Introduction / AI-powered tools / FirstSpirit AI

FirstSpirit AIAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 2024.7

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FirstSpirit AI API

The FirstSpirit AI API provides a way to integrate generative AI technologies into FirstSpirit.


Access to the API is through the SpecialistBroker and a GenerativeAIAgent.

Simple example:

GenerativeAIAgent ai = context.requireSpecialist(GenerativeAIAgent.TYPE);
Optional<String> idea = ai.request("Generate an idea for a new article");


The connection to the FirstSpirit AI API is established via the "GenerativeAIConnectorPlugin" plugin. This plugin can be implemented as a module and thus represents the link to an external Generative AI API.

Configuration: Standard Plugin

The standard plugin can be selected in the FirstSpirit AI Configuration Service.

OpenAI Connector Module

The OpenAI connector module is automatically installed with FirstSpirit.

Configuration: Endpoint

Provide information for API Key and API URL, and optionally the name of the model.

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