
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


icon(Image<?>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.status.WebeditStatusNoteBuilder
Sets the icon associated with the status note to create.
icon(Icon) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.ApplicationTabAppearance.Builder
Sets the icon for the application tab related to this tab appearance builder.
icon(Icon) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.ApplicationTabConfiguration
ICON - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.common.FsResource
Definition for icon based resource keys.
ICON() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.FsResource.FsIcon.ICON
IconProviding - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.scheduling.aspects
Aspect to enable an application to provide an icon.
iconType(MPPViewport.IconType) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.mpp.MPPViewport.Builder
Set the icon type for this viewport.
ID - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.admin.UserStorage.Order
Order by the user's id.
IdentifiedFormData - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.forms
Definition of form data container that is identified by its ID.
identifier() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.event.BusIdentifier
Returns the unique identifier.
identifier(Object) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.ApplicationTabConfiguration
Defines an identifier for the application tab which will be created based on this configuration.
Identifier - Interface in de.espirit.or.schema
Interface representing the identifier of an entity.
IDENTIFIER - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.mpp.MPPWebControl
JavaScript identifier for the instance of this MPP control object
IdentifierList<K,E> - Interface in de.espirit.common.util
List interface providing at least the key (identifier) for a specific index, also the related entry IdentifierList could be null
Identifying - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects
Aspect supporting to identify data objects.
IDENTITY_LAYER_MAPPING - Static variable in interface
since 5.2.513 - use LayerMapper instead
IDProvider - Interface in
IDProvider.DependentReleaseType - Enum Class in
Type for the dependent release handling.
IDProvider.RevertType - Enum Class in
Type represanting the revert mode.
IDProvider.UidType - Enum Class in
Defines the name space in which the unique identifier has to be unique.
IDProviderChange - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.event
An IDProvider based change operation.
IDProviderEventAgent - Interface in
An event agent providing means for IDProvider based change events.
IDProviderReferenceHolder - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.access.editor
Definition of a IdProvider reference holding container.
IdProvidingFormData - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.fslist
Interface definition for form data providing an unique identifier.
IdTranslator - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool
Type providing means to translate between IDs from a publisher and IDs from a subscriber.
IE - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.browser.EngineType
since 5.2.181102, no replacement
IEXPLORER - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.browser.EngineType
since 5.2.1806, no replacement
ignore() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomLabeledValueLangInfo.getIgnore() returning a boolean value
ignore(Language) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.Option
Indicates whether this Option should be ignored and therefore hidden in the gui for the provided language.
IGNORE - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project.MediaNotTranslatedStrategy
Ignore untranslated medium
ignoreContentType() - Method in interface
Ignore content type indicator.
ignoreIncomingReferences(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets whether incoming references should be ignored when deleting elements or not.
ignoreValidation() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Language
Indicates, whether validation should be ignored in this language.
Note: This method employs a negative logic for minimal impact on usages (e.g. tests).
IIS - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.WebServerConfiguration.Type
since 5.0 - no replacement
IIS_ACCESS_FILENAME - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.WebServerConfiguration
since 5.0 - no replacement
Image<S> - Interface in
Interface for image containers.
Image<T> - Interface in
Provides an image object for visualization.
Image.Consumer<O> - Class in
An abstract consumer type providing an "extensible interface" to consume available sources of images.
Image.ConsumptionException - Exception in
Exception wrapper to forward checked exceptions from within the consumption process.
Image.Factory - Class in
Factory for creation of different Image types.
ImageAgent - Interface in
Agent providing image containers.
IMAGEEDITOR - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.GraphicsEngineType
since 5.2.190405 - no replacement
ImageMapAgent - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.imagemap
Agent providing means to operate on image map specifics.
ImageMapEditorValue - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor
since 5.2.21 - use FormField instead
Images - Class in
Generic utility to provide image related operations.
Implied - Annotation Interface in de.espirit.common
implies(Filter<T>, Filter<T>) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.util.Filter.Util
Factory to create a logical consequence based filter on a given condition and its implication.
implode(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class
Generates a string which contains all string values of the specified collection, separated by the given delimiter.
IMPORT_INFO_KEY - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.ImportInfo
Use context.getSession().get(ImportInfo.IMPORT_INFO_KEY) to get the import info object
ImportElementInfo - Interface in
Container of information on an element being imported.
ImportEnabling - Interface in
Provides information about CF_HTML content importing capabilities.
ImportHandler - Interface in
importIDProviderGIDs() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureInstallOptions
Returns true if the GIDs should be imported/updated during the feature installation process.
importIDProviderGIDs(boolean) - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureInstallOptions.Builder
Specify whether the GIDs of the imported/updated IDProviders should be imported/updated during the feature installation process.
ImportInfo - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool
This interface provides information about a packagepool subscription update.
An instance of this interface will be available in the session of a workflow mapped with ImportInfo.IMPORT_INFO_KEY.
ImportOperation - Interface in
Operation providing means to import store elements from files in a file system.
ImportOperation.DatabaseLayerMapper - Interface in
since 5.2.513 - use LayerMapper instead
ImportOperation.MapDatabaseLayerMapper - Class in
since 5.2.513 - use LayerMapper instead
ImportOperation.Problem - Interface in
Bundles a description, the store type, and the node id of a problematic element.
ImportOperation.Result - Interface in
Container providing access to the result of the import operation.
ImportParameters - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export
Configuration class used as parameter for project imports
ImportParameters(ExportFile, ProjectInfo, String, String, Map<String, String>, Map<Long, Long>) - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.ImportParameters
Creates a new ImportParameters object.
ImportParameters(ExportFile, ProjectInfo, String, String, Map<String, String>, Map<Long, Long>, Map<Long, String>) - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.ImportParameters
Creates a new ImportParameters object.
ImportProgress - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export
Interface providing access to the progress information of a project import.
importStoreElement(ZipFile, ImportHandler) - Method in interface
Imports the first root node from the given zip exportfile.
importStoreElements(ZipFile, ImportHandler) - Method in interface
Imports all root nodes from the given zip exportfile.
importStoreElements(ZipFile, StoreElement, ImportHandler) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.UserService
Import of a file with store elements.
In - Class in de.espirit.or.query
Constraint representing the IN operator.
In(String, Parameter) - Constructor for class de.espirit.or.query.In
Creates a new In constraint for the attribute specified by given attributeName and parameter.
Attention: Ensure to set an Iterable<Object> as parameter value in Select.setParameter(String, Object)
In(String, Iterable<Object>) - Constructor for class de.espirit.or.query.In
Creates a new In constraint for the attribute specified by given attributeName and with the given value.
IN - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.or.query.Constraint.Type
Type identifying the In constraint
IN_PROGRESS - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.server.RunLevel
Server startup or shutdown is in progress.
IN_WORKFLOW - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.WebeditElementStatusProviderPlugin.State
Release state: workflow is running.
InaccessibleException() - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.forms.RemoteFormData.InaccessibleException
InappropriateValueException - Exception in de.espirit.firstspirit.forms
Exception thrown if a value is not appropriate.
