
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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ABBREVIATION - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.admin.UserStorage.Order
Order by a defined abbreviation.
abort() - Method in interface
Abort this job and all currently running tasks.
ABORTED - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.RunState
Task execution aborted.
ABSOLUTE_URL - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.UrlCreator.Mode
An absolute url containg the UrlCreator.getUrlPrefix() - called for "abs:1".
ABSOLUTE_URL - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.UrlCreator.Mode
An absolute url containing the UrlCreator.getUrlPrefix() - called for "abs:1".
ABSOLUTE_URL - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.UrlCreator
since 5.0.3 - use UrlCreator.ABSOLUTE_URL.
ABSOLUTE_URL - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.UrlCreator
Absolute link with prefix (e.g.
ABSOLUTE_URL_NO_PREFIX - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.UrlCreator.Mode
An absolute url starting with '/' - called for "abs:2".
ABSOLUTE_URL_NO_PREFIX - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.UrlCreator.Mode
An absolute url starting with '/' - called for "abs:2".
ABSOLUTE_URL_NO_PREFIX - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.UrlCreator
ABSOLUTE_URL_NO_PREFIX - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.UrlCreator
Absolute link without prefix (e.g.
AbstractConstraint - Class in de.espirit.or.query
The base class for all implementations of Constraint which define an attribute based filter.
AbstractConstraint() - Constructor for class de.espirit.or.query.AbstractConstraint
AbstractDescriptor - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.module.descriptor
Internal base implementation of descriptor classes.
AbstractDescriptor() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.module.descriptor.AbstractDescriptor
AbstractDescriptor.ResourceDescriptor - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.module.descriptor
A resource available on the Java classpath (e.g. a JAR file)
AbstractGomCombobox - Class in
Abstract base class for combo-boxes.
AbstractGomCombobox() - Constructor for class
AbstractGomContentReferenceElement - Class in
Abstract base implementation for content reference elements
AbstractGomContentReferenceElement() - Constructor for class
AbstractGomDom - Class in
Abstract base implementation for DOM
AbstractGomDom() - Constructor for class
AbstractGomElement - Class in
Abstract GomElement implementing common functionalities needed for GuiXml handling.
AbstractGomElement() - Constructor for class
Constructor applying the default tag.
AbstractGomFilterEntry - Class in
Abstract base class for filter entries
AbstractGomFilterEntry() - Constructor for class
AbstractGomFormElement - Class in
Abstract class defining most common features of a form element.
AbstractGomFormElement() - Constructor for class
AbstractGomGridSelect - Class in
Abstract base class for grid selections like checkboxes and radio-buttons
AbstractGomGridSelect() - Constructor for class
AbstractGomLangInfoProvider - Class in
Abstract implementation of a language information provider.
AbstractGomLangInfoProvider() - Constructor for class
AbstractGomList<T extends GomElement> - Class in
Abstract implementation of a GOM list.
AbstractGomList() - Constructor for class
Constructs an abstract gom list.
AbstractGomProjectList - Class in
Abstract base class for project lists
AbstractGomProjectList() - Constructor for class
AbstractGomSelect - Class in
Abstract base class for selectable GOM elements like checkboxes or radio-buttons.
AbstractGomSelect() - Constructor for class
AbstractGomTableTemplateElement - Class in
Abstract base class for TableTemplate elements.
AbstractGomTableTemplateElement() - Constructor for class
AbstractGomTextualFormElement - Class in
Abstract base class for textual elements
AbstractGomTextualFormElement() - Constructor for class
AbstractGomUid - Class in
Abstract type for GomElements proving a UID attribute.
AbstractGomUid() - Constructor for class
AbstractNumberType<T extends AbstractNumberType<T>> - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.common.number
Generic class for defining number facades.
AbstractNumberType() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.number.AbstractNumberType
AbstractTextType<T extends AbstractTextType<T>> - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.common.text
Generic class for defining String-Facades.
AbstractTextType(String) - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.text.AbstractTextType
Construct an abstract text type.
AbstractTransferListener - Class in
AbstractTransferListener() - Constructor for class
AbstractValueHoldingSwingGadget<T,F extends GomFormElement> - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.swing
Abstract implementation providing basic functionalities supporting value holding SwingGadgets.
AbstractValueHoldingSwingGadget(SwingGadgetContext<F>) - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.swing.AbstractValueHoldingSwingGadget
Constructor adding the core aspects.
AbstractWebApp - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.module
FIRSTspirit web application interface.
AbstractWebApp() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.module.AbstractWebApp
accept(CommodityContainer, Point) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.transfer.ValidatorHost.Validator
Validate a list of commodities.
accept(T) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.util.Filter
Determines, whether the given element should be accepted by this filter.
accept(T) - Method in class de.espirit.common.util.Filter.AndFilter
Accepts the questioned element, if all inner filters accept the element.
accept(T) - Method in class de.espirit.common.util.Filter.EqualFilter
Accepts the given element, if it is equal to the one defined with this filter.
accept(T) - Method in class de.espirit.common.util.Filter.ImpliesFilter
Accepts an element, if either the condition does not accept it or, if it does, the implication also accepts it.
accept(T) - Method in class de.espirit.common.util.Filter.NotFilter
Accepts the questioned element if the inner filter does not accept it.
accept(T) - Method in class de.espirit.common.util.Filter.OrFilter
Accepts the questioned element if any one of the inner filters accepts it.
