Introduction / User permission configuration / Architecture / Introduction

Introduction - Archtecture

As already indicated above, the permission check is a complex aspect which concerns many parts of the FirstSpirit system. This section, therefore, presents the relation and dependencies of the individual parts on the architecture level. The main components of the permission check in FirstSpirit are:

  1. Permission component (client): Defines the target permission for objects (usually via metadata).
  2. Permission component (server): Defines the group and user structures on which permission definition is based.
  3. Web applications (preview/staging/live): Are used to carry out a permission check during document provision.
  4. External data sources: Provide the basis for group structure definition. An external (viewed from FirstSpirit) data source (e.g an LDAP server) is used here.
  5. Internal data source: Provide the basis for the group structure definition. An internal (viewed from FirstSpirit) data source is used here.

The relations and the dataflows between the components are essential for understanding interaction between the individual components.

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