InappropriateValueException(GomFormElement, Language, Object, LocalizableException) - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.forms.InappropriateValueException
Create a new instance.
include(String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.template.Evaluator
Includes something in the output.
includeInOutput(Language) - Method in interface
Has no effect, no language can be excluded in the output of the generation.
includeInOutput(Language) - Method in interface
Includes this section in the output for the given language.
includeNode(IDProvider) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Subscription
Includes the given storeelement to the list of nodes which will be imported from the package.
IncludeType - Enum Class in
Types for inclusion of value ranges in option editors.
INCOMPATIBLE_ENTITY_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class
Entity type has incompatible changes.
INCOMPLETE_PARENT_PATH - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that an element of the parent path of a dependent node is never released.
INCOMPLETE_PARENT_PATH - Enum constant in enum class
since 5.2.180606, use ReleaseOperation instead
Incremental - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.DeployTask.Type
Incremental deployment.
INCREMENTAL - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.BackupType
INCREMENTAL - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.ExportFile.ExportType
INCREMENTAL_BACKUP_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.ExportFile
Index - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.access.editor.lists
Container value holding an arbitrary number of records referring to some data.
Index.Record - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.access.editor.lists
Single entry of an index providing some meta data on the item and a reference to the item itself.
IndexAccessor - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.access.editor.lists
Generation time accessor to the value of an index.
IndexEditorValue - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.access.editor
since 5.2.23 - use FormField instead
indexOf(int) - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.text.AbstractTextType
Delegates to String.indexOf(int).
indexOf(int, int) - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.text.AbstractTextType
indexOf(Option) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.OptionModel
Get the index of the option matching the given value.
indexOf(E) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.util.OrderedSet
Returns the index of an element
indexOf(String) - Method in interface
since 5.2.21 - see type
indexOf(String) - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.text.AbstractTextType
indexOf(String, int) - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.text.AbstractTextType
indexOfId(KeyValue) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.EntityList
Return the index of the entity in the list with the given id or -1 if there is no such entity in the list.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.common.base.Logger.LogLevel
More coarse-grained general information.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.ComponentConstructionException.Level
The exception is for information only.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.operations.RequestOperation.Kind
Kind for info requests/messages.
InheritablePrompt - Interface in
Inheritable prompt configuration entry.
InheritAnnotations - Annotation Interface in de.espirit.common
Marker for annotation processors to identify that annotations shall be inherited.
inheritWorkflowPermission() - Method in interface
Returns a boolean state, whether the workflow permissions should be inherited for this StoreElement or not.
If true the WorkflowPermissions of parent StoreElement used, false otherwise.

Store has no parent and return always false
init() - Method in interface
init() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.server.mediamanagement.FileBasedUploadFilter
Method stub.
init(Map<String, String>, PathLookup) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.UrlFactory
Initialization method.
init(Logger) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.base.Logging
Initialization of the Logger.
init(BaseContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.ClientPlugin
since 5.0.100 use a specific plug-in type instead (see hierarchy).
init(GenerationContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.UrlCreator
Initialization callback.
init(GenerationContext, OutputStream) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.ContentProcessor
Initializes the content processor.
init(ModuleDescriptor, ServerEnvironment) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.Module
Initializes this module with the given descriptor and environment.
init(WebAppDescriptor, WebEnvironment) - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.module.AbstractWebApp
Initialize the web app based on the given descriptor and enviroment.
init(WebAppDescriptor, WebEnvironment) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.WebApp
Initializes this component with the given descriptor and environment.
init(D, E) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.Component
Initializes this component with the given descriptor and environment.
init(String, String, E) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.Configuration
Initializes this component with the given environment.
init(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.Layer
Initializes the layer with the given properties.
init(T, Connection) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.ServiceProxy
Initializes this service proxy.
initCause(Throwable) - Method in exception de.espirit.or.ORException
initialize(UserService, DataValue, Element, GomFormElement) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.EditorValue
Initialize this editor.
InitialPreset - Class in
Defines an extended preset mode for initial value providing editors.
InitialValueProviding<T> - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.access.editor
Aspect for ValueEngineers providing an initial value.
initMDC(MappedDiagnosticContext) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.base.Logging
Initialization of the MappedDiagnosticContext.
initUploadFilter(InputStream, String) - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.server.mediamanagement.FileBasedUploadFilter
Creates a new tempfile with the given extension and copies the given inputstream to this tempfile.
initUploadFilter(InputStream, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.server.mediamanagement.UploadFilter
Initialize the filter instance.
inject(Object, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.browser.BrowserApplication
Creates a javascript proxy for the given object instance.
INLINE - Enum constant in enum class
Display a full inline form and use a selection dialog for creation of links
InlineEditContext - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.inlineedit
Object providing information and accessors about the context in which inline editing items have been requested.
InlineEditItem - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.inlineedit
Definition of an item targeting inline editing.
InlinePreviewConstraints - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project
Configuration interface for project specific inline preview constraints.
InlinePreviewConstraints.DefaultAppFileExtensions - Enum Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project
The default application engines file name extensions used for (bound to) a specific engine type.
InlinePreviewConstraints.InlinePreviewControlOption - Enum Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project
Inline preview control option
insertChild(int, Printable) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.template.TemplateElement
Insert a child node at the specified index.
INSERTED - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.Modification
Indicates a modification based on an insertion of an element.
INSERTED - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.Mark
Mark for a gadget whose value was inserted compared to some reference value.
install(InputStream, boolean) - Method in interface
install(InputStream, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
install(InputStream, ModuleAdminAgent.UpdateUsagesMode) - Method in interface
Installs or updates the given module.
installed() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.module.AbstractWebApp
Lifecycle event: called, when the web application was installed.
installed() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.Component
Event method: called if Component was successfully installed (not updated!)
installed() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.Module
Event method: called after module was successfully installed.
installFeature(FeatureFile, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureInstallAgent
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
installFeature(FeatureFile, LayerMapper) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureInstallAgent
Starts a server side feature installation process for the given feature file.
installFeature(FeatureInstallOptions) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureInstallAgent
Starts a server side feature installation process for the given FeatureInstallOptions.
installFeatureModel() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureInstallOptions
Check if a feature model, containing metadata about content transported by the feature, must be created or updated in the target project immediately after the feature installation process.
installFeatureModel(boolean) - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureInstallOptions.Builder
Set whether the feature model, which contains metadata about content transported by the feature, should be created or updated in the target project immediately after the feature installation process.
installProjectApp(String, String, Project) - Method in interface
Installs or updates a project application to the specified project.
installWebApp(String, String, WebAppId) - Method in interface
Installs or updates the given web-app component into the specified web app and deploys the web app to its web-server.
installWebApp(String, String, WebAppId, boolean) - Method in interface
Installs or updates the given web-app component into the specified web app and deploys the web app to its web-server, if deploy is set to true.
INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.contextmenu.SeparatorContextMenuItem
Singleton instance to be used to represent a separator in java client menus.
INSTANCE - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.PathLookup
The default implementation.
IntegrityValidating - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects
Aspect providing means to execute a (simple) data integrity validation.
