Introduction / FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring / Users / Find

Users – Find

This page shows a sorted list of all users registered on the server. A maximum of 25 users can be displayed at once. The arrow buttons above the table can be used to navigate between the individual pages.

In addition to the user name, the table also provides information on the abbreviation, last login and whether the user is an LDAP user. The e-mail address and phone number are also included.

The search function can be used to limit the selection of displayed users. Words or partial words by which the user name column is searched can be entered in the search field. Clicking on the Submit button initiates the search.

Display detailed information

Clicking on a user displays detailed information about that user.

This also includes information that is specified when the user is first added as well as a list of all projects on the server to which the user has access. The user's group membership to a project is specified for each project. Clicking on a different project for the selected user displays a detailed overview of this project.

Restrictions on the display of projects: Only projects that the user who has performed the search is allowed to see are displayed here. If the user does not have the appropriate permissions, the projects are not displayed, even though the user being searched for is a member of these projects.

Restriction in the display of external groups: A user can be a member of several external groups. The external groups in which a user is a member are only displayed for server administrators.

Send messages

Clicking on the user's e-mail address opens an e-mail window where a message can be prepared and sent directly to the user.

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