Introduction / General operation / Version management / In the Template Store

Version history in the Template Store

The following information can be displayed – depending on the object type – apart from the generally available information for objects of the Template Store:

Attributes: If this checkbox is activated, the change which led to the assignment of a new revision number involves a change to the object's attributes (system information).

Child list: If this checkbox is activated, the change which led to the assignment of a new revision number involves a change to the object's child list (system information, for example deletion or adding a template).

Preview / Form / Rules / Snippet / Mapping:
Checks in any of these boxes refer to changes on the relevant tab that have led to a new revision number being assigned.

XML schema: If there is a check in this box, it means that the change which led to a new revision number being assigned is a change to the object's XML schema (database schemata, queries or workflows, see Schema editor (→FirstSpirit Online Documentation), Queries (→FirstSpirit Online Documentation) or Workflows (→FirstSpirit Online Documentation)).

View logic: If there is a check in this box, it means that the change which led to a new revision number being assigned is a change to the object's view logic (scripts, see Properties tab (→FirstSpirit Online Documentation)).

Metadata: If there is a check in this box, it means that the change which led to a new revision number being assigned is a change to the object's metadata (for example, the definition of access permissions via the metadata).

Template set: Checks in any of these boxes refer to changes in the relevant template set that have led to a new revision number being assigned.

For information about how to merge version please see page Merging two versions.

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