Introduction / Technical requirements and recommendations

FirstSpirit: Technical requirements and recommendations

Explanation of terms used

Table of contents

Recommended / reference: For the recommended reference system configurations, Crownpeak

  • carries out regular tests (with every release) so that problems are generally discovered before delivery.
  • takes steps to eliminate errors based on error messages.   

Compatible: Compatible system configurations are / have been checked by Crownpeak and deemed functional. For these system configurations, Crownpeak

  • carries out regular tests (depending on the market relevance of the configuration)
  • takes steps to eliminate errors based on error messages.

Not supported: List of system configurations that are known to cause problems or are highly likely to cause problems.

For non-supported system configurations, Crownpeak

  • will NOT take any measures to eliminate any problems that may arise.

Note: If a system configuration is not listed in this area, this does not mean that it is supported. It only means that no specific information is currently available.

Important Unless otherwise specified, FirstSpirit always works with the current version of a third-party component (operating system, JDK, servlet engine, application server, databases).


Information about troubleshooting

Recommended / reference




Not supported


* Problems which arise when using these components in conjunction with FirstSpirit can be reported via FirstSpirit product support. Please address queries to Technical Support (for partners) or to your project manager (for customers). For more information, see also Information about troubleshooting.


SaaS or on-premises?

Important All of the information and recommendations below relate to on-premises FirstSpirit installations.

Alternatively, FirstSpirit is also increasingly hosted as a SaaS model. In this case, the costs and responsibility for providing and updating the infrastructure are borne by an external service provider.

More information on this subject can be found in the blog post FirstSpirit as a cloud solution.

FirstSpirit Server

Operating system

Recommended operating systems (reference):

  • Microsoft Windows Server (in the current version)
  • Common Linux distributions, e.g., Debian GNU/Linux (in the current version), indicating the file systems:

Compatible operating systems: FirstSpirit is also operated successfully with other operating systems and operating system versions, e.g.:

  • Microsoft Windows Server
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Suse Linux Enterprise Server
  • Ubuntu

A detailed list of compatible operating systems can be found here.

Not supported:

  • Operating systems in the 32-bit version

Important Only operating systems in the 64-bit variant are supported!

Hardware / Sizing

Due to the many (project-dependent) factors that influence the requirements regarding hardware dimensioning, architects or consultants from Crownpeak should always be consulted for a detailed assessment of the requirements and the necessary configurations.

Relevant scaling factors include:

  • Number of editors working at the same time
  • Number of projects on a server (main memory, preview)
  • Number of pages in all projects (generation, backup)
  • Size and number of media required (generation, backup)


Number of editors

Number of projects

Number of pages (all projects)

Media size


< 50

< 5

< 50,000

< 5 GB


< 300

< 10

< 1,000,000

< 50 GB


< 1,000

> 10

> 1,000,000

> 50 GB


For current recommendations with regard to calculating the CPU, hard disk space, or RAM requirements (especially for size “L” projects), please contact us or your project manager directly.


Recommended JDKs:

  • OpenJDK 17 (in the current version) *

Compatible JDKs: FirstSpirit is also operated successfully with other JDKs:

  • OpenJDK 21 (in the current version)
  • OpenJDK 17 (reference, in the current version)

More information about compatible JDKs can be found here.

Not supported:

  • Oracle JDK < 17
  • OpenJDK < 17
  • Java implementations from other manufacturers (e.g., IBM JDK on Linux or Windows, Apple JDK on macOS for FirstSpirit Server, Azul VM), JDK under IA64

* Recommended: Use of the OpenJDK distribution Temurin / AdoptOpenJDK (HotSpot JVM). For more information see and

Important Only operating systems in the 64-bit variant are supported!

FirstSpirit desktop apps

Operating system

Recommended operating systems (reference):

  • Microsoft Windows 10 (in the current version)
  • macOS Ventura (13.5) (in the current version)

Compatible operating systems: FirstSpirit is also operated successfully with other operating systems and operating system versions, e.g.:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Ubuntu
  • macOS

A detailed list of known compatible operating systems can be found here.

Not supported:

  • Microsoft XP and older
  • macOS El Capitan (10.11) and older
  • Operating systems in the 32-bit version

Important Only operating systems in the 64-bit variant are supported!

