Introduction / General operation / Working with rich text editor / Lists: Generating lists

Lists: Generating lists

Use the Tab key to indent paragraphs and to convert them into list items.

Generating a new empty list

Generating a new empty list

Click the Insert list icon  or the Tab key to

The cursor is then in the new empty bullet point.

Adding a new bullet point

Adding a bullet point 1

Press Enter at the end of a bullet point to add a new empty bullet point.

Adding a bullet point 2

The cursor is then in this empty bullet point.

Adding several new bullet points

Several bullet points 1

Press Enter at the start of a bullet point which is not empty to add a new empty bullet point in front of this bullet point.

Several bullet points 2

Any number of empty bullet points can be generated in this way. The cursor is then still at the start of the bullet point which is not empty.

Adding a new bullet point with content

Adding a bullet point with content 1

Press Enter within a bullet point to generate a new bullet point from the rest of the line.

Adding a bullet point with content 2

The cursor is then at the start of this new bullet point in front of its content.

Adding a new bullet point to a nested list

Adding a nested bullet point 1

Press Enter at the end of a nested bullet point to add a new empty bullet point with the same nesting depth.

Adding a nested bullet point 2

The cursor is then in the new empty bullet point.

Adding a new bullet point behind a nested list

Increasing the bullet point level 1

Press Enter in an empty bullet point at the second list level to move the empty nested bullet point up one level.

Increasing the bullet point level 2

The cursor is then still in the empty bullet point.

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