ACCEPT_ALL - Static variable in class
acceptAll() - Static method in class de.espirit.common.util.Filter.Util
A primitive filter accepting any element.
acceptFocus(SwingFocusable.Handler) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.focus.SwingFocusable
Hands a handler providing means to give focus.
acceptNothing() - Static method in class de.espirit.common.util.Filter.Util
A primitive filter accepting no element.
accessAllowed(User) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Is a user allowed to acces the project
AccessDeniedException - Exception in
RuntimeException thrown on denial of access to some referenced element.
AccessDeniedException() - Constructor for exception
AccessDeniedException(String) - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.DataAccessControlling.AccessDeniedException
Construct an instance with the given message.
AccessRuntimeException - Exception in de.espirit.firstspirit.access
Super class for FIRSTspirit runtime exceptions.
AccessRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.access.AccessRuntimeException
AccessUtil - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.access
Utitly class providing methods for Access-API operations like server release, server delete
AccessUtil() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.AccessUtil
ACTION - Variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.FsResource.FsIcon
Resource key for an "action" icon.
ActionProgress - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access
Progress of an server action (e.g.
activateCustomEvent(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.PackageVersion
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 5.0.39 - no replacement
activateProject(Project) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.admin.ProjectStorage
Activates a deactivated project.
activities() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.model.Workflow
Returns all activities that belongs to this workflow.
Activity - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor
Interface defining an activity.
Activity - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.model
This interface represents an activity in an workflow-model.
ACTIVITY - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.model.WorkflowElement
This workflow-element implements Activity.
Adapter() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.browser.BrowserListener.Adapter
Adapter() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.TabListener.Adapter
Adapter() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.ReportItemsProviding.Adapter
adaptGid(Schema, List<Entity>, boolean) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.common.GidAgent
Adapts the given elements GIDs.
Call GidAgent.migrateSchema(Schema) before calling this method if given schema doesn't not support fs_gid's yet This method will execute a commit on the OR session to persist the changes made during the execution of this method and all changes made on the session before calling this method. If an error occurs a session rollback will be called
adaptGid(Schema, Map<Entity, UUID>, boolean) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.common.GidAgent
Adapts the given elements GIDs to the mapping defined one.
Call GidAgent.migrateSchema(Schema) before calling this method if given schema doesn't not support fs_gid's yet This method will execute a commit on the OR session to persist the changes made during the execution of this method and all changes made on the session before calling this method. If an error occurs a session rollback will be called
add(int, int) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.imagemap.PolygonBuilder
Adds a new edge to the polygon positioned at the given coordinate.
add(int, PageRef) - Method in interface
Add a member to this group.
add(int, GomButton.DropMimeType) - Method in class
add(int, GomElement) - Method in class
add(int, GomProjectEntry) - Method in class
add(int, E) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.util.OrderedSet
Adds an element at the given index
add(MPPViewport) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.mpp.MPPViewports
Adds the given viewport to the current collection of viewports.
add(JsonElement<?>...) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.json.JsonArray
This method adds one or more elements to the list.
add(Constraint) - Method in class de.espirit.or.query.ComposedConstraint
Add a new sub constraint to this composed constraint.
add(Order) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.query.Select
Appends the given order criteria to the list of defined orders of this select.
add(Parameter) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.query.Select
Adds the given parameter to this select.
add(Collection<? extends JsonElement<?>>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.json.JsonArray
This method adds a collection of JsonElement instances to the list.
add(IDProvider) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureModel
Adds the given element to this feature model.
add(PageRef) - Method in interface
Convenience method to add a member at the end.
add(GomButton.DropMimeType) - Method in class
add(GomProjectEntry) - Method in class
add(EntityTypeListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.EntityType
Adds a listener for attribute change events.
add(Object) - Method in class de.espirit.or.schema.KeyValue
Adds a key value.
add(Collection<IDProvider>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureModel
Adds the given elements collection to this feature model.
add(T) - Method in interface
The entry to be added to the list.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends GomProjectEntry>) - Method in class
addAll(Collection<? extends GomProjectEntry>) - Method in class
addAllowedBody(TemplateBody) - Method in interface
Adds the given TemplateBody to the list of allowed bodies of this allowed node
addAnswer(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.operations.RequestOperation
Add an answer with the given label.
addAspect(AspectType<A>, A) - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.swing.AbstractValueHoldingSwingGadget
Add an aspect supported by this Aspectable.
