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Data type GregorianCalendarAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 4.0

Value range of the GregorianCalendar data type

FirstSpirit provides the data type GregorianCalendar for calculations with date and time values. This data type represents a Gregorian calendar and enables interpretation of different date formats as Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Second. The data type provides access to a range of methods which fall back on the calendar and relevant regional schema settings of the operating system (e.g. data formats) and therefore enable formatting in different, for example country-specific date formats and parsing.

The data type GregorianCalendar can also be looked up in the Sun API documentation:


Definition using the standard input components

Different input components can be defined in the form area of templates. These form elements can then be used to insert the actual editorial contents into the page. The Standard input components supported by FirstSpirit return different data types.

The standard input component CMS_INPUT_DATE returns an object of data type Date. When the values are output, the data type Date is changed to GregorianCalendar.

Then, with the help of a $CMS_VALUE(...)$ instruction, methods can then be applied to this object:


Methods on GregorianCalendar objects

The table below lists all methods which can be invoked on objects of data type GregorianCalendar:

Method name Return type Brief description Available since
add(int, int) void
add(String, int) Calendar
add(String, Number) Calendar
after(Date) boolean
after(Object) boolean
before(Date) boolean
before(Object) boolean
clear void
clear(int) void
compareTo(Date) int
compareTo(Calendar) int
compareTo(Object) int
equals(Date) boolean
equals(Object) boolean
format(String) String Formatting date and time specification
format(String, Locale) String
format(String, String) String
from(ZonedDateTime) GregorianCalendar
get(int) int
getActualMaximum(int) int
getActualMinimum(int) int
getAvailableCalendarTypes Set
getAvailableLocales Locale[]
getCalendarType String
getClass Class Class of the invoking object
getDisplayName(int, int, Locale) String
getDisplayNames(int, int, Locale) Map
getFirstDayOfWeek int
getGreatestMinimum(int) int
getGregorianChange Date
getInstance Calendar
getInstance(TimeZone) Calendar
getInstance(Locale) Calendar
getInstance(TimeZone, Locale) Calendar
getLeastMaximum(int) int
getMaximum(int) int
getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek int
getMinimum(int) int
getTime Date
getTimeInMillis long
getTimeZone TimeZone
getWeekYear int
getWeeksInWeekYear int
isCase(Object) boolean
isLeapYear(int) boolean
isLenient boolean
isNull boolean Checks whether an expression is null (zero)
isSet(int) boolean
isWeekDateSupported boolean
milliseconds long
minus(long) Date
plus(long) Date
print void
roll(int, int) void
roll(int, boolean) void
set(int, int) void
set(String, Number) Calendar
set(String, Object) Object
set(int, int, int) void
set(int, int, int, int, int) void
set(int, int, int, int, int, int) void
setFirstDayOfWeek(int) void
setGregorianChange(Date) void
setLenient(boolean) void
setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int) void
setTime(Date) void
setTimeInMillis(long) void
setTimeZone(TimeZone) Calendar
setTimeZone(String) Calendar set the time zone of the given date (see documentation of 'java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(java.lang.String)' for valid time zone names) 4.2.23
setTimezone(TimeZone) Calendar
setTimezone(String) Calendar
setWeekDate(int, int, int) void
toInstant Instant
toJSON String Convert to a JSON-compatible string representation including necessary quotes and escaping for immediate use. Handles Maps, Collections, Arrays, Numbers, Strings, Boolean, Date, and JsonElement. A date instance will be converted to an ISO-8601 formatted date string. Any object other than above will be converted using its 'toString()' value. 5.2.11
toString String
toZonedDateTime ZonedDateTime
type String

add(int, int)

Method name Return type Available since
add(int, int) void

add(String, int)

Method name Return type Available since
add(String, int) Calendar

add(String, Number)

Method name Return type Available since
add(String, Number) Calendar


Method name Return type Available since
after(Date) boolean


Method name Return type Available since
after(Object) boolean


Method name Return type Available since
before(Date) boolean


Method name Return type Available since
before(Object) boolean


Method name Return type Available since
clear void


Method name Return type Available since
clear(int) void


Method name Return type Available since
compareTo(Date) int


Method name Return type Available since
compareTo(Calendar) int


Method name Return type Available since
compareTo(Object) int


Method name Return type Available since
equals(Date) boolean


Method name Return type Available since
equals(Object) boolean


The method format(String) can be used to define how time and date information are to be displayed.

