Start page / Templates (basics) / Composition of templates / Link templates / Form tab

Form tab

Input components are defined on the “Form” tab in order to accommodate the individual entries for the definition of a link.

This tab is represented in the compact view by the icon (see Compact view of tabs (→Documentation FirstSpirit SiteArchitect)).

Default values: This icon is used to open a dialog listing the defined input forms for this template. Default settings for the individual fields can be edited here. See also page Default values.

For information on the other icons, please refer to page Composition of templates, paragraph “General functions”.

Links must contain at least two elements (“mandatory fields”):

  • link text (or an image) that is displayed to the user on the web page
    (link texts should be informative and describe the content of the target while trying not to interrupt the flow of text.)
  • the link target that is opened when the user clicks on the link text (or image)

Cf. also to page Properties.

Code completion makes it easy to insert all available input components along with the corresponding parameters.

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