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.DataTemplating.ParameterSet
Adds text as parameter for attribute use.
addAuthorisedUser(User) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Package
Adds the given user to the list of authorised User's of this package.
addBrokenReferenceToDataset(Schema, String, UUID) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.ValueReferencesJournal
addBrokenReferenceToElement(String, IDProvider.UidType, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.ValueReferencesJournal
addBrowserListener(BrowserListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.browser.BrowserApplication
Adds the given browser listener to be notified on browser change events.
addButton(String, JavaScriptObject) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Dialog
Adds a button to the dialog.
addCancel() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.operations.RequestOperation
Adds an answer with a language dependent label for "cancel".
addChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.event.ValueChangeNotifier
Register a change listener.
addChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.Permissions
Adds a listener being informed on changes within these permissions.
addChannelProvider(ChannelSourceProvider) - Method in interface
Add a channels providing element for export.
addClause(PatternClause) - Method in class
Adds a clause to be matched for this request's search.
addCloseable(Closeable) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleContext
To register closeable instances which should be closed when the schedule terminates.
addCloseable(Closeable) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.GenerationContext
Add a Closeable to the generation context
addColumn(int) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.Table
Adds a new column at the specified index.
addColumn(Language, int) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.DomTableEditorValue
Adds a column for the given language after the defined column index.
addConstraint(TemplateConstraint) - Method in class
Adds a constraint to be fulfilled.
addContent(MessagePart) - Method in interface
Adds a new message content part to this message.
addContent(TableTemplate, String) - Method in interface
Creates and returns a content2 node based on the given template.
addDataToContext(DataProvider) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.GenerationContext
Add a DataProvider to the generation context
addDefaultLayer() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Creates a default layer and adds it to project layers.
addDependentPackage(Package) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.PackageVersion
Adds a dependent package to this version.
addDropHandler(BrowserNodeHandlerBuilder.DropHandler<N>, TransferType<?>...) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.BrowserNodeHandlerBuilder
Registers a handler receiving all transfer type-mapped commodities.
addDropHandler(BrowserNodeHandlerBuilder.DropHandler<N>, Collection<TransferType<?>>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.BrowserNodeHandlerBuilder
Registers a handler receiving all transfer type-mapped commodities.
ADDED - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that a change was detected because an element (editor, language) was added during the modification.
ADDED - Enum constant in enum class
An element has been added
addEditorialLanguage(Language) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Adds the given language to the list of editorial languages of this project.
addEditorValueListener(EditorValueListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.EditorValue
Add the given listener to become notified about changes.
addedToScope(StoreElement) - Method in interface
Called if the given storeElement was inserted.
addElement(IDProvider) - Method in interface
Generically adds a FirstSpirit element to be exported.
addElementReloadListener(Preview.ElementReloadListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Preview
Registers a listener for events about reloaded elements in the current preview document.
addElementRestriction(Long) - Method in class
Adds a restriction to an element identified by its numerical id.
addEntity(Entity) - Method in interface
Adds an entity to be exported.
addFirst(E) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.util.OrderedSet
Adds an element at the beginning
addFont(String, InputStream) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.admin.FontStorage
Adds a font to the server.
addGroup(Group) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleEntry
Adds a group to execute this schedule entry.
addGroupId(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.permission.groups.User
Adds the given group id to the list of group ids this user belongs to.
addHtml(String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.DataTemplating.ParameterSet
Adds HTML as parameter.
addImage(String, Image<?>, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.DataTemplating.ParameterSet
Adds an image as parameter.
addImageUrl(String) - Method in interface
Adds an image URL to this message.
addItem(PromptOptionItem) - Method in interface
Adds another selectable item to this option.
addItem(WebeditStatusNoteItem) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.status.WebeditStatusNoteBuilder
Adds a item eligible for display in the status note's contextual setting.
addItemsPlugin(String, ClientItemsPlugin) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Common
Registers a provider for actions in the given context type.
additionalContext(String, Object) - Method in interface
Adds the provided value to the top-most context.
additionalContext(Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface
Adds the provided values to the topmost context.
addLanguage(Language) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Adds a project language to the project
addLast(E) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.util.OrderedSet
Adds an element at the end
addLink(StyleTemplate) - Method in interface
Provide a StyleTemplate which should be used for table cells defined in the returned StyleTemplateLink
addLink(IDProvider) - Method in interface
Adds a link to the given target element.
addListener(Predicate<EventInfo>, Consumer<RevisionEvent>) - Method in interface
Adds a StoreElement event listener that will receive only Predicate.test(Object) accepted} events.
addMedium(String, Media, Resolution) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.DataTemplating.ParameterSet
Adds a medium as parameter.
addMessage(Message) - Method in interface
Adds a new request message.
addModelElement(IDProvider) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.ModelReferencesJournal
Adds the given FirstSpirit element as model reference to this journal.
addModelListener(ModelType<T>, ModelListener<T>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.model.ModelService
Adds the given listener to be notified on every model change.
addNavigatableFolders(String...) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.operations.ProjectOptions.StoreTypeOptions
Resricts navigation within a store type to the given folders.
addNavigationChangeListener(Common.NavigationChangeListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Common
Registers a listener for events about changes regarding the project's sitestore/navigation.
