Introduction / General operation / The message board

The message board

There are message boards in several places in SiteArchitect. The message board function is identical everywhere. The message boards are located in the following places in the individual stores:

  • Page Store:         
    Root node, folder level
  • Site Store:
    Root node and folder level, on the Messages tab in each case
  • Media Store:        
    Root node and folder level, on the Messages tab in each case
  • Template Store:  
    Root node under page templates, section templates, format templates, link templates, scripts, and database schemata, and at folder level in all template areas
  • Data Store:          
    Root node, folder level

The purpose of these communication platforms is to exchange context-sensitive information between individual users. For example, here at the level of a folder in the Page Store, editing notes can be forwarded which are to apply to all pages in this folder. Each user has the opportunity to reply to these and to submit supplementary comments. All messages are stored as can be seen in the usual tree structure so that it is easy to follow a discussion from its start through to the final reply.

Message Board

 Click this icon to create a new message. A window opens in which you can enter a message subject and a message text.

 Click this icon to reply to an existing message. A window then opens in which you can change the subject, which is extended by the prefix “RE:”, and below that you can enter your messages.

 Click this icon to delete the currently selected message and all the linked replies, without a confirmation prompt.

Click a message within the tree structure to access the content of the message. To this end the subject appears in bold text under “Detail”, followed by details of the author and the date the original message was created. The actual content of the message is displayed below this information.

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