Introduction / AI-powered tools

The next step in Content Management with AI-powered tools in FirstSpirit

The integration of AI technology in FirstSpirit streamlines and improves your workflows and content quality. Leveraging large language models (LLMs) in your work routine ensures unparalleled efficiency in handling text-based tasks. The possibilities are multifold - from complete text creation and translation, to dynamic text analysis and optimization - and are tailored to match the diversity of your work with FirstSpirit.

The FirstSpirit AI Assistant Suite offers you the following assistants:

  • Content Assistant: Edit text elements using AI and delegate repetitive tasks to the Content Assistant.
  • Analyze Assistant: Analyze entire pages using AI and optimize content based on improvement suggestions.
  • Image Assistant: Automatically create alt text using AI.
  • Code Assistant: Analyze your HTML code using AI and optimize it based on improvement suggestions.

Get inspired when creating new texts, elevate quality management to a new level, eliminate tedious manual work, and focus instead on the strategic aspects of your content!

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