addNo() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.operations.RequestOperation
Adds an answer with a language dependent label for "no".
addOk() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.operations.RequestOperation
Adds an answer with a language dependent label for "ok".
addOption(PromptOption) - Method in interface
Adds an option the operation is configurable with.
addOption(String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.server.SelectOptionOperation
Configures one of the options the user should select from.
addOption(UUID) - Method in interface
Adds an option as identifier the operation is configurable with.
addOrdering(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
Adds an ordering to this parameters for the named column.
addParameterizedListener(MPPWebControl.ParameterizedListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.mpp.MPPWebControl
Adds a listener to be informed when current preview parametrization is enabled/disabled by the user.
addParameterListener(MPPWebControl.ParameterListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.mpp.MPPWebControl
Adds a listener to be informed when a custom preview parameter has changed
addPermissionListener(PermissionListener) - Method in interface
Adds the given permission listener to be notified on permission change events.
addPreviewElementListener(Common.PreviewElementListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Common
Registers a listener for events about changes of the current Preview-Element.
addPreviewRequestHandler(Common.PreviewRequestHandler) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Common
Registers a listener for events about requests for changes of the current Preview-Element.
addProject(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.operations.SelectStoreElementOperation
Adds the named project as selection source.
addProjectFromRestriction(ProjectRestriction) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.operations.SelectStoreElementOperation
Add a project from a clause representation.
addProvider(String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.treedata.TNodeService
Adds a provider instance to the service.
addPublishGroup(PublishGroup) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.PackageVersion
Adds the given PublishGroup to the Set of publish groups this PackageVersion is published for.
addPublishUser(User) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Package
Adds the given user to the list of User's which have the permission 'publish' for this package.
addQuery(String) - Method in interface
Creates and adds a query based on this schema's definition to the store.
addReferenceToDataset(Schema, String, KeyValue) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.ValueReferencesJournal
Adds a reference to a FirstSpirit Dataset to this journal.
addReferenceToDataset(Schema, String, UUID) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.ValueReferencesJournal
Adds a reference to a FirstSpirit Dataset to this journal.
addReferenceToElement(IDProvider) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.ValueReferencesJournal
Adds a reference to a FirstSpirit element to this journal.
addReferenceToElement(String, IDProvider.UidType, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.ValueReferencesJournal
Adds a reference to a FirstSpirit element to this journal.
addReferenceToExternal(String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.ValueReferencesJournal
Adds a reference to an external element to this journal.
addResponsibleUser(User) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Package
Adds the given user to the list of responsible User's of this package.
addRow(int) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.Table
Adds a new row at the specified index.
addRow(Language, int) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.DomTableEditorValue
Adds a row for the given language after the defined row index.
addSchema(Schema) - Method in interface
Add a schema element for export.
addScriptUrl(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.server.ClientResourceOperation
Add a relative or absolute javascript url to load on ClientResourceOperation.perform(boolean).
addSelectableElements(String...) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.operations.ProjectOptions.StoreTypeOptions
Restricts selection within a store type to the given elements.
addSessionListener(SessionListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.Session
Add the listener to this session.
addSitestoreVariable(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.ContentPackage
since 5.0.101 - no replacement
addSitestoreVariableToOverride(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Subscription
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 5.0.101 - no replacement
addStartNode(IDProvider) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Package
addStoreListener(StoreListener) - Method in interface
Adds a StoreListener for client-local changes of this store.
addStoreType(Store.Type) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.operations.ProjectOptions
Add a store type to restrict navigation upon.
addStylesheetUrl(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.server.ClientResourceOperation
Add a relative or absolute stylesheet url to load on ClientResourceOperation.perform(boolean).
addTableTemplate(EntityType, String) - Method in interface
Creates and adds a table template based on this schema's definition to the store.
addTabListener(TabListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.ApplicationTab
Adds the given listener.
addTemplateRestriction(Long) - Method in class
Add a restriction on a template identified by its numerical id.
addTemplateSet(TemplateSet) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Adds a TemplateSet.
addText(String) - Method in interface
Adds textual content to this message.
addText(String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.DataTemplating.ParameterSet
Adds text as parameter.
addTimeParameterListener(MPPWebControl.TimeParameterListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.mpp.MPPWebControl
Adds a listener to be informed when the time parameter has changed.
addToPackage(Package) - Method in interface
Adds this node, all children and referenced nodes which are PackagePoolItems to the specified package.
addTopLevelFolders(IDProvider...) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.operations.ProjectOptions.StoreTypeOptions
Set the top level folders for this store type.
addTransferItem(TransferType<T>, T) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.BrowserNodeHandlerBuilder.DragContext
Adds a transferable object for a given type to this context.
addTransferItems(TransferType<T>, Collection<T>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.BrowserNodeHandlerBuilder.DragContext
Adds a collection of transferable objects for a given type to this context.
addTranslated(Language) - Method in interface
Calling this method has no effect.
addTranslated(Language) - Method in interface
Adds the given language to the list of translated languages.
