Introduction / FirstSpirit ServerManager / Project properties / Client applications / Integrated preview: Content

Integrated preview: Content

Activate integrated preview for content: this option depends on the setting for the “Activate browser engine” option on the “Browser engine” tab. The two options must be either enabled or disabled at the same time. If this option is not checked, changes cannot be made to this tab.
If this option is selected, the integrated preview for content for the selected project can be used in SiteArchitect, which means that editors can select individually whether they want to work with the integrated preview or not using the menu function “View / Integrated preview – use for content” (see Integrated preview (→Documentation FirstSpirit SiteArchitect)). If the box is disabled, the menu function “View / Integrated preview – use for content” is not available as an option in SiteArchitect. This option is selected by default.

Zoom function
individually adjustable: if this option is selected, the users themselves can select the scaling level in the particular project. The “Default” combo box allows the user to specify which scaling level should be preselected. The default setting is 80%.

fixed definition: if this option is selected, the selected scaling level is used project wide. The scaling cannot be changed by editors.

Content Highlighting
Control can be individually adjusted: if this option is selected, editors can individually adjust the Content Highlighting behavior using the menu item “View / Content Highlighting Control” (see Content highlighting control (→Documentation FirstSpirit SiteArchitect)). The “Default” combo box allows the user to specify what the predefined behavior should be. The default setting is “Workspace ↔ Preview”

fixed definition: if this option is selected, the selected behavior is used project wide. The editors cannot change the behavior.

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