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UIAgent - Interface in
Agent providing UI related functionality.
UIAgent.Status - Enum Class in
Indicators for the UI's status.
UID - Enum constant in enum class
Designates the mode UID.
UID_KEY - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ReferenceEditorValue
Key to store the reference's UID.
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type, see IDProvider.getUid().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by DocumentGroup.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by PageRef.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
The template's uid type.
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
The uid type wich is returned by Query.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type, see IDProvider.getUid().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
The script UID type.
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Uid type as returned by IDProvider.getUidType().
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
The template's UID type.
UID_TYPE - Static variable in interface
The workflow's UID type.
UID_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ReferenceEditorValue
Key to store the reference's UID type.
UnaryFunction<R,P> - Interface in de.espirit.common.function
since 5.2.231004 - Use Function instead
UnaryProcedure<P> - Interface in de.espirit.common.function
since 5.2.231004 - Use Consumer instead
UncheckedException - Exception in de.espirit.common
A RuntimeException with additional information like an error code or localization data.
UncheckedException() - Constructor for exception de.espirit.common.UncheckedException
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.BinaryMedium.Type
Unknown type of medium.
undeploy(String, String, String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.WebServer
Undeploys the specified context
undeployWebApp(WebAppId) - Method in interface
Undeploys the given web app from its web-server.
uninstall(String, ModuleAdminAgent.UpdateUsagesMode) - Method in interface
Uninstalls the module with the given name after performing the specified actions.
uninstall(String, boolean) - Method in interface
uninstalling() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.module.AbstractWebApp
Lifecycle event: called, when the application is about to be uninstalled.
uninstalling() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.Component
Event method: called if Component was in uninstalling procedure
uninstalling() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.Module
Event method: called when module is uninstalled.
uninstallProjectApp(String, String, Project) - Method in interface
Removes the project application from the specified project.
uninstallWebApp(String, String, WebAppId) - Method in interface
Removes the given web-app component from the specified web app and deploys the web to its web-server.
UNINTERPRETED - Static variable in interface
since 5.0.39 - use FormatTemplate instead
UNIX - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.FtpTarget.FtpServerType
Type for unix-based ftp servers.
UNIX_LINEFEED - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.TemplateSet
Linefeed for Unix-based systems.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates an unknown or not existing file.
UNKNOWN_BACKUP_DATE - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.backup.ServerBackupFile
Fallback backup date.
UNKNOWN_EXPORT_DATE - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.ExportFile
UNKNOWN_EXPORT_VERSION - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.export.ExportFile
unlock() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Lockable
Unlocks this object.
unlock(Entity) - Method in interface
since 5.2.201 - use Dataset#setLock(false) instead.
UNMODIFIED - Static variable in interface
Indicator for the unmodified state.
unregister(BusIdentifier<T>, Consumer<T>) - Method in interface
Unregister an event listener for a specified bus.
If the listener was not registered this method does nothing.
unregister(T) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.BrowserNodeHandler
Unregisters the specified node from this node handler.
unregisterClientService(T) - Method in interface
Unregister the given client service.
unregisterWebServer(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Removes the specified web server and deletes its directories from the configuration directory.
UNSELECTED - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.treedata.editor.TNodes
Selection value: unselected.
UNSUPPORTED - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.EditorValue
Marker for unsupported editors
UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class
Unsupported feature file version.
UnsupportedGadgetTypeException - Exception in de.espirit.firstspirit.module
Exception thrown for unsupported type's of gadgets.
UnsupportedGadgetTypeException() - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.module.UnsupportedGadgetTypeException
UnsupportedPropertyException() - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.client.access.editor.PropertyProviding.UnsupportedPropertyException
UnsupportedScriptEngine - Exception in de.espirit.firstspirit.server.script
Throw if the script engine is not supported by FirstSpirit.
UnsupportedScriptEngine(String) - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.server.script.UnsupportedScriptEngine
Constructor taking the exception message.
UnsupportedScriptEngine(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.server.script.UnsupportedScriptEngine
Constructor taking the exception message and a cause.
UnsupportedScriptEngine(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.espirit.firstspirit.server.script.UnsupportedScriptEngine
Constructor taking a cause.
UNTIL_NOW - Static variable in interface
The end of all time.
UP - Variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.FsResource.FsIcon
Resource key for an "up" icon.
UPDATE_COMPONENTS - Enum constant in enum class
Update or remove any project-app or web-app components but do not redeploy any web-applications.
UPDATE_COMPONENTS_AND_REDEPLOY - Enum constant in enum class
Update or remove any project-app or web-app components and redeploy all modified web-applications.
UPDATE_PAGEREF_WHEN_ENTITY_HAS_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.DependencyRule
If an entity has changed, update the complete content projection pages rendering the entity.
updated(String) - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.module.AbstractWebApp
Lifecycle event: called, when the application got updated.
updated(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.Component
Event method: called if Component was completely updated
updated(String) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.module.Module
Event method: called after module has been updated.