addTypeToHide(Class<?>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.operations.SelectStoreElementOperation
Adds a type to be hidden on displaying selectable and navigatable elements.
addTypeToSelect(Class<?>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.operations.SelectStoreElementOperation
Adds a type where elements thereof are eligible for selection.
addUnifiedTask(ScheduleTask) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleEntry
Unifies the given task's name and adds it to this entry.
addUser(User) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleEntry
Adds the given user which should be allowed to execute this schedule entry.
addUser(User) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Group
Adds the given user to this group.
addUser(User) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Add an user to the project and giving him the access right for this project.
addUser(String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.permission.groups.Users
Creates a new user with the given login and password and adds it to the list of users
addUsers(User[]) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Group
Adds the given users to this group.
addVariant(Message) - Method in interface
Adds a new variant as message.
addVariants(List<Message>) - Method in interface
Adds variants to the response.
addWorkflowTransitionListener(Common.WorkflowTransitionListener) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Common
Registers a listener for events about workflow transitions in this websession
addYes() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.operations.RequestOperation
Adds an answer with a language dependent label for "yes".
adjustDate(Date) - Method in enum class
Adjust the date according to the date time mode.
adjustTime(long) - Method in enum class
Adjust a time to its mode-dependent time representation.
adjustTime(Select, Date) - Static method in class
Adjusts the time constraint.
ADMIN_MAIL_ADDRESS - Static variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.server.configuration.ServerProperties
Administrator's email address used to send notification mails to.
ADMIN_USER_NAME - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.User
The super admin login name.
AdminService - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access
FirstSpirit AdminService functions.
Use getService(AdminService.class) to request an instance of this service.
adopt(DomElement) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.DomElement
Adopts all values from the given element.
afterAdjustAttributes(StoreElement) - Method in interface
Called after adjusting the StoreElement attributes
afterDelete(CRCSession, String) - Method in class
afterDelete(CRCSession, String) - Method in interface
Called after deleting a file.
afterDownload(CRCSession, String) - Method in class
afterDownload(CRCSession, String) - Method in interface
Called after downloading a file.
afterExists(CRCSession, String) - Method in class
afterExists(CRCSession, String) - Method in interface
Called after checking if a file exists.
afterExport(StoreElement) - Method in interface
afterExternalAttributeImport(StoreElement) - Method in interface
Called after restoring the external attributes of the StoreElement
afterGetFile(CRCSession, String) - Method in class
afterGetFile(CRCSession, String) - Method in interface
Called after getting file info.
afterImportData(StoreElement) - Method in interface
Called after importing custom data of the StoreElement
afterListFiles(CRCSession, String) - Method in class
afterListFiles(CRCSession, String) - Method in interface
Called after listing directory contends.
afterMkdir(CRCSession, String) - Method in class
afterMkdir(CRCSession, String) - Method in interface
Called after creating a directory.
afterRename(CRCSession, String, String) - Method in class
afterRename(CRCSession, String, String) - Method in interface
Called after renaming a file.
afterStoreElementImport(StoreElement) - Method in interface
Called after the StoreElement has been constructed
afterSwitch(CRCSession, String, String) - Method in class
afterSwitch(CRCSession, String, String) - Method in interface
Called after switching two paths.
afterTouch(CRCSession, String, long) - Method in class
afterTouch(CRCSession, String, long) - Method in interface
Called after touching a file.
afterUpload(CRCSession, String, boolean) - Method in class
afterUpload(CRCSession, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Called after uploading a file.
AIX - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.FtpTarget.FtpServerType
Type for AIX-based ftp servers.
AJAX_DATA_SYNC_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.server.configuration.ServerProperties
Data sync timeout for AJAX in Webmonitor
AJAX_IMAGE_RELOAD_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.server.configuration.ServerProperties
Image reload timeout in Webmonitor
alike(T, T) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.util.AlikenessComparator
Compare given elements for alikeness.
AlikenessComparator<T> - Interface in de.espirit.common.util
Comparator providing means for alikeness.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class
Designates the mode all.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class
Display all form fields
ALL - Enum constant in enum class
Element wildcard type to allow/hide all
ALL - Enum constant in enum class
Matches element types
ALL - Enum constant in enum class
All areas.
ALL - Static variable in interface de.espirit.common.util.ElementProvider
Do not limit to a maximum number of elements.
ALL_REVISIONS - Static variable in interface
Indicator for retrieving all revisions.
ALL_TYPES - Static variable in class
Contains all types
allEntitiesExported() - Method in interface
Returns the state of the setExportAllEntities-flag for the schema of this export info.
allow(int) - Method in interface
Grants the given permission.
allow(GomFilterEntry.FilterType) - Method in class
Allow the given filter type.
ALLOW - Enum constant in enum class
Allows the defined entry
ALLOW - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.service.permission.Priority
Allow priority
ALLOW_OTHER_TASKS - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.MaintenanceModeTask.ConcurrentTaskHandling
Other tasks may be executed while the maintenance mode is active.
