Introduction / FirstSpirit SiteArchitect / The menu bar / Help

Menu item “Help”

Table of contents

The menu functions found under the “Help” entry can be used to call up various information and help topics on working with FirstSpirit:

About FirstSpirit

Information on the FirstSpirit version used and its environmental parameters. These data can be copied from this dialog for support inquiries and bug reports.

Keyboard shortcuts

Opens a list of all available keyboard shortcuts (see also Chapter Keyboard shortcuts).

View log

With this menu entry it is possible to display the current logging of SiteArchitect. See also the following passage. By using the button “Clear all” it is possible to clear the log window. This does not affect the contents of the log file.

Show log file in File Manager

Log messages of SiteArchitect are stored separately for each started client in a file in a local directory of the respective user's client workstation, for example .firstspirit*/logs/SiteArchitect*.log. This directory is also used for log files of ServerManager. The filenames contain the client name (“SiteArchitect” or “ServerManager”) and a timestamp of the point of time when the client has been started, for example


Log files will be stored up to a total number of 100 files or until all files have reached a combined size of 100 MB. If one of those limits is reached, the oldest log files will be deleted one by one.

The menu entry “Show log file in File Manager” opens the local storage directory. The file with the current logging will be selected. The timestamp as part of the file name helps to identify the log messages of previously closed clients in the storage directory.

Additionally, the current logging may be observed in a separate log window (“View log”, see above).

Index etc.

Entry points for the various items of FirstSpirit documentation.

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