IntegrityValidating.Problem - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects
Integrity problem descriptor.
intern() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.text.AbstractTextType
Delegates to String.intern().
INTERNAL_LINK - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.reference.Reference
Type string identifying a reference to a LinkTemplate
INTERNAL_URL - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.UrlCreator.Mode
An internal url: "fs://..." - this can be used to generate urls to media files which should be included in rendered output - called for "abs:3".
INTERNAL_URL - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.UrlCreator.Mode
An internal url: "fs://..." - this can be used to generate urls to media files which should be included in rendered output - called for "abs:3".
INTERVAL - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ExecutionSchedule
Type indicator for interval scheduled execution.
IntervalExecutionSchedule - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule
A periodic schedule, the length is specified in IntervalExecutionSchedule.getInterval().
intValue() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.number.AbstractNumberType
INVALID_STARTNODE_PATH - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the sitestore folder has no valid start node path because elements in the start node path are never released.
INVALID_STARTNODE_PATH - Enum constant in enum class
since 5.2.180606, use ReleaseOperation instead
INVALID_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.Mark
Mark for a gadget not having a valid value (avoiding save) wrt. validation rules.
INVALID_VALUE_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in exception de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.InvalidValueException
Resource key for error message.
INVALID_VALUE_WARNING - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.Mark
Mark for a gadget not having a valid value (avoiding release) wrt. validation rules.
InvalidFormDefinition - Exception in de.espirit.firstspirit.forms
Exception informing about an invalid form definition.
InvalidFormDefinition() - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.forms.InvalidFormDefinition
InvalidRulesetDefinition() - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.operations.ShowFormDialogOperation.InvalidRulesetDefinition
InvalidSessionException - Exception in de.espirit.firstspirit.access
Exception thrown if a invalid session is detected.
InvalidSessionException(String, long) - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.access.InvalidSessionException
Exception thrown if a invalid session is detected.
InvalidValueException - Exception in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value
Generic exception on setting invalid values.
InvalidValueException() - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.PropertyProcessing.InvalidValueException
InvalidValueException(EditorValue<?>) - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.InvalidValueException
Constructor on editor only taking default error key.
InvalidValueException(EditorValue<?>, String) - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.InvalidValueException
Constructor on editor and descriptor.
InvalidValueException(EditorValue<?>, String, String) - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.InvalidValueException
Constructor on editor, descriptor and fallback.
invoke() - Method in interface de.espirit.common.function.Generator
Generates an object of the specified type.
invoke(P) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.function.UnaryFunction
Generates an object of the specified type based on the given parameter.
invoke(P) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.function.UnaryProcedure
Procedure call of this unary function.
invoke(P1, P2) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.function.BinaryFunction
Generates an object of the specified type based on the given parameters.
invoke(P1, P2) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.function.BinaryProcedure
Procedure call of this binary function.
Invoke() - Constructor for class de.espirit.common.text.ValueOfContractor.Invoke
invokeMethod(Object, String, List<Object>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.template.Evaluator
Invokes the named method on the given instance.
is(BaseContext.Env) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.BaseContext
Returns true if the given env matches the contexts execution environment, false otherwise.
Note: There may be defined multiple environments for a context.
IS_NULL - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.or.query.Constraint.Type
Type identifying the IsNull constraint
isAboveMaximum(Number) - Method in class
Tests, whether the given number is above the defined maximum.
isActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Subscription
Returns true if this subscription is active, false otherwise
If the subscription is inactive the update will not be processed.
isActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Is this project active
isActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.TemplateSet
Is this TemplateSet active
isActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleEntry
Returns true if this ScheduleEntry is active, false otherwise.
isActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleTask
Returns true if this task is active, false otherwise.
isActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.User
Get state (active -> true or inactive -> false) of this user.
isActive() - Method in interface
Returns whether the tag is active for the related context.
isActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.permission.groups.User
Indicates whether this user is active or not.
isActive(String) - Method in interface
Checks if the module with the specified name is currently active.
isActivityProcessed() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.WorkflowAgent.WorkflowProcessContext
Indicates whether the activity this context belongs to has been processed yet or not.
isAddable(Package) - Method in interface
isAdmin() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Group
Is this an admin group.
isAdmin() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.User
Returns true if the user currently has admin permissions, i.e. is server admin and admin mode is enabled.
isAdmin(User) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Returns true if the given user is server admin or member of a project's admin-group.
isAdmin(User) - Method in interface
Indicates, whether the given user is an administrator of the project.
isAggregateByValue() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.ComposedAttribute
Indicates the relation to be of aggregating nature.
isAllowed(int) - Method in interface
Check if a single permission is granted
isAlwaysActive() - Method in interface
Indicates whether this script is always active or not.
isAlwaysActive() - Method in interface
Indicates whether this Workflow is always active (true).
isAnonymous() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.parser.Printable
Anonymous means: Does not occur in template stack traces.
isApplicable(ScheduleTaskDefinitionContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.scheduling.ScheduleTaskApplication
Indicates the applicability of this application's tasks wrt. the given task definition context.
isArchivePage() - Method in interface
Generate archived version of this page
isAscending() - Method in class de.espirit.or.query.Order
Indicates whether the ordering of this order criteria is ascending or not.
isAssignableFromWildCardList(StoreElement, Class<?>) - Static method in enum class
Indicates if the given class is assignable from a wildcard list
isAt(int, int) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.TableCell
Returns true if this table cell originates in row row and column column.
isAutomatic() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.TaskState
Was the creation of this state manual or automatic
isAutomatic() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.model.Activity
Returns if this activity is exectued autmaticallly.
isAutostart(String) - Method in interface
Returns true if the given service is automatically started after FirstSpirit server start.
isAvailable() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Package
This flag indicates if the package is available.
isAvailable() - Method in interface
Checks whether this functionality is available, which depends on a configured API key in the GPT service configuration.
isAvailable(String) - Method in interface
Test if a feature toggle is explicitly set by configuration, system property or internal FirstSpirit enum.
isBackup() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.ExportFile
Returns true is this file is in backup directory.
isBackup() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.ExportParameters
Indicates whether this export parameters belongs to a backup task.
isBelowMinimum(Number) - Method in class
Tests, whether the given number is below the defined minimum.
isBlacklisted(Class<? extends StoreElement>) - Method in enum class
Indicates if the given element is blacklisted
isBroken() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.reference.Reference
Internal references may be broken, e.g.
isBroken() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ReferenceEntry
A reference may be broken, e.g. if a medium was referenced from a picture input component and the medium was deleted afterwards.
isCalculatingReferences() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Returns true if recalculating is in progress.
isCaseSensitive() - Method in class
Indicates the matching to be case sensitive.
isCategory() - Method in class
Indicates if the constraint refers to a category
isCdata() - Method in interface
Indicates the format to represent CDATA.
isChangeable() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Subscription
The changeable flag indicates if the nodes containing in the Package which is subscribed by this subscription, are changeable (true) in the subscriber Project or not (false).
isChangeable() - Method in interface
Checks if this PackagePoolItem is changeable.
isChanged() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Lockable
Indicates whether this object is changed locally or not.
isChanged() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleEntry
true if this ScheduleEntry has been changed, false otherwise
isChanged() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleTaskTemplate
Returns true, if this template has been changed, false otherwise.
isChangeState() - Method in enum class de.espirit.or.schema.Entity.PersistentState
Indicates the entity being in a changed state.
isCheckOnlyMode() - Method in interface
since 5.2.180606, use ReleaseOperation instead
isCheckOnlyMode() - Method in interface
Returns true if the server action was started in 'check-only' mode.
