Introduction / User permission configuration / Configuration / Configuring the server component / Users XML file (users.xml)

Users XML file (users.xml)

To define users, a separate XML file must be created. This can be done in FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring (see Configuring a service). This user XML file needs to be introduced to the permission service configuration file service.ini by using the NAME.users parameter.

It is recommended that you create a file using a script to reduce the probability of errors.

The following is an example of how to configure a user file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                      <USER login="visitor_1"
                            realname="Besucher 1"
                            groups="2" />

                      <USER login="member_1"
                            realname="Mitglied 1"
                            groups="3" />

                      <USER login="client_1"
                            realname="Kunde 1"
                            groups="3,4" />

The timestamp (user definition time stamp) attribute can be passed to the root element of the USERS user definition.

Within USERS any number of USER elements can be specified, where there is one user for each USER element. Each USER element requires the following attributes:

  • login (user login),
  • realname (full user name),
  • password (user password),
  • active(active/inactive user, possible values: 1 and 0) and,
  • groups(comma-separated list of group IDs to which the user is associated).

In addition, the optional attribute timestamp can be specified.

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