For this purpose, characters are used as formatting symbols. The function of a character in upper case can be different from the same character in lower case. In principal, a formatting symbol consists of one character, by specifiying more than one (maximal up to four) equal characters the format of the time or date information can be differentiated.

The following list shows all existing formatting symbols, first the frequently used ones:

  • Specification of the year
    • yy: specification of the year two-digit (e.g. "96")
    • yyyy: specification of the year four-digit (e.g. "2010")
  • Specification of the month
    • MM: specification of the month, if one-digit with leading 0 (e.g. "03")
    • MMM: specification of the month, three-lettered language-specific abbreviation (e.g. "Mar")
    • MMMM: specification of the month, long, language-specific (e.g. "March")
  • Specification of the day
    • d: day of month (e.g. "26")
    • D: day of year (e.g. "145")
    • E: name of the weekday, three-lettered language-specific abbreviation (e.g. "Wed")
    • EEEE: name of the weekday, long, language-specific (e.g. "Wednesday")
    • F: weekday of the month (e.g. "2", i.e.. 2nd day of month x)
  • Specification of the hour
    • K: hour of day, 12-hour notation (0-11) (e.g. "0")
    • h: hour of day, 12-hour notation (1-12) (e.g. "12")
    • H: hour of day, 24-hour notation (0-23) (e.g. "0")
    • k: hour of day, 24-hour notation (1-24) (e.g. "24")
    • a: specification of AM / PM (forenoon / afternoon) (e.g. "PM")
  • Specification of the minute
    • m: specification of the minute one-digit (0-59) (e.g. "2")
    • mm: specification of the minute two-digit, if one-digit with leading 0 (0-59) (e.g. "02")
  • Specification of the second
    • s: specification of the second one-digit (0-59) (e.g. "2")
    • ss: specification of the second two-digit, if one-digit with leading 0 (0-59) (e.g. "02")
  • Specification of the week
    • w: calendar week (1-52) (e.g. "12")
    • W: week of the month (1-5) (e.g. "2")
  • Specification of the time zone
    • Z: time zone according to RFC 822 (e.g. "+0200")
    • z: general name of the time zone, language-specific abbreviation (e.g. "CEST")
    • zzzz: general name of the time zone, long, language-specific (e.g. "Central European Summer Time")
  • Specification of milli seconds
    • S - SSS: milli second (0-999) (e.g. "978")
  • Specification of the era
    • G: era, language-specific (e.g. "AD")

These symbols can be used separately or combined. Space characters, dots, colons, comma, hyphens, slashes etc. can be used as separator. For outputting date and time information even more individual, additional text can be specified in simple inverted comma, e.g. Date:' dd.MM.yyyy, 'time:' HH:mm. If you would like to output a simple inverted comma, use '' (two inverted commas).


  • "dd.MM.yyyy G 'at' hh:mm:ss 'o'clock' z"
    Output: 20.06.2010 AD at 05:41:53 o'clock CEST
  • "EEE, MMM d, ''yy"
    Output: Sun, Jun 20, '07
  • "h:mm a"
    Output: 5:43 PM
  • "hh 'o'clock,' zzzz"
    Output: 05 o'clock, Central European Summer Time
  • "K:mm a, z"
    Output: 5:44 PM, CEST
  • "yyyy.MMMM.dd G hh:mm a"
    Output: 2010.June.20 AD 05:45 PM
  • "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS"
    Output: 20.06.2010 17:59:23.208

Method name Return type Available since
format(String) String

format(String, Locale)

Method name Return type Available since
format(String, Locale) String

format(String, String)

Method name Return type Available since
format(String, String) String


Method name Return type Available since
from(ZonedDateTime) GregorianCalendar


Method name Return type Available since
get(int) int


Method name Return type Available since
getActualMaximum(int) int


Method name Return type Available since
getActualMinimum(int) int


Method name Return type Available since
getAvailableCalendarTypes Set


Method name Return type Available since
getAvailableLocales Locale[]


Method name Return type Available since
getCalendarType String


The .getClass() (in Bean syntax: .class) method returns the class of the invoking object (cf. java.lang.Class).