ALLOW_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.PermissionEditorValue
Mode identifier defining allow priority.
Allowed - Interface in
This interface represents the allowed element which is a child of a page template.
ALLOWED - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleEntry.ParallelExecutionMode
Allow parallel execution.
allowFolders() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomMediaModeInfos.getAllowFolders() returning a boolean value
allowGroup(Group) - Method in interface
Allow the given group to execute the workflow.
allowGroup(Group) - Method in interface
Allows the given user group to perform the transition.
allows(IDProvider) - Method in interface
Evaluates, whether the project-restrictions allow the given element to pass.
allows(GomFilterEntry.FilterType) - Method in class
Indicates if the given filter type is allowed
allowsChoosing() - Method in class
Convenience API for AbstractGomContentReferenceElement.getAllowChoose() returning a boolean value
allowsChoosing() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomDataset.getAllowChoose() returning a boolean value.
allowsDelete() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomDataset.getAllowDelete() returning a boolean value.
allowsDelete() - Method in class
Indicate if it is allowed to delete entries
allowsEdit() - Method in class
Convenience API for AbstractGomContentReferenceElement.getAllowEdit() returning a boolean value
allowsEdit() - Method in class
Convenience method for GomContentList.getAllowEdit() returning a boolean value
allowsEdit() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomDataset.getAllowEdit() returning a boolean value.
allowsEmpty() - Method in class
Convenience method: Indicates, whether empty values are allowed
allowsEmpty() - Method in interface
Indicates that empty values are allowed.
allowsFolder() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomFile.getAllowFolder() returning a boolean value
allowsInput() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomDate.getAllowInput() returning a boolean value.
allowsLanguageDependentUpload() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomFile.getAllowLanguageDependentUpload() returning a boolean value
allowsLanguageDependentUpload() - Method in class
since 5.0 - no replacement
allowsMedia() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomPageRef.getMediaStore() returning a boolean value
allowsNew() - Method in class
Convenience API for AbstractGomContentReferenceElement.getAllowNew() returning a boolean value
allowsNew() - Method in class
Convenience method for GomContentList.getAllowNew() returning a boolean value
allowsNew() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomDataset.getAllowNew() returning a boolean value.
allowsNew() - Method in class
allowsRelations() - Method in class
allowsRelations() - Method in class
allowsRelations() - Method in interface
Indicates whether foreign key relationships are supported as value source.
allowsUpload() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomFile.getUpload() returning a boolean value
allowsUpload() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomReference.getUpload() returning a boolean value
allowUser(User) - Method in interface
Allow the given user to execute the workflow.
allowUser(User) - Method in interface
Allows the given user to perform the transition.
allWorkflows() - Method in interface
Indicates whether the permission is applicable for all workflows.
ALPHABETICAL_LOWERCASE - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.ListDomNode.Style
Lower-case alphabetical style.
ALPHABETICAL_UPPERCASE - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.ListDomNode.Style
Upper-case alphabetical style.
ALREADY_RESTORED - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the element is not deleted anymore but already restored.
ALT_TEXT_KEY - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.MediumEditorValue
Key for the alternative text.
AltPageRef - Interface in
This interface provides methods to handle the alternative pages for pagereferences
alwaysEnabled() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomButton.getAlwaysEnabled() returning a boolean value
analyzeFeature(FeatureFile) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureInstallAgent
Starts a server side feature analyze process for the given feature file.
and(Collection<Filter<T>>) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.util.Filter.Util
Factory to create a combinatorial conjunction-filter on a given collection of filters.
and(Filter<T>...) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.util.Filter.Util
Factory to create a combinatorial conjunction-filter on the given arguments.
And - Class in de.espirit.or.query
Interface to combine different sub constraints with and
And() - Constructor for class de.espirit.or.query.And
Creates an empty And.
And(Constraint) - Constructor for class de.espirit.or.query.And
Creates an And with the given sub constraint.
And(Constraint, Constraint) - Constructor for class de.espirit.or.query.And
Creates an And combining the given constraints.
AND - Enum constant in enum class
AND - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.or.query.Constraint.Type
Type identifying the And constraint
answer(String) - Method in interface
Answers a given query by giving iterable access to matching FirstSpirit elements.
APACHE - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.WebServerConfiguration.Type
since 5.0 - no replacement
APACHE_ACCESS_FILENAME - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.WebServerConfiguration
since 5.0 - no replacement
ApiDoc - Annotation Interface in de.espirit.common
Annotation for inline documentation, like suggestions when editing templates.
appearance() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.ApplicationTabConfiguration
Returns a builder to define tab appearance.
append() - Method in class
Append the relevant information to the hash code.
append() - Method in class
append() - Method in class
append(String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ValueIndexer
Appends the given textual value for indexing with respect to the defined field name.
append(InputStream) - Method in interface
If FileHandle.isFile() returns true, appends the stream-given content to the file.
appendAssociate(Associate, Language, boolean) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ValueIndexer
Appends the given associate, to consolidate changes between the data and the associate.