If the server action runs in 'check-only' mode the whole process is only tested, but the involved elements will not be restored.
isCheckOnlyMode() - Method in interface
Returns true if the server action was started in 'check-only' mode.
If the server action runs in 'check-only' mode the whole process is only tested, but the involved elements will not be reverted.
isClosed() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.ApplicationTab
Indicates whether this tab has been closed.
isComposedAttribute(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.EntityType
Checks up whether the attribute with the given name represents a relation.
isConnected() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Connection
Returns true if this connection is connected and working.
isContextFree() - Method in interface
Indicates this workflow to operate context free.
isCopy() - Method in class
Indicates this preset mode to be the copy setting.
isCopyAllowed() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleTaskTemplate
Is it allowed to copy this template or are only references allowed?
isCopyAllowed() - Method in interface
Returns true if the user is allowed to copy entities.
isCreated() - Method in class
Preset once with creation date
isCreated() - Method in class
Indicates to request an initial value at creation stage, if no value is set at the time of setting up the value.
isDbaLayer() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.database.Layer
A DBA (database administration) layer is a layer which creates a db-schema in the database for each FirstSpirit schema.
isDebugEnabled(Class<?>) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.base.Logger
Checks whether logging with debug level is enabled for the supplied class.
isDebugEnabled(Class<?>) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.base.Logging
Check whether the DEBUG level is enabled for the given class.
isDebugEnabled(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.base.Logger
Checks whether logging with debug level is enabled for the supplied logger name.
isDebugEnabled(String) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.base.Logging
Check whether the DEBUG level is enabled for the given logger name.
isDebugging() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.template.Evaluator
Indicates, whether this evaluation is operating in debugging mode.
isDefault() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.EditorValue
Indicates the value representing default data.
isDefault() - Method in interface
since 5.2.21 - see type
isDefault() - Method in interface
since 5.2.21 - see type
isDefault() - Method in class
Indicates this preset mode to be the default one.
isDefault() - Method in interface
Returns whether this tag is a default one.
isDefault() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.forms.FormField
Indicates that the field represents a default value.
isDefault() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.forms.RemoteFormField
Indicates that the value is set to default.
isDefault() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.GadgetContext
Indicates to operate for default value definition.
isDeletable() - Method in interface
Returns true if the region defined in this link is deletable, false otherwise.
Note: Can only be true for row and column rules.
isDeleted() - Method in interface
Returns the state of deletion. true if element is deleted and false if its not
isDeleted() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Common.WorkflowTransitionInfo
Returns true if the affected element was deleted during transition.
isDeployed(String, String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.WebServer
Returns true if the contextName is deployed and false otherwise.
isDeprecated() - Method in interface
Returns true if the saved picture is deprecated (the cropped picture data was created based on an original resolution image that doesn't exist any longer), and false otherwise.
isDeprecated() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.query.Select
Return true if this select is constructed from a 3.1 query document.
isDirectory() - Method in interface
Shortcut for FileHandle.getType() == DIR
isEditable() - Method in interface
Returns true if the region defined in this link is editable, false otherwise.
isEditMode() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.inlineedit.InlineEditContext
Returns true if edit mode is active, otherwise history mode is active.
isElement() - Method in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.event.EventInfo.EventType
Indicates the event type to be element based.
isElementDeleted() - Method in interface
Returns whether the corresponding element has been deleted (or is unavailable) in the current store.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.common.util.Listable
Indicates that the listable has no entries.
Defaults to invoking
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.BinaryMedium
Checks if this binary medium is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.DatasetContainer
Shortcut for DatasetContainer.getDataset() == null.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.DomElement
Returns true if this element has no content.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.ElementReference
Indicates this container to be empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.Permissions
Indicates that no permissions are defined.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.Table
Indicates whether this table is empty or not.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.TargetReference
Tests if this TargetReference currently has no element set.
isEmpty() - Method in class
Indicates, whether no language information have been defined.
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in interface
Indicates an empty language info object.
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.template.TemplateElement
Indicates this element to have no children.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.access.editor.lists.IndexAccessor
Indicates the index to be empty, i.e., it does not contain any entry.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.common.GidAgent.GidAdaptationResult
Returns true if this result contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.forms.FormField
Indicates that the value of this field is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.forms.RemoteFormField
Indicates that the value of this field is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.json.JsonObject
Returns true if this json object contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.server.mediamanagement.exif.ExifData
Returns true if this ExifData contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class
Indicates if the map of permissions is empty
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.ValueHolder
Indicates that the currently hold value is considered to represent an empty value.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.server.gadgets.aspects.SerializingValueHolder
Indicates that the currently hold value is considered to represent an empty value.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.model.Workflow
Checks if the workflow is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class de.espirit.or.query.AbstractConstraint
Check if this is an empty constraint.
isEmpty() - Method in class de.espirit.or.query.ComposedConstraint
Check if this is an empty constraint.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.query.Constraint
Check if this is an empty constraint.
isEmpty() - Method in class de.espirit.or.query.In
Check if this is an empty constraint.
isEmpty(String) - Static method in class
Checks whether or not the specified string is empty.
isEmpty(TargetReference) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ReferenceEditorValue
Test whether a TargetReference is empty.
isEmpty(T) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.EditorValue
Test the given object for being empty.
isEmpty(T) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.access.editor.ValueEngineer
Check if the provided value is empty.
isEnabled() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.server.application.ApplicationPlugin
Returns whether or not the application should be enabled in the current context.
isEnabled(ContextMenuContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.contextmenu.JavaClientContextMenuItem
Indicates, whether this item is enabled wrt. the given context.
isEnabled(ContextMenuContext) - Method in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.contextmenu.SeparatorContextMenuItem
isEnabled(ReportContext<T>) - Method in interface
Indicates, whether this item is enabled wrt. the given context.
isEnabled(ToolbarContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.toolbar.JavaClientToolbarItem
Indicate, whether this item is enabled wrt. the given context.
isEnabled(ToolbarContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.toolbar.WebeditToolbarItem
Indicates, whether this item is enabled wrt. the given context.
isEnabled(InlineEditContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.inlineedit.InlineEditItem
Indicates, whether this item is enabled with respect to the given context.
isEnabled(MediaManagementContext) - Method in interface
Indicates the visibility of this item wrt. the given context.
isEnabled(MediaManagementContext) - Method in interface
Indicates the visibility of this item wrt. the given context.
isEnabled(MediaManagementContext) - Method in interface
Indicates the visibility of this item wrt. the given context.
isEnabled(WebeditStatusNoteContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.status.WebeditStatusNoteItem
Indicates, whether this item is enabled wrt. the given context.
isEnabled(String) - Method in interface
Get the value for a given feature toggle name or return true if the toggle is not set or unknown as the default value.
isEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Get the value for a given feature toggle name or return the default value if the toggle is not set or unknown.
isEnabled(C) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.ClientPluginAction
since 5.0.103 with no replacement
isEnabled(C) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.Item
Indicates, whether this item is enabled wrt. the given context.
isEncryptedPassword(String) - Method in interface
Indicates if the given string is an encrypted password.