UPDATED - Enum constant in enum class
Used to flag an element as updated ( = an old - but changed - one).
updateParameters(ParameterMap, List<Parameter<?>>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.Updating
Aspect providing a method to update DAP parameters.
updateVersionInfo(Project) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.admin.ProjectStorage
Updates the project information to match the current server version.
Updating - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects
Aspect providing means to update DAP parameters from within a DAP.
uploadAborted(BaseContext, Media, MediaElement) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.service.mediamanagement.UploadHook
This method will be called if an upload has been rejected by any upload-hook instance and this hook has been already executed.
uploadExportFile(String, InputStream) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.admin.ProjectStorage
Upload single export file or last part of files to server.
uploadExportFilePart(String, InputStream) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.admin.ProjectStorage
Upload a part of a splitted export file.
uploadFeatureFile(InputStream) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureInstallAgent
Uploads the given stream (originated from a feature transport zip file) to the server and returns the related feature file
UploadFilter - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.server.mediamanagement
The interface Upload filter.
UploadHook - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.service.mediamanagement
Media upload hook hot spot interface of FirstSpirit.
UploadRejectedException - Exception in
This exception indicates a media insertion/upload into the repository has been rejected.
UploadRejectedException(String) - Constructor for exception
Create a new exception instance with the given message.
UploadRejectedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Create a new exception instance with the given message and cause.
UPPER_CASE - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.or.CaseMode
Only upper case identifiers are supported.
URL - Static variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.server.configuration.ServerProperties
URL of the FirstSpirit server
UrlAgent - Interface in
Definition for an agent offering information about the projects seo und short urls.
UrlAgent.MediaFolderUrlEntry - Interface in
Each instance of this interface represents an UrlAgent.UrlEntry for a MediaFolder.
UrlAgent.MediaUrlEntry - Interface in
Each instance of this interface represents an UrlAgent.UrlEntry for a Media.
UrlAgent.PageRefFolderUrlEntry - Interface in
Each instance of this interface represents an UrlAgent.UrlEntry for a PageRefFolder.
UrlAgent.PageRefUrlEntry - Interface in
Each instance of this interface represents an UrlAgent.UrlEntry for a PageRef.
UrlAgent.UrlEntry - Interface in
This interface represents a single url entry.
urlCreator(UrlCreator) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.UrlGenerationContext.Builder
Configures the url creator to be used in the current generation context.
UrlCreator - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access
since 5.0.3, use the interface UrlCreator.
UrlCreator - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.generate
Replacement for the FirstSpirit v4 interface UrlCreator.
UrlCreator.Factory - Enum Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.generate
Factory to transform a legacy UrlCreator implementation into a new UrlCreator instance.
UrlCreator.Mode - Enum Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.access
since 5.0.3 - use UrlCreator.Mode.
UrlCreator.Mode - Enum Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.generate
The different flavours an url can be created in.
UrlCreatorAgent - Interface in
Gives access to all installed UrlCreatorSpecifications.
urlCreatorProvider(UrlCreatorProvider) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects.UrlGenerationContext.Builder
Configures the provider of url creators in the current generation context.
UrlCreatorProvider - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access
Definition for types that provide some url creator.
UrlCreatorSpecification - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.generate
Specification container for url creator.
UrlEvent - Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.event
An event that is fired when a stored URL is changed.
UrlEvent() - Constructor for class de.espirit.firstspirit.event.UrlEvent
UrlEvent.Type - Enum Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.event
Allows for distinguishing different event types.
urlFactory(UrlFactory) - Method in interface
Set a custom url factory (default is the preview url factory).
urlFactory(String) - Method in interface
Set a custom url factory (default is the preview url factory).
UrlFactory - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.generate
Factory producing URLs for media and content producers.
UrlFactoryContext - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.generate
Context to be given to the UrlFactory.
urlFactorySettings(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface
Set custom initialization parameters (will be passed to UrlFactory.init(Map, PathLookup) of the configured url factory).
UrlGenerationContext - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects
The context in which an URL will be request using the UrlSupporting aspect.
UrlGenerationContext.Builder - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects
Builder for an UrlGenerationContext.
urlPrefix(String) - Method in interface
Set the url prefix used for absolute urls generated with $CMS_REF(..., abs:1)$.
UrlProducer - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.base
Model representing a url.
URLProperties - Interface in
Provide stored URLs for media, content producer, or folder nodes.
UrlSupporting<D> - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.client.plugin.dataaccess.aspects
Aspect providing means to support URLs for data objects.