appendChild() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.ListDomNode
Appends a list item.
appendChild(Link) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.DefaultDomNode
Creates and appends a link node.
appendChild(FormatTemplate) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.DefaultDomNode
Creates and appends a child at the end of the child list.
appendChild(TableFormatTemplate) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.DefaultDomNode
Creates and appends an (inline) table node.
appendChild(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.DefaultDomNode
Creates and appends a text node.
appendChild(StoreElement) - Method in interface
Appends a child element to this group, which must be an instance of either DocLink whith a PageRef or SiteStoreFolder.
appendChild(StoreElement) - Method in interface
since 4.2.204 - use IDProvider#moveChild(child)
appendChild(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.permission.groups.Group
Creates a new group with the given name as child of this group and appends it to the list of children.
appendChild(String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.permission.groups.Group
Creates a new group with the given name and id as child of this group and appends it to the list of children.
appendChildBefore(StoreElement, StoreElement) - Method in interface
Appends a child element to this group, inserting it before a reference element.
appendChildBefore(StoreElement, StoreElement) - Method in interface
appendDate(String, Date) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ValueIndexer
Appends the given date value for indexing with respect to the defined field name.
appendEditorNames(List<String>) - Method in interface
Append the names of all local and children's editors to the given list of names and return the list.
appendEditorNames(List<String>) - Method in class
appendFormData(FormData, Language, boolean) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ValueIndexer
Appends the given form data content for indexing.
appendIndexData(ValueIndexer, T, boolean) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.access.editor.ReferenceAwareValueIndexSupporting
Asks to append indexing data for the given value to the handed indexer.
appendIndexData(String, Language, boolean, ValueIndexer) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.ValueIndexing
Append data to the indexer enabling to find the data object having the given identifier in the defined language.
appendNumber(String, Number) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ValueIndexer
Appends the given number value for indexing with respect to the defined field name.
ApplicationAgent - Interface in
Agent providing information about the application.
ApplicationAspectMap - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.scheduling.aspects
Map for keeping application aspects in a type safe manner.
ApplicationAspectMap() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.scheduling.aspects.ApplicationAspectMap
ApplicationAspectType<A> - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.scheduling.aspects
Type used for identifying specific aspects within a task application.
ApplicationPlugin - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.server.application
Definition of a plug-in describing an application connected to FirstSpirit.
ApplicationPlugin.IconType - Enum Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.server.application
The contextual icon type.
ApplicationService - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications
Client service to open tab applications
ApplicationTab<T> - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications
Controls the application tab: close it or add TabListener to be notified on tab focus changes.
ApplicationTabAppearance - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications
Configuration interface defining the appearance of the related application tab.
ApplicationTabAppearance.Builder - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications
Configuration builder to configure tab appearance.
ApplicationTabAppearance.FontStyle - Enum Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications
The font style types.
ApplicationTabConfiguration<T extends ApplicationTabConfiguration<T>> - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications
Configuration class for application tabs.
ApplicationType<T,C extends ApplicationTabConfiguration> - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications
Token representing an application type.
ApplicationType() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.ApplicationType
apply(PromptOperation) - Method in interface
Applies the definition of the given prompt operation, which is the same as calling each setter individually.
apply(PromptOption) - Method in interface
Applies the definition of the given prompt option, which is the same as calling each setter individually.
apply(SystemPrompt) - Method in interface
Applies the definition of the given system prompt, which is the same as calling each setter individually.
applyFilterFolderBased(boolean) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.operations.SelectStoreElementOperation
The element selection filter allows/shows only child elements of folders.
applyFilterUidBased(boolean) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.operations.SelectStoreElementOperation
The element selection filter allows/shows only child elements having a UID.
applyLanguage(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.query.Select
Make a clone of this select and replace all place holders %lang% contained in constaints with the given languageAbbreviation
ARCHITECT - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.BaseContext.Env
Definition of Site Architect environment.
ARCHIVED - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the element has been archived.
ARCHIVED - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the element has been archived.
Area - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.imagemap
An area of some shape at some place hosting a link.
AREA_KEY - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ImageMapEditorValue
Key for a single area entry.
Area.Visitor<R> - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.imagemap
Visitor to operate on different shapes of areas.
AreaBuilder - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.imagemap
Generic definition of a builder for shaped areas.
AREAS_KEY - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ImageMapEditorValue
Key for the area container.
areEquivalent(T, T) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.ValueComparable
Compares two values in terms of equal meaning
ARUGULA - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.WebeditColor
ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.common.util.SortOrder
Sort in ascending order
asConstraint() - Method in class
asConstraint() - Method in class
asConstraint() - Method in class
asConstraint() - Method in interface
Get a constraint representation of this entry.
asConstraint() - Method in class
asConstraint() - Method in class
asConstraint() - Method in class
asConstraint() - Method in class
asConstraints() - Method in class
Convenience method returning a list of project constraints
asList() - Method in class
Returns the unique names of all variables
asMap() - Method in class
Creates a representation of this list mapping from the store name to a list of folder names
asMap() - Method in class
Creates a map representation from the store name to the list of folder names
asNameSet() - Method in class
Provides a set of entry names
asNameSet() - Method in class
Returns the unique names of all entries
asNameSet() - Method in class
Convenience method providing defined templates as set of uids.