The password string may be null, in this case false is returned.
isEndState() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Common.WorkflowTransitionInfo
Returns true if the workflow is now in the end state
isEndState() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.model.State
Returns true if this state is an end-state; false otherwise.
isEntity() - Method in interface
Whether or not this element represents an Entity.
isEntity() - Method in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.event.EventInfo.EventType
Indicates the event type to be entity based.
isErrorState() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.model.State
Returns true if this state is an error-state; false otherwise.
isEveryone() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Group
Is this the everyone group
isExecuteOnClusterNode() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleTask
since 5.2.240708 no replacement, always returns true.
isExportSupported() - Method in interface
Checks if the element supports export.
isExtendGlobalRulesets() - Method in interface
isExternal() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Group
Indicates whether this is an external group.
isFeatureLicensed(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.license.LicenseService
Returns true if a feature code is licensed, false otherwise.
isFile() - Method in interface
Shortcut for FileHandle.getType() == FILE
isFiltered() - Method in interface
Returns true if the view is filterd (getContent2Params().getQuery() is not null).
isFinished() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ActionProgress
Indicates wether the underlying serveraction is finished or not.
isFinished() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.TaskResult
true if execution of this task has been finished.
isFinished() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Task
Is task finished
isFinished() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.scheduling.ScheduleTaskControl
Indicates the task being done.
isFirst() - Method in class
isFirstTransition() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Common.WorkflowTransitionInfo
Returns true if the transition was the first one of the workflow.
isFolder() - Method in interface
Implementing classes must return true
isFolder() - Method in interface
All implementing classes must return true.
isFolder() - Method in interface
A store is always a folder, so implementations must always return true.
isFolder() - Method in interface
Checks if the element is a folder.
isForceEditorIds() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.GenerationContext
Returns whether or not the editor identifier should be generated regardless of the current environment.
isForceRefresh() - Method in interface
Flag if a refresh should be forced.
isForRelease() - Method in interface
Indicates whether to preview from release store.
isFullGenerate() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.DeltaGeneration.ChangeSet
Return true if this change set will result in a full generate process.
isFullQualified() - Method in interface
Flag if the url is full qualified.
isGlobal() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.module.descriptor.AbstractDescriptor.ResourceDescriptor
Indicates if a resource is globally visible (i.e. for all other modules, too) or only locally for the same module.
isGraphicsEngineActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.InlinePreviewConstraints
Indicated the activation state of the graphics engine for this project.
isHddShutdownLimitActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ServerConfiguration
Returns whether or not the server will be shut down if space left limit is exceeded.
isHddWarnLimitActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ServerConfiguration
Returns whether or not a warning mail will be issues if space left limit is exceeded.
isHidden() - Method in interface
State if the body is hidden for the user
isHidden() - Method in class
Convenience method: Indicates, whether to hide this component from the form
isHidden() - Method in class
isHidden() - Method in interface
Indicator for hidden elements.
isHidden() - Method in interface
State if the template is hidden in the selection-list.
isHidden() - Method in interface
State if the template is hidden in the selection-list.
isHidden() - Method in interface
Indicates wether this TemplateBody is defined as hidden or not
isHidden() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.module.descriptor.AbstractDescriptor
isHidden() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.descriptor.ComponentDescriptor
Returns true if component is hidden in adminconsole, and false (by default) otherwise
isHidden() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.WebServer
Returns if the web server is hidden (actually only the internal) if true, then its hidden in the web-server configuration...
isHiding() - Method in enum class
Indicates if the text is hidden
isHigherPriorityKeyAvailableForPassword(String) - Method in interface
Tests whether the encrypted password has been encrypted with a low priority key while a higher priority key is available on the FirstSpirit server in the meantime.
isHtmlMode() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.GenerationContext
Returns whether or not the context is currently generating html code (default is true).
isImageFlipped() - Method in class
Is the image flipped before stored.
isImportEnabled() - Method in class
isImportEnabled() - Method in interface
Indicates if importing CF_HTML content is enabled
isImportSupported() - Method in interface
Checks if the element supports import.
isImportUsers() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.ImportParameters
Indicates if users missing on the current FirstSpirit server should be imported.
isInfoEnabled(Class<?>) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.base.Logger
Checks whether logging with info level is enabled for the supplied class.
isInfoEnabled(Class<?>) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.base.Logging
Check whether the INFO level is enabled for the given class.
isInfoEnabled(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.base.Logger
Checks whether logging with info level is enabled for the supplied logger name.
isInfoEnabled(String) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.base.Logging
Check whether the INFO level is enabled for the given logger name.
isInherited() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.Permissions
Indicates that permissions of this container are inherited.
isInherited() - Method in interface
Returns whether this configuration entry has been inherited.
isInLifespan() - Method in interface
Indicates whether the actual time is included in the lifespan of this section.
isInLifespan() - Method in interface
Indicates whether the actual time is included in the lifespan of of the referenced source section.
isInLifespan(long) - Method in interface
Indicates whether the given timestamp is included in the lifespan of this section.
isInLifespan(long) - Method in interface
Indicates whether the given timestamp is included in the lifespan of of the referenced source section.
isInlineMediaPreviewEnabled() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.InlinePreviewConstraints
Returns true if inline preview for media is enabled, false otherwise.
isInlinePreviewControlAdjustable() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.InlinePreviewConstraints
Returns true if the content highlighting mode is adjustable by user, false otherwise.
isInlinePreviewEnabled() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.InlinePreviewConstraints
Returns true if inline preview for contents is enabled, false otherwise.
isInOutputIncluded(Language) - Method in interface
Returns true as content2 sections are categorical included in the output.
isInOutputIncluded(Language) - Method in interface
Checks if this section is included in the output for the given language.
isInReleaseStore() - Method in interface
Checks if this storeelement exists in the release representation of the belonging store.
isInReleaseStore(Language...) - Method in interface
Checks if this element exists in the release representation of the belonging store and has a valid release version for all the given languages.
isInstance(Object) - Method in class de.espirit.common.lang.TypeToken
Test the given object to be an instance of the underlying (raw) type of this token.
isInternalDatabaseHidden() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ServerConfiguration
Returns if the internal database layer (Derby) should be hidden in the ServerManager
isInvalidType(Number) - Method in class
Tests whether the given type is invalid wrt. the definition.
isKey() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.Attribute
Return true if this attribute is a key attribute else false.
isKey() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.SimpleAttribute
isLabelHiding() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.LabelHidable
Indicates, whether the label should be hidden or shown.
isLanguageDependent() - Method in enum class de.espirit.common.util.SortOrder
Indicates, whether the sort ordering depends on language dependent sorting criteria.
