Introduction / FirstSpirit Server configuration / Configuration files (FirstSpirit Server) / Java VM and Wrapper (fs-wrapper*.conf) / Logging



Parameter for logging into file log/fs-wrapper.log. The maximum file size and the number of archive copies can be changed. Via parameter loglevel it is possible to switch from INFO for production to DEBUG for testing.


Parameter for logging onto the current default version of the console. Logging onto the console is only active if the FirstSpirit Server has been started via “fs5 console” under Unix or via “Start menu --> FirstSpirit 5.2 --> Server Control --> Start server” in console under Windows.


Only Unix: Configuration for logging into the system-wide syslogd system. If logging of the FirstSpirit Server has been set to stdout via fs-logging.conf (see Logging configuration (fs-logging.conf)), this log is also sent to syslogd instead of fs-server.log.

The FirstSpirit Server logs one time when starting and cyclically each hour the VM StartTime and the VM Uptime:

Important Log messages which are amongst others relevant for debugging can be found not only in the file fs-wrapper.log but also in the file fs-server.log (see Logging configuration (fs-logging.conf)).

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