Aspectable - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.aspects
Interface for classes supporting aspect provisioning.
AspectMap - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.aspects
A simple map for type safe aspect mapping.
AspectMap() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.aspects.AspectMap
AspectType<T> - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.aspects
Type token implementation for aspect types.
AspectType() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.aspects.AspectType
asRevisionProvider() - Method in interface
Return an ElementProvider<Revision> on this HistoryProvider.
assimilate(Language, Object) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.EditorValue
Assimilate the value object for the specified language, if possible.
Note: Passing null as argument will be evaluated as clear!
ASSISTANT - Static variable in interface
Typical role for a prompt/response from the generative AI.
associate(Entity) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ValueIndexer
Associate an entity with the value under indexing, so that if the entity changes, the value will be updated wrt. its index entry.
associate(String, Object) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.DataAssociationAgent
Determines the associations for the specified object and association namespace.
associate(DataAssociationHandler.Type<? extends DataAssociationHandler<T, A>>, T) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.DataAssociationAgent
Determines the associations for the specified object and association namespace.
associate(T) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.DataAssociationHandler
Returns a set of objects the given object is associated with.
Associate - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor
Definition of an associate for adding to some index.
associateIds(DataAssociationHandler.Type<? extends DataAssociationHandler<T, A>>, T) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.DataAssociationAgent
Determines the associations for the specified object and association namespace.
Attachment - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.access
Container for transporting attachments.
Attachment(File) - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Attachment
File-based constructor for an attachment.
Attachment(String, String, InputStream) - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Attachment
Stream-based constructor for an attachment, additionally providing a name and a type for the file.
Attachment(String, InputStream) - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Attachment
Stream-based constructor for an attachment also providing a name.
attribute(String, Serializable) - Method in interface
Configures a generic attribute for the request.
attribute(String, Serializable) - Method in interface
Configures a generic attribute for this response object.
attribute(String, Object) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.UrlGenerationContext.Builder
Configures an attribute to be available in the generation context.
Attribute<T> - Interface in de.espirit.or.schema
This is the interface for all implementations of attributes which can defined by an entity type.
AttributeConstraint - Interface in de.espirit.or.query
The base class for all constraints which define an attribute based filter.
AttributeProvider - Interface in
Provides generic attributes configured for this object.
AUTH_ADMIN - Static variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ConnectionManager
Authentication method using the default admin as defined in the fs-jaas.conf.
AUTH_CLIENT - Static variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ConnectionManager
Authentication method using the client login as defined in the fs-jaas.conf.
AUTH_DEFAULT - Static variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ConnectionManager
Authentication method using the default login as defined in the fs-jaas.conf.
AUTH_SYSTEM - Static variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ConnectionManager
Authentication method using the system login as defined in the fs-jaas.conf.
AUTH_WEB_NONSSO - Static variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ConnectionManager
Authentication method using the Non-SSO-based web login as defined in the fs-jaas.conf.
AUTH_WEB_SSO - Static variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ConnectionManager
Authentication method using the SSO-based web login as defined in the fs-jaas.conf.
AuthenticationException - Exception in de.espirit.firstspirit.server.authentication
Exception thrown if a authentication was not successful because of invalid credentials for instance.
AuthenticationException() - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.server.authentication.AuthenticationException
Exception thrown if a authentication was not successful because of invalid credentials for instance.
AuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.server.authentication.AuthenticationException
Exception thrown if a authentication was not successful because of invalid credentials for instance.
AuthenticationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.server.authentication.AuthenticationException
Exception thrown if a authentication was not successful because of invalid credentials for instance.
AUTOMATIC - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Task.EditorMode
Automatic editor mode.
AUTOMATIC - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.TaskState.Mode
Automatic TaskState creation mode.
AUTOMATIC - Static variable in interface
Task state definition for automatic transition.
autoReleaseAfterUpload() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomMediaStoreRemoteProjectEntry.getAutoReleaseAfterUpload() returning a boolean value
autoReleaseAfterUpload() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomSiteOrMediaStoreRemoteProjectEntry.getAutoReleaseAfterUpload() returning a boolean value
autoReleaseAfterUpload() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomStorableRemoteProjectEntry.getAutoReleaseAfterUpload() returning a boolean value
autoReleaseAfterUpload() - Method in interface
Indicates the project performing an auto release after upload.
autoReleaseAfterUpload() - Method in class
Indicates if the project performs an automatic release after upload
autoReleaseRemote() - Method in class
since 4.2.17 - no replacement
autoSave() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomPermission.getAutoSave() returning a boolean value
available() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ConnectionManager.ClientJarInputStream
Indicates the stream to be available.
awaitTermination() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleEntryControl
Blocks until the schedule entry has terminated.
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