isLanguageDependent() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.EditorValue
States, if this editor is language dependent.
isLanguageDependent() - Method in interface
Indicates whether this media is language dependent or not.
isLanguageDependent() - Method in interface
Check if the content is language dependent.
isLanguageIndependent() - Method in interface
Returns whether this media url entry is language independent or not.
isLast() - Method in class
isLast() - Method in class
Indicates this parameters container to represent the last range of parameters.
isLazyLoad() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.ComposedAttribute
Return true if the value of this attribute is loaded on demand else false.
isLDAPUser() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.User
Returns true if this user is an LDAP user.
isLegacy() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.module.descriptor.AbstractDescriptor.ResourceDescriptor
Allows to differentiate between legacy and isolated resources.
isLicensed(Host) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.server.scheduler.ScheduleWizardFactory
Is this wizard factory enabled by license?
isLicensed(SpecialistsBroker) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.server.scheduler.ScheduleTaskFactory
Is this task type enabled by license?
isLocal() - Method in class
isLocal() - Method in class
isLocal() - Method in interface
Indicates the local project.
isLocal() - Method in class
isLocal() - Method in class
isLocal() - Method in class
isLocal() - Method in class
isLocal() - Method in class
Indicates if the constraint refers to a local project
isLocked() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Lockable
Returns the lock state of this object.
isLocked() - Method in interface
Checks if this node is locked by this session.
isLocked(Entity) - Method in interface
since 5.2.201 - use StoreElement.isLocked() instead.
isLockedOnServer(boolean) - Method in interface
Checks if this storeelement is locked on the server.
isLockedOnServer(Entity, boolean) - Method in interface
since 5.2.201 - use StoreElement.isLockedOnServer(boolean) instead.
isLockSupported() - Method in interface
Check this before using any lock method.
isLowerCase() - Method in enum class de.espirit.or.CaseMode
true if identifiers are lower case.
isMainAttribute() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.ComposedAttribute
In an 1:n or 1:1 relation there is a main attribute in the parent entity type which defines or owns the foreign key.
isManual() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.FixedExecutionSchedule
true if dependent ScheduleEntry is executed manually, false otherwise.
isMasterLanguage() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Language
Returns true if this language is the master language of the belonging project, false otherwise
isMBeanInstanceOf(String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.AdminService
Checks if a server-registered MBean exists and is instanceof the specified class.
isMediaExtensionCheckEnabled() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Get the activation status of the project based media filename extension restrictions.
isMediaSizeLimitEnabled() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Get the activation status of the project based media size limitations.
isMember(User) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Group
Verifies whether the given user to be a member of this group.
isMember(User) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Indicates whether the given user is member of this project.
isMemoryWarnActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ServerConfiguration
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 5.2.250308 - no replacement
isMeta() - Method in interface
since 5.2.21 - see type
isMeta() - Method in interface
since 5.2.21 - see type
isMeta() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.inlineedit.InlineEditContext
Indicates this context to operate on meta data.
isMetaDataRendering() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.functions.json.JsonSettings
Returns the meta FormData rendering setting.
isMetaInheritanceRendering() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.functions.json.JsonSettings
Gets the current MetaInheritanceRendering-Setting
isModified() - Method in interface
Indicates the modified state.
isModified() - Method in class
Set each time when modified
isModuleLicensed(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.license.LicenseService
Returns true if a module is licensed, false otherwise.
isMotDVisible() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ServerConfiguration
Returns true if the Message of the Day is to be shown, false otherwise.
IsNotNull - Class in de.espirit.or.query
Constraint to check if belonging attribute is not null
IsNotNull(String) - Constructor for class de.espirit.or.query.IsNotNull
Creates a IsNotNull constraint for the given attribute.
IsNull - Class in de.espirit.or.query
Constraint to check if belonging attribute is null
IsNull(String) - Constructor for class de.espirit.or.query.IsNull
Creates a IsNull constraint for the given attribute.
isNullAllowed() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.Validator
Returns whether or not a null value is allowed.
ISOLATED - Enum constant in enum class
Isolated mode, modules may contain isolated resources.
isOnHomePage() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.GuiScriptContext
Indicates whether the underlying script will be executed on the homepage or not.
isOrdered(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.query.Select
Return true if an order of the attribute attributeName is already defined in this select.
isOriginal() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Resolution
Returns true if this resolution is the original resolution
isOutOfMemoryWarnActive() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ServerConfiguration
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 5.2.250308 - no replacement
isPackageItem() - Method in interface
isParameterized() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.mpp.MPPWebControl
Returns whether or not the current preview parametrization is enabled by the user.
isParameterized() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Preview
since 5.2, use MPPWebControl.isParameterized() instead
isParted() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.ExportFile
Indicates whether this export file is parted or not.
isPasswordEncryptionEnabled() - Method in interface
Indicates if the password encryption is enabled for the FirstSpirit server.
Even if the password encryption for the FirstSpirit server is disabled (i.e. when this method returns false), it is possible to use the PasswordAgent.encryptPassword(String, String) and PasswordAgent.decryptPassword(String, String) methods.
To enable the internal password encryption of the FirstSpirit server, please use the setting in the fs-server.conf file.
isPermissionSupported() - Method in interface
Indicates whether this element supports permissions or not.
isPicture() - Method in interface
Returns whether this media url entry represents a medium that contains a picture or a file.

This method will always return false if the corresponding element has been deleted.
isPrettyPrinting() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.functions.json.JsonSettings
Returns the prettyPrinting setting.
isPreview() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.GenerationContext
Is the actual generation is a preview generation?
isPreview() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.GenerationScriptContext
Preview or normal generation
isPreviewRulesEvaluation() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.GenerationContext
Returns whether or not rules should be evaluated for the editor identifiers.
isProjectAdmin(Project) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.User
Tests if this user project admin for the provided project.
By default a server admin is project admin of all projects.
isProjectSchedule() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleEntry
Determines if the schedule entry is related to a project.
isProjectTask() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleTask
Returns true if this ScheduleTask is allowed to be used in project context only, false if server context execution is allowed also.
Note: Project belonging of this ScheduleTask can be identified by calling getScheduleEntry().isProjectSchedule() or getScheduleEntry().getProject().
isProjectTaskTemplate() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleTaskTemplate
Returns true, if the schedule task template is project scoped, false if it is server scoped.
isProviderKnown(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.treedata.TNodeService
Returns true, if the specified provider is known, and false otherwise
isPublic() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleTaskTemplate
Returns true, if this template is visible for other projects, false if this template is only available for local usage.
Note: only server scoped schedule task templates can be public.
isQuote() - Method in interface
Indicates whether to quote the format.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Package
Indicates whether content in subscribing project of this package is read only or not.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface
If the store is in read only mode, which means it is frozen to some point in time.
Any call in read only mode will throw an IllegalStateException.
