for the link input input form. If a link has already been embedded, the input window for the link type used will open.

 Delete link; clicking on this icon deletes the embedded link from the selected map area object.

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