Introducing CXT / External interfaces

External interfaces

Table of contents

APIs are programming interfaces which can be used to establish a connection to other systems, applications, etc.
The classes and methods that are available are recorded in an API manual.

MicroApp JavaScript API (high-level API)

FirstSpirit Content Experience Tools provides a JavaScript API which can be used to call up “MicroApps” (individual, isolated functions including a separate user interface).

To address the MicroApps from the preview in ContentCreator or from an external application, buttons are generally integrated which perform an action when the user clicks on them, for example to edit a fragment or start a workflow.

REST API (low-level API)

While the MicroApp JavaScript API provides functions including a user interface, the CXT REST API offers direct access to resources and functions within the CXT platform. They are used, for example, if editorial data is to be read directly or manipulated.

To document this API, the “Swagger” OpenSource framework included in the “FirstSpirit CXT FragmentCreator” module is used.

The REST interface can be reached via a URL which is structured in line with the following schema:


<fragmentcreator-webapp> is the value that has been assigned in the “ID” field for the global web application for the “FragmentCreator” module (see also the page on configuring the FragmentCreator module and Web applications (→Documentation for Administrators)).



Example using Swagger

Important These interfaces have not yet been released. However, a release (initially for partners) is planned.

Interactive API documentation

In addition to the documentation for the individual REST end points via Swagger, an interactive API manual is available. It explains both the CXT JavaScript MicroApp API and REST API clearly and provides application-based examples.

This documentation is provided as a FirstSpirit project and can be imported on a FirstSpirit Server.

Currently, the project is still in its initial phase and will be continually expanded. If you are interested in this, please contact your Crownpeak advisor.

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