Introduction / User permission configuration / Configuration / Configuring the server component

Configuring the server component

The server component is configured in a service.ini service configuration file in which the general settings are configured and a number of group definition files are optionally specified in XML format. The service configuration directory for modules is under the FirstSpirit directory in the “conf/modules” subdirectory. The individual service configuration files are in a subdirectory named after the component (in this case: System.PermissionService). The permission component uses the services.ini file in the following directory:


Information needs to be added to the service.ini file so that it is possible to form a group hierarchy based on LDAP queries. If this does not appear to be possible due to static parameterization, a “generating BeanShell script” may need to be added as a parameter. A suitable initial LDAP context can be provided in this script.

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