USE_MASTER_LANGUAGE - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project.MediaNotTranslatedStrategy
Use medium of project master language
useAclDb() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.GenerateTask
Should the Access Control databse be used.
useBlockTransferMode() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.FtpTarget
Is block or stream mode (default) used?
useCurrentUser() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.RemoteProjectConfiguration
Returns true if the remote connection which is created with this remote project configuration should use the credentials of the current user instead of the login name and the password
useCustomExtension(TemplateSet, String) - Method in interface
Defines to use custom extensions when exporting channels.
useDefault() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.template.MathematicalContext
useEngineTypeDependentIcon(boolean) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.client.gui.applications.browser.BrowserApplicationConfiguration
Defines whether a engine type dependent icon should be used if no special icon is set.
useExternalUrl() - Method in interface
State if this pagereference should use an external URL
useFixedRights() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.model.Transition
Indicates whether to use fixed rights.
useInternalUrl() - Method in interface
State if this pagereference use an internal URL.
useLatestRevision() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureAgent.FeatureBuilder
Set the revision the new feature descriptor should operate in to the newest project revision which is currently available.
useMappingBasedSchemaMerge() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Indicates, whether the mapping based schema import is used during the import with ExternalSync/ContentTransport or not.
useMappingBasedSchemaMerge() - Method in interface
Indicates, whether the mapping based schema import is used during the import with ExternalSync/ContentTransport or not.
useNameSpaceEnhancement() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Package
Indicates whether the uid of elements which are added to this package will be enhanced with '@PACKAGE_NAME' or not.
useNameSpaceEnhancement(Class<? extends PackagePoolItem>) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.packagepool.Package
Indicates whether the uid of an element of the given clazz should be enhanced with '@PACKAGE_NAME' or not during PackagePoolItem.addToPackage(Package).
usePresentationExtensions() - Method in interface
Defines to use the file extensions defined in presentation channels when exporting.
User - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access
FirstSpirit user.
User - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.service.permission.groups
Interface representing a user used in the permission service.
USER - Static variable in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Principal
Principal type User.
USER - Static variable in interface
Typical role for a user prompt.
USER_DEFINED - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.value.ListDomNode.Style
User-defined list style.
USER_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.Task.ErrorCode
User not found.
UserAgent - Interface in
Definition for an agent providing access to current user information.
UserAtSite - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.FtpTarget.FtpProxyType
The "user@site" protocol.
useRelatedProjects() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.RemoteProjectConfiguration
Indicates whether to use related projects.
useRelatedProjectUrl() - Method in interface
State if this pagereference use an URL from a releated project.
useRelease() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Returns true if this project uses the release state, false if it is an auto release project.
useRelease() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.RemoteProjectConfiguration
Indicates whether or not a released version of store elements is required for referencing.
useRelease() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.UrlCreatorProvider
Indicates whether to use release.
useRelease() - Method in interface
Returns true if this project uses the release state, false if it is an auto release project.
useRelease(boolean) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureAgent.FeatureBuilder
Should the feature descriptor deliver the release or current version of elements.
useReleasePermission() - Method in interface
The definition if the release permission should be used.
useRemoteMedia() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.RemoteProjectConfiguration
Indicates whether to use remote media.
useRemoteSchemata() - Method in class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.RemoteProjectConfiguration
Indicates whether to use remote schemata.
useRevision(Revision) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureAgent.FeatureBuilder
Set the revision the new feature descriptor should operate in.
useRevision(Date) - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.feature.FeatureAgent.FeatureBuilder
Set the date of the revision the new feature descriptor should operate in.
UserProperties - Interface in
Users - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.service.permission.groups
Interface representing a users model belonging to the users.xml file specified by the param (DOCUMENT_NAME.users) in service.ini of permission service.
USERS - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.transport.PropertiesTransportOptions.ProjectPropertyType
Use this type to activate transport of users used in belonging project.
USERS - Variable in class de.espirit.firstspirit.common.FsResource.FsIcon
Resource key for a "users" icon.
UserService - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access
A service providing user based access to a project's data.
UserStatisticsAgent - Interface in
Definition for an agent providing access to user statistics.
UserStorage - Interface in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.admin
FIRSTspirit User management.
UserStorage.Order - Enum Class in de.espirit.firstspirit.access.admin
Enum represanting different order strategies
UserWithLogin - Enum constant in enum class de.espirit.firstspirit.access.schedule.FtpTarget.FtpProxyType
The "user with login" protocol.
usesLanguages() - Method in class
Convenience method: Indicates whether to use separate values in each language
usesLanguages() - Method in interface
Indicates, that the form element uses languages.
useStoreElementRights() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.model.Transition
Indicates whether to use store element rights.
useTaskRights() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.workflow.model.Transition
Indicates whether to use task rights.
useTemplateExtensions() - Method in interface
Defines to use the file extensions defined in template sets when exporting channels.
useTransportPermissionChecks() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Indicates whether store permission checks are performed during the import with ContentTransport.
useWebEdit() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Should Webedit be used
useWebeditApplet() - Method in interface de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project.Project
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 5.0 - no replacement
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form