Method name Return type Available since
getClass Class

getDisplayName(int, int, Locale)

Method name Return type Available since
getDisplayName(int, int, Locale) String

getDisplayNames(int, int, Locale)

Method name Return type Available since
getDisplayNames(int, int, Locale) Map


Method name Return type Available since
getFirstDayOfWeek int


Method name Return type Available since
getGreatestMinimum(int) int


Method name Return type Available since
getGregorianChange Date


Method name Return type Available since
getInstance Calendar


Method name Return type Available since
getInstance(TimeZone) Calendar


Method name Return type Available since
getInstance(Locale) Calendar

getInstance(TimeZone, Locale)

Method name Return type Available since
getInstance(TimeZone, Locale) Calendar


Method name Return type Available since
getLeastMaximum(int) int


Method name Return type Available since
getMaximum(int) int


Method name Return type Available since
getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek int


Method name Return type Available since
getMinimum(int) int


Method name Return type Available since
getTime Date


Method name Return type Available since
getTimeInMillis long


Method name Return type Available since
getTimeZone TimeZone


Method name Return type Available since
getWeekYear int


Method name Return type Available since
getWeeksInWeekYear int


Method name Return type Available since
isCase(Object) boolean


Method name Return type Available since
isLeapYear(int) boolean


Method name Return type Available since
isLenient boolean


The .isNull() (in Bean syntax: .isNull) method checks whether an expression or object is null , e.g. storeElement.isNull(). In the case of objects with complex values or objects, the object decides when it is null. The data type DomElement for example always contains an empty document, thus it is never null. For this reason, checking an empty DOM editor input component by using the method .isNull() returns the value false, whereas checking the component with .isEmpty() would return the value true.

The method .isNull() returns a Boolean value as the check result. true is the check result if the expression or object is null and false if not.

Method name Return type Available since
isNull boolean


Method name Return type Available since
isSet(int) boolean


Method name Return type Available since
isWeekDateSupported boolean


Method name Return type Available since
milliseconds long


Method name Return type Available since
minus(long) Date


Method name Return type Available since
plus(long) Date


Method name Return type Available since
print void

roll(int, int)

Method name Return type Available since
roll(int, int) void

roll(int, boolean)

Method name Return type Available since
roll(int, boolean) void

set(int, int)

Method name Return type Available since
set(int, int) void

set(String, Number)

Method name Return type Available since
set(String, Number) Calendar

set(String, Object)

Method name Return type Available since
set(String, Object) Object

set(int, int, int)

Method name Return type Available since
set(int, int, int) void

set(int, int, int, int, int)

Method name Return type Available since
set(int, int, int, int, int) void

set(int, int, int, int, int, int)

Method name Return type Available since
set(int, int, int, int, int, int) void


Method name Return type Available since
setFirstDayOfWeek(int) void


Method name Return type Available since
setGregorianChange(Date) void


Method name Return type Available since
setLenient(boolean) void


Method name Return type Available since
setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int) void


Method name Return type Available since
setTime(Date) void


Method name Return type Available since
setTimeInMillis(long) void


Method name Return type Available since
setTimeZone(TimeZone) Calendar


set the time zone of the given date (see documentation of 'java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(java.lang.String)' for valid time zone names)
Method name Return type Available since
setTimeZone(String) Calendar 4.2.23


Method name Return type Available since
setTimezone(TimeZone) Calendar


Method name Return type Available since
setTimezone(String) Calendar

setWeekDate(int, int, int)

Method name Return type Available since
setWeekDate(int, int, int) void


Method name Return type Available since
toInstant Instant


Convert to a JSON-compatible string representation including necessary quotes and escaping for immediate use. Handles Maps, Collections, Arrays, Numbers, Strings, Boolean, Date, and JsonElement. A date instance will be converted to an ISO-8601 formatted date string. Any object other than above will be converted using its 'toString()' value.
Method name Return type Available since
toJSON String 5.2.11


Method name Return type Available since
toString String


Method name Return type Available since
toZonedDateTime ZonedDateTime


Method name Return type Available since
type String

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