Introduction / AI-powered tools / Analyze Assistant (Beta)

Analyze Assistant (Beta)

Important The configuration of FirstSpirit AI is mandatory for the use of the Analyze Assistant.
Table of contents

Within the ContentCreator, the Analyze Assistant identifies text-related issues on the displayed page and provides instant solutions.

The configuration of FirstSpirit AI is mandatory for using the Analyze Assistant.


The Analyze Assistant is an integral part of the ContentCreator. After the initial set-up, you can start the analysis in the report on the right.

Page analysis

The Analyze Assistant evaluates the currently open page using criteria defined in the prompt and, if instructed, corrects the identified text issues.

Important The Analyze Assistant currently only supports the analysis of content projections consisting of a single dataset. The analysis of content projections consisting of more than one dataset is not possible.

  • Open the Analyze Assistant report:
  • In the dropdown, select a prompt.
  • Click Analyze.
    → The page is analyzed based on the selected prompt. Any proposed changes are listed in the report.

Important Click Cancel to interrupt the analysis. The list of already generated proposed changes will not be discarded.

  • Check all list entries manually. If you want to apply a proposed change, select the entry: .
  • Optionally: Click Apply.
    → The changes for all selected entries are applied.

Important If you have performed a page analysis and then navigate to another page, the list remains cached. You can go back to the page that you just analyzed by clicking the link in the notification shown in the report.
Important If you apply proposed changes in bulk, they cannot be reversed for all elements at once. Instead, you need to select and apply each element's previous state in the project history.

Checking proposed changes

After a page is analyzed, all list entries are automatically selected, and the proposed changes can be immediately applied. However, we recommend to manually check each list entry.

Position of featured element

  • With the mouse, hover over an entry.
    → The featured element is highlighted on the displayed page if currently visible.
  • Alternatively: Click on the icon breadcrumbs of an entry to directly jump to the featured element.

Important If an entry cannot be visually highlighted, the icon is displayed in the respective list entry. You can get a hint about the affected element's position in the entry description, e.g., Page title, Header text, Alternative Description, Jumbo text under picture etc., and the navigation path to the element - the icon breadcrumbs.

Comparing current state and proposed changes

Each list entry shows a single-line preview of proposed changes.

  • Click on the text in the entry.
    → The text is expanded.

To evaluate proposed changes in detail and make edits if needed, you can view them in a detail window.

  • In the entry's EasyEdit toolbar, click .
    → A pop-up window opens.
  • In the pop-up window, you can view the proposed changes in one of the following views:
    • Combined view: The initial text and the proposed changes are displayed in the same text field.
    • Compare view: The initial text and the proposed changes are displayed in two text fields side-by-side.
    • Preview: Only the proposed changes are displayed.
  • Optionally: Click in the pop-up window.
    → The proposed changes are displayed in the element's form.
  • Optionally: In the Combined view or the Compare view in the pop-up window, click on the initial text.
    → The proposed changes are discarded.
  • Click Save Draft to save your edits to the proposed changes.
    → Your edits to the proposed changes are saved. The proposed changes are not applied yet.
  • Alternatively: Click Apply Changes.
    → The proposed changes are applied immediately and are instantly visible on the page. The entry is deleted from the list.


  • In the entry's EasyEdit toolbar, click to edit proposed changes.
    → Proposed changes are displayed in the element's form.
  • If you make edits to a proposed change, confirm this with Save.
    → Your corrections to the proposed change are saved. The proposed change is not applied yet.
  • In the entry's EasyEdit toolbar, click to delete the entry.
    → The entry is deleted from the list.
    This has no impact on the element.

Important If proposed changes for a given element are discarded, it can happen that another suggestion for the same element will appear when you run an analysis later.

More about the Analyze Assistant

Analyze Assistant: configuration

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