Introduction / General operation / Working with rich text editor / Copying/moving lists

Copying/moving lists

Copying a complete list

Copying a list 1

To copy the whole list, highlight it and press Ctrl+C. Then position the cursor in an empty section and press Ctrl+V.

Copying a list 2

The complete list is pasted in the empty section as a new list The cursor is at the end of the last bullet point.

Copying a partially highlighted list

Partially copying a list 1

To copy part of the list, highlight it and press Ctrl+C. Then position the cursor in an empty section and press Ctrl+V.

Partially copying a list 2

The selected text is pasted as a new list in the empty section. The cursor is at the end of the last bullet point. If the highlighting extends over several bullet points then a new section is created for each bullet point.

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