Introducing CXT / Installation / Modules / Installing modules / PageRef DAP

PageRef Access Plugin (PageRef DAP)

Referencing pages

Table of contents

You can reference pages using the PageRef Access Plugin (PageRef DAP).
The references to pages selected by the user can be output as HTML links.

Module file


Installing the module

The module is installed using the FirstSpirit ServerManager, in the “Server properties / Modules” dialog using the “Install” button:

(For more information about installing modules, see also Modules (→Documentation for Administrators).)

Remote project configuration

Remote projects are projects from which content can be referenced or loaded.

To enable references to pages from other FirstSpirit projects, the desired project must be configured as a “Remote project” in the project properties (FirstSpirit ServerManager), for example:

For general information about configuring remote projects, see (Remote projects (→Documentation for Administrators)).

Web component "PageRef DAP for ContentCreator"

The plugin can be used in ContentCreator using the Web component “PageRef DAP for ContentCreator”.

To do this, the web component must be added to the relevant project in the “ContentCreator” area (“FirstSpirit ServerManager / Project properties / Web components”).

Use in projects

If the module has been installed, the module can be addressed from the component for selecting references, “FS_INDEX”. This can be carried out in

  • FragmentCreator
  • ContentCreator (precondition: Web component “PageRef DAP for ContentCreator”)

The editor can select one or more page references from the configured remote project(s).

"FS_INDEX" component

The “FS_INDEX” component is used to select page references.

Tab “Form”, syntax example:

<FS_INDEX name="links">
<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Page referencing / links"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Seitenreferenzen / Links"/>
<SOURCE name="FirstSpiritPageRefAccess/PageRefConnector">
<PROJECT remote="pagerefs">
<FOLDER uid="products"/>

SOURCE: Activating the DAP function

The SOURCE tag is used to specify the FirstSpirit module and the DataAccessPlugin component via the mandatory parameter name. In this case: “FirstSpiritPageRefAccess/PageRefConnector”.

You can use this attribute in the SOURCE tag to extend the JSON output of the FS_INDEX component by the information of the referenced media:

... jsonSupporting="yes"...

By default, this attribute is inactive (equivalent to jsonSupporting="no").

PROJECT: Defining the remote project

To enable page references to be selected from a remote project, the PROJECT tag must be specified. The symbolic project name of the remote project must be specified via the mandatory parameter remote.

FOLDER: Restriction to specific folders

The selection can be restricted to folders of the referenced project by using the FOLDER tag. If several folders are to be taken into account, a FOLDER tag must be specified for each folder. The name of the folder in question is entered using the uid parameter (reference name).

For more information on using and configuring FS_INDEX, see INDEX (→FirstSpirit Online Documentation).

Display in FragmentCreator

If the configuration was made correctly, the editor will be able to select page references:

Outputting referenced pages (in FirstSpirit projects)

The page references selected by the editor can be output in a FirstSpirit project as follows:

$CMS_FOR(pageref, links.values())$<br />         
<a href="$CMS_REF(pageref)$")$">
$CMS_VALUE(pageref.uid)$ <br/>

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