Synonym for Store.getMaxRevision() !
isReadOnly() - Method in interface
Indicates the schema to be in read only mode.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.Attribute
A read only attribute can not be set by the client.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.Session
If the session is read only no modifications are permitted.
isRebuildingReferences() - Method in interface
Returns if rebuilding of all references is in progress.
isReference() - Method in interface
Is this a reference section?
isReindexingSearch() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Returns if reindexing is in progress
isRelease() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.GenerationContext
Indicates whether this generation context is based on a release version.
isRelease() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.GenerationScriptContext
Generate current or release
isRelease() - Method in interface
since 5.2.21 - see type
isRelease() - Method in interface
Returns true if this store is a release store, false for current stores.
isRelease() - Method in class
Indicates, whether the snippet context is in release mode.
isRelease() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.access.editor.ValueEngineerContext
Indicates, whether the engineer operates on release state.
isRelease() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.UrlGenerationContext
Indicates whether or not the URL is requested in the context of a release version.
isRelease() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.event.EventInfo
Indicates whether the event originated from the release state.
isRelease() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureDescriptor
Indicates whether the related feature uses the release (true) or current (false) state.
isRelease() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.functions.json.JsonGenerationContext
Indicates whether this context is based on a release version.
isRelease() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.GadgetContext
Indicates to operate in store element release mode.
isRelease() - Method in interface
Returns true if this children change detail belongs to a release children list, false otherwise.
isRelease() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.swing.AbstractValueHoldingSwingGadget
Convenience method indicating the gadget to operate in store element release mode.
isRelease() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.Session
Return true if this session is a release session else false.
isReleased() - Method in interface
Returns true if this element is currently released (not changed).
isReleased() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.client.api.Common.WorkflowTransitionInfo
Returns true if the affected element was released during transition.
isReleased() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.Entity
Return true if this entity is released else false.
isReleased(Language...) - Method in interface
Returns true if this element is currently released (not changed) and the given languages are marked as valid for the release state.
isReleaseSupported() - Method in interface
Indicates wether this element supports IDProvider.release(boolean) or not.
isReleaseSupported() - Method in enum class
isRemote() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Connection
Indicates whether this connection is related to a remote project (based on a RemoteProjectConfiguration) or not.
isRemote() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.reference.Reference
Returns id this reference is a remote reference.
isRemote() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ReferenceEntry
Indicates whether this reference is refering to a remote project.
isRemote() - Method in interface
Indicates that the project is remote.
isReplaceable() - Method in interface
Indicates whether the file-extension can be overwriten or not.
isRequired() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.Attribute
Return true if this attribute is a required attribute.
isRoot() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.treedata.TNode
Returns true for root elements.
isRunning() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleEntryControl
Returns false, if this schedule entry is finished or not started yet, true otherwise.
isRunning() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ServerActionHandle
Indicates wether the related server action is still running, or not.
isRunning() - Method in interface
Return the running state of this object.
isRunning() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.Service
Returns whether the service is running.
isRunning() - Method in interface
Return the running state of this object.
isRunning(String) - Method in interface
Returns true if the given service is currently running.
isSectionTemplateRendering() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.functions.json.JsonSettings
Returns the section template rendering setting.
isSelectable() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.permission.groups.Group
Indicates whether this group is selectable in the permission editor component or not.
isSelectable() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.treedata.TNode
Returns true if this object can be selected.
isSelected() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.ApplicationTab
Indicates whether this application tab is active / selected.
isServerAdmin() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.User
Returns true if this user is the super admin or a member of a server admin group.
isSet() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.EditorValue
Indicates that a value is set for at least one language.
isSet() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.forms.FormField
Indicates that the value of this field is set.
isSet() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.forms.RemoteFormField
Indicates that the value of this field is set.
isSet(Language) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.EditorValue
Indicates that a value for the given language is set or is backed by a language independent value.
isSet(K) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.util.Dict
Indicates whether the given key is set or not.
isSimpleAttribute(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.EntityType
Checks up whether the attribute with the given name is a value containing attribute.
isSingleLine() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.aspects.SingleLineable
Indicates that this gadget prefers a single line layout for its component.
isSmartCropping() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Resolution
Returns whether or not this resolution is intended for smart cropping (enabled by default).
isSnapshot() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.ProjectInfo
isSSO() - Method in interface
Flag if single-sign-on is used.
isStarted() - Method in interface
Method to get service state in gui methods.
isStartNode() - Method in interface
Indicates whether this node is start node of it's parent or not.
isStartState() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.model.State
Returns true if this state is an start-state; false otherwise.
isStateFailed() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleContext
Returns true if the current run state of this execution is set to failed.
isStateSuccess() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleContext
Returns true if the current run state of this execution is set to successful.
isStrict() - Static method in class
Indicates the designator to work in strict mode.
isStrict() - Static method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.text.Classname
Indicates the classname to work in strict mode.
isStrict() - Static method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.text.Designator
Indicates the designator to work in strict mode.
isSubscribedItem() - Method in interface
isSuccessful() - Method in interface
isSuccessful() - Method in interface
Returns true if the following collection is empty: ReleaseOperation.ReleaseResult.getProblematicElements()
isSupported(IDProvider) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.WebeditElementStatusProviderPlugin
Returns whether or not this plugin can provide status information for the given element.
isSyncable() - Method in interface
Indicates the schema to be syncable.
isSystem() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.ScheduleEntry
Returns true if this ScheduleEntry is a system schedule entry or not.
System entries could not be deleted and some properties could not be changed (e.g. the name).
isSystem() - Method in interface
Indicates this to be a system format.
isSystemChannel() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.PresentationChannel
Indicates this channel to be system defined.
isSystemTemplate() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.DomNode
isTemplateAllowed(TemplateBody, MasterTemplate) - Method in interface
Indicates whether the given template is allowed for the given body or not.
isTemplateDefined() - Method in interface
Indicates whether a project properties template is defined or not.
isTemplateInspectionEnabled() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.TemplateSet
Returns whether or not the template inspection is enabled for this template set.
isTemporal() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.event.EntityInfo
Identifies the entity to be temporal, implying to provide some optional values like, e.g., a GID.
isTemporal() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.Schema
Return true if this schema is a temporal schema else false test.
isTextRequired() - Method in interface
Returns whether the operation requires input text.
isTimeoutMailSend() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Task
Was task timeout mail send
isTimezoneIndependent() - Method in enum class
Indicates that only numerical persistency works for this mode.
isToMany() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.ComposedAttribute
Indicates to allow for referring to multiple foreign entries.
isToOne() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.ComposedAttribute
Indicates to allow for referring to exactly one foreign entry.
isTraceEnabled(Class<?>) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.base.Logger
Checks whether logging with trace level is enabled for the supplied class.
isTraceEnabled(Class<?>) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.base.Logging
Check whether the TRACE level is enabled for the given class.
isTraceEnabled(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.base.Logger
Checks whether logging with trace level is enabled for the supplied logger name.
isTraceEnabled(String) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.base.Logging
Check whether the TRACE level is enabled for the given logger name.
isTransitionAllowed(Task, StoreElement, Transition, User) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.WorkflowAgent
Returns whether or not a Transition is allowed for a given Task performed by a User on a StoreElement
isTranslated(Language) - Method in interface
Tests if this page is translated for the given language.