Note on the compatibility of FirstSpirit with Apple Silicon:
With the company's own M1 processor, Apple switches to an ARM architecture. Applications that were developed for an x86 architecture (such as FirstSpirit) can still be executed using the “Rosetta 2” emulation technology. It is important to note that the Intel x64 version of Java has to be used.
Crownpeak is currently not aware of any problems when using FirstSpirit with “Rosetta 2”. However, native support of the ARM architecture is currently not planned for FirstSpirit.

Hardware / Sizing

Installing and operating the FirstSpirit desktop applications does not result in any special requirements with regard to hardware dimensioning. If you need information about sizing in the case of special requirements, please contact us or your project manager directly.


Start via FirstSpirit Launcher (reference): The FirstSpirit desktop apps (SiteArchitect, ServerManager) are started via the FirstSpirit Launcher. The FirstSpirit Launcher provides a continuously updated, extensively tested, and license-free Java Runtime Environment which is rolled out when the Launcher is installed. This allows SiteArchitect and ServerManager to be operated in a preconfigured environment which is independent of the Java version on the client computer – even if there is no Java version installed at all.

FirstSpirit web apps

For further information on technical requirements of the FirstSpirit ContentCreator, see also chapter ContentCreator configuration.


The point of reference is always the latest version of the Chrome browser available on the operating system in question.
Browsers that are similar to Chrome (such as Apple Safari) are also supported and tested, but functionality may be restricted (e.g., limited SVG support).

Recommended browsers (reference):

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge *
  • Mozilla Firefox

Compatible browsers: The FirstSpirit web apps are also operated successfully with other browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari **

* Reference only for FragmentCreator and ContentCreator

** FirstSpirit is fundamentally compatible with Apple Safari; however, the way in which the browser is implemented may cause restrictions in functionality which cannot be bypassed by programming (e.g., limited SVG support).

A detailed list of known compatible browsers can be found here.

Not supported:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Other web browsers, e.g., Opera


Operating the FirstSpirit web apps does not result in any special requirements with regard to hardware dimensioning.

Servlet engine / Application server

The following application servers are supported for live use of FirstSpirit:

Recommended application servers (reference):

  • Apache Tomcat 9.0.78 or higher - until FirstSpirit version 2023.8 (non-Jakarta)
  • Apache Tomcat 10.1.11 or higher - as off FirstSpirit version 2023.9 (Jakarta)

* The support of WebSphere Application Server will be discontinued in the future.

A detailed list of known compatible application servers can be found here.

Important A servlet engine integrating version 3.0 (Java EE, until 2023.8) or version 6.0 (Jakarta EE, starting with 2023.9) of the servlet API is required in order to use the FirstSpirit web applications.
Important Compatibility of FirstSpirit with Tomcat 10.1
Due to the change from Java EE to Jakarta EE and the associated change of the namespace (package) in Tomcat 10, there were extensive modifications to the FirstSpirit web applications. Therefore, from FirstSpirit version 2023.9 onwards, Tomcat 10.1 is mandatory.

Not supported:

  • Apache Tomcat < 10.1 (FirstSpirit 2023.9 or later)
  • Apache Tomcat < 8.5
  • WebSphere Application Server

Important The open-source product “Eclipse Jetty” which is provided with FirstSpirit is not suitable for live operation and should only be used for test purposes.
It is not supported for operation with “FirstSpirit Content Experience Tools” (CXT).


External database systems can be connected with FirstSpirit via JDBC (see Database connection).
The following database systems are supported for live use of FirstSpirit:

Recommended database systems:

  • IBM DB2 10.5
  • MariaDB 10.1.23
  • MySQL 5.5.23
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 | 2014 (only for Windows Server)
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL 15 (reference)

Important The integrated Apache Derby database is not suitable for live operation and should only be used for tests.

Compatible database systems: FirstSpirit is also operated successfully with other databases in different versions, e.g.:

  • IBM DB2
  • MariaDB
  • MySQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL

A detailed list of known compatible database systems can be found here.

Not supported:

  • IBM DB2 <= 9.4

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