Introduction / General operation / Enhanced functions in input forms

Enhanced functions in input forms

To make working with the input forms in FirstSpirit more convenient, some functions have been added. These can be reached via a context menu.

To make transferring content easy, all input forms now have a context menu that can be used to cut, copy, and paste the content of the input form. Right-click the title or the frame of the input form to access this context menu.

Alternatively, these functions can be executed via the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+X (Cut)
  • Ctrl+C (Copy)
  • Ctrl+V (Paste)

If reasons of incompatibility make it impossible to copy values from one input form to another, the “Paste” (Ctrl+V) entry is deactivated.

In text-based input forms, such as Single-line text, Multi-line text, Numbers, Date, and Link input, the following functions can also be accessed by right-clicking the text field:

  • Find: Opens a dialog for finding a specific text in the input forms.
  • Replace: Opens a dialog for finding a specific text in the input forms and replacing that text.
  • Next occurrence: If you have searched for a specific text, this entry jumps to the next hit in the input form. The search does not stop at the end of the input form.
  • Previous occurrence: If you have searched for a specific text, this entry jumps to the previous hit in the input form. The search does not stop at the beginning of the input form.
  • Undo: Resets all changes made in the input form since edit mode was activated.
  • Restore: Restores changes which have been undone.
  • Copy: Copies selected content onto the clipboard.
  • Cut: Removes selected content and transfers it onto the clipboard.
  • Paste: Pastes content from the clipboard at the cursor position.

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