isTranslated(Language) - Method in interface
Tests if this page is translated for the given language.
isTransportable() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureModel.FeatureReference
Indicates whether this feature references leads to an untransportable feature or not.
isTrusted(String) - Method in interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 5.2.240203 - no replacement
isType(int) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.ReferenceEntry
Returns true if this element is of the given type.
isTypeOf(IDProvider) - Method in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.BinaryMedium.Type
Checks if medium is instance of given element.
isTypeOf(String) - Method in enum class
Tests, whether the given reference name is of the questioned type.
isUnknown() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.module.descriptor.AbstractDescriptor
isUnknown() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.descriptor.ComponentDescriptor
Returns true if this component descriptor is unknown, occurs when an imported project has a module installed, which is unknown on the firstspirit server.
isUpdate() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.PackageVersion
Indicates whether this package version is an update version or not.
isUpperCase() - Method in enum class de.espirit.or.CaseMode
true if identifiers are upper case.
isUptoDate() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Subscription
Returns true if the Package subscribed by this Subscription has 'no' newer PackageVersion as the last imported PackageVersion in the subscriber-project of this Subscription
isUserAllowed(User) - Method in interface
Check if the given user is allowed to execute the workflow.
isUserAllowed(User) - Method in interface
Ascertains whether the given user is allowed to perform the transition.
isUseWebeditForPreview() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.TemplateSet
since 5.0.302 - no replacement
isValid() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.EditorValue
Indicates, whether the editor has a valid setting wrt. its GOM.
isValid() - Method in interface
since 5.2.21 - see type
isValid() - Method in interface
Indicates the validated element to be valid and no reports being generated.
isValid() - Method in interface
Indicates the validated element to be valid and no reports being generated.
isValid() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.Entity
Return true if this entity is valid else false.
isValid(Entity) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.EntityType
Checks up whether the given data entry is valid.
isValid(Number) - Method in class
Checks whether the given number contains a valid value wrt this definition.
isValid(T) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.Attribute
Check if value can be assigned to this attribute by using the assigned validator Attribute.setValidator(de.espirit.or.schema.Validator<T>).
isValid(T) - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.Validator
Check the validity of the given value against this constraint.
isValidNodeType(StoreElement) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.ContentPackage
Only accepts nodes from pagestore, sitestore, or mediastore.
isValidNodeType(StoreElement) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Package
Validates the given node's type.
isValidNodeType(StoreElement) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.TemplatePackage
Only validates true for nodes from templatestore, contentstore, and mediastore
isValidStoreType() - Method in class
Checks if the specified store name is valid.
isVisible() - Method in interface
State if this menu should be shown at the FrontEnd
isVisible() - Method in interface
Indicates whether the format will be visible.
isVisible() - Method in interface
Indicates the mapping to be visible.
isVisible() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.ApplicationService
Indicates whether the application area (split pane in javaclient) is visible or not.
isVisible() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.ReportPlugin
Returns whether or not this report plugin should be visible in the current environment.
isVisible() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.generate.UrlCreatorSpecification
Visibility flag from the module.xml file.
isVisible() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.server.application.ApplicationPlugin
Returns whether or not the application should be visible in the current context.
isVisible() - Method in interface de.espirit.or.schema.Attribute
Return true if this attribute is visible in the schema editor.
isVisible(ContextMenuContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.contextmenu.JavaClientContextMenuItem
Indicates the visibility of this item wrt. the given context.
isVisible(ContextMenuContext) - Method in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.contextmenu.SeparatorContextMenuItem
isVisible(ReportContext<T>) - Method in interface
Indicates the visibility of this item wrt. the given context.
isVisible(ToolbarContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.toolbar.JavaClientToolbarItem
Indicates the visibility of this item wrt. the given context.
isVisible(ToolbarContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.toolbar.WebeditToolbarItem
Indicates the visibility of this item wrt. the given context.
isVisible(InlineEditContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.inlineedit.InlineEditItem
Indicates the visibility of this item with respect to the given context.
isVisible(MediaManagementContext) - Method in interface
Indicates, whether this item is enabled wrt. the given context.
isVisible(MediaManagementContext) - Method in interface
Indicates, whether this item is enabled wrt. the given context.
isVisible(MediaManagementContext) - Method in interface
Indicates, whether this item is enabled wrt. the given context.
isVisible(WebeditStatusNoteContext) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.status.WebeditStatusNoteItem
Indicates the visibility of this item wrt. the given context.
isVisible(C) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.ClientPluginAction
since 5.0.103 with no replacement
isVisible(C) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.Item
Indicates the visibility of this item wrt. the given context.
isVisible(Template) - Method in enum class
Indicates the visibility of the given template.
isVisibleOnLoad() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.webedit.plugin.status.WebeditStatusNote
Returns the initial visibility of this status information after the preview has been loaded.
isWarnEnabled(Class<?>) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.base.Logger
Checks whether logging with warn level is enabled for the supplied class.
isWarnEnabled(Class<?>) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.base.Logging
Check whether the WARN level is enabled for the given class.
isWarnEnabled(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.common.base.Logger
Checks whether logging with warn level is enabled for the supplied logger name.
isWarnEnabled(String) - Static method in class de.espirit.common.base.Logging
Check whether the WARN level is enabled for the given logger name.
isWebedit() - Method in interface
Returns true if this workflow is an webedit workflow, false otherwise.
isWebedit() - Method in interface
Flag if webedit content should be rendered.
isWellFormed() - Method in interface
isWidthFixed() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.ui.gadgets.swing.WidthFixable
Indicates, whether this component should get a fixed width.
isWildCardFilterType(Class<?>) - Static method in enum class
Indicates if the given class is a wildcard filter
isWorkflowAllowed(Workflow, User) - Method in interface
Returns true if workflow is not null and is explicitly allowed to be started on this element by given user or workflow is null and any workflow is allowed to be started on this element by given user. , false otherwise.
isWorkflowSupported() - Method in interface
Checks if a workflow might be executed at the element.
isZoomFactorAdjustable() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.InlinePreviewConstraints
Returns true if the browsers zoom factor is adjustable by user, false otherwise.
italic() - Method in class
Convenience API for GomLabel.getItalic() returning a boolean value
Item - Class in
Abstract supertype for item providing containers.
Item<C extends BaseContext> - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin
General (abstract) definition of a pluggable FirstSpirit item.
Item(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor taking the item's name.
ItemIdentifiable - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin
Optional interface for a Item to support a customized identifier.
items(List<PromptOptionItem>) - Method in interface
Configures the selectable items of the option.
ItemsPlugin<A extends Item<?>> - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin
General type definition of plug-ins providing an arbitrary number of items of a specific item type.
iterator() - Method in interface de.espirit.common.base.MappedDiagnosticContext
A read only iterator delivering all key-value-pairs.
iterator() - Method in interface
since 5.2.21 - see type
iterator() - Method in class
Provides an iterator over records retrieved with use of this parameters.
iterator() - Method in class
Enables to iterate over the records retrieved via these parameters.
iterator() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.permission.groups.Users
Returns an iterator of all existing users.
iterator() - Method in class
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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