Introduction / FirstSpirit start page / Areas of the start page / User / Optional parameters

Optional parameters

Connection settings

parameter for compression (for communication between FirstSpirit applications and servers).
Possible values:

  • 0 (none)
  • 1 (Deflate)
  • 2 (Deflate speed)
  • 3 (Deflate best)
  • 4 (Zstandard) - default value

Example: compression=3

parameter for encryption (for communication between FirstSpirit applications and servers).
Possible values:

  • 0 (none)
  • 1 (TLS)
  • 2 (ChaCha20)

Example: encryption=1

login module information (plain, sso). Example: login=plain

parameter for user login and password information. Both values are passed as plain text, separated by ":". The password can be left out, but the colon must always be passed.

host name information (server pre-selection).

port number information (integer).

connection mode information (http, socket)

parameter for information on the proxy to be used in HTTP connection mode. If this parameter is specified, only this proxy will be used. If the parameter is not specified, Java Web Start will attempt to analyze the proxy configuration. This analysis can be prevented by entering the nohttpproxy=1 parameter.
This parameter is not supported by the FirstSpirit Launcher (see also note below nohttpproxy). However, the configuration can be useful if a customer-specific Java start system is used (instead of the FirstSpirit Launcher).

parameter used to prevent analysis of the Java Web Start proxy configuration (see section httpproxy).
Example: nohttpproxy=1
This parameter is not supported by the FirstSpirit Launcher. However, the configuration can be useful if a customer-specific Java start system is used (instead of the FirstSpirit Launcher).

Important The FirstSpirit Launcher supports the use of proxy operating system settings.
Crownpeak recommends configuration using the parameter, instead of configuration using proxybypass, httpproxy and/or nohttpproxy
(Java 11 or later must be used for this to be supported.).

parameter used to define whether the communication is to be in HTTP connection mode using the secure HTTPS protocol (value=1) or not (value=0).
Example: usehttps=1

parameter used to define which hosts may bypass the proxy. In HTTP mode, communication (for these hosts) is then not via a proxy. Multiple hosts can be passed as a semicolon-separated list. When entering one (or more) host names, all hosts that start with the specified host name (see, for example, myServer_1, myServer2, etc.) may bypass the proxy.
Example: proxybypass=myServer;localhost
This parameter is not supported by the FirstSpirit Launcher (see also note below nohttpproxy). However, the configuration can be useful if a customer-specific Java start system is used (instead of the FirstSpirit Launcher).

parameter used to configure the inline browser (for integrated preview) for communication via an HTTP proxy (similar to the proxy configuration of the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect). The server name or IP address of the proxy and the port must be specified for this. An HTTP proxy configuration set using this parameter temporarily overrides the browser's local configuration settings, but it is not stored there.
Example: inlinebrowser.httpproxy=myServer:8888
Proxy settings are not taken into account in the default configuration. To use the proxy settings, the parameter must be set.
Supported proxy setting types in Windows and macOS:

  • automatic proxy configuration via a PAC script
  • manual proxy configuration

Once the parameter ( has been set, the proxies set in the operating system (including a configured PAC script where necessary) are evaluated and forwarded to the FirstSpirit Launcher.
If the proxy is deactivated, the default configuration is applied (direct connection without proxy).
Java 11 or later must be used for this to be supported.

Parameter defining in which interval a connection from an application (SiteArchitect, ServerManager) to the server should be validated, before being used again. The value should be smaller than the one defined for maintaining the connection in the application server (default value in Tomcat is 20s)
The parameter default is 5000 (i.e. 5s)
Example: connectionValidationMillis=3500
Note: Setting this parameter only makes sense when you encounter frequent connection losses.

For notes about using IPv6 or IPv4 see IPv6 support.


Available from FirstSpirit Version 2024.7 The use of Websockets can also be disabled using a -D parameter on the client side. In this case, the client communicates exclusively via regular HTTP requests with the server.

Example: firstspirit.websocket.disabled=1

Available from FirstSpirit Version 2024.9 The parameter can be used to output I/O statistics when the connection is terminated.
Possible values:

  • DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR - Output via FS logging with the selected log level
  • STDOUT - Output to stdout
  • STDERR - Output to stderr
  • LOG - Output to a file in the client log directory (FsIoStats-*.log).

The statistics can be generated for each connection via the fs-isolated-runtime.jar or with the FirstSpirit Desktop Apps (SiteArchitect, ServerManager).

When using the fs-isolated-runtime.jar, the parameter must be passed as a -D parameter when invoking the Java VM.

When using the FirstSpirit desktop apps (SiteArchitect, ServerManager), the parameter must be specified in the connection settings.

Directory structures

parameter used for information on the directory in the file system in which the client applications are to be stored (see Area: Server).

Use of resources

this parameter is used to disable the following operations for data sources that may require a lot of memory and time if they have a large number of data records (e.g. 1 million data records):

  • Simple search in the search dialog box of a data source
  • Advanced search in the search dialog box of a data source
  • Full-text search in the search dialog box of a data source
  • Display all data records operation in the data source view and selection dialog box of the input components (e.g. FS_DATASET)
  • Sorting function covering the columns in the data source overview and selection dialog covering the input components (e.g. FS_DATASET)

To deactivate these operations for all data sources, the parameter must be entered without a value:


If the operations are to be deactivated only for individual data sources, the unique identifiers of the data sources must be provided, separated by commas:


Deactivating individual data sources does not affect the use of the (legacy) input components CMS_INPUT_CONTENTLIST, CMS_INPUT_OBJECTCHOOSER and CMS_INPUT_TABLIST. If limitations apply to these input components as well, they must be expanded to include all data sources.

The file selection dialog allows selection of a desired file from the directory structure of the client workstation for upload to FirstSpirit SiteArchitect (e.g. Media store) or ServerManager (e.g. project import). Available from FirstSpirit Version 5.2R5 The parameter can be set in the connection or web start settings in order to deactivate the file selection dialog's sort functionality (column headers in the view mode “Details”) (Synthetica.extendedFileChooser.sortEnabled=false). This can speed up work with the file selection dialog when the user needs to navigate among different directories of the client workstation's file system. If this parameter is set, an according entry will be logged to the log file fs-server.log:

INFO 26.09.2016 16:13:08.923 (de.espirit.common.gui.LookAndFeelUtil): 
disabled sorting in file chooser'

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