Introduction / Page Store / Settings at section level / Section references

Section references

Section references can be used to reuse the content of a section on other pages. A section reference can be generated by

The content of a section reference cannot be edited, only the source section can be edited. To identify the source section, use the “Jump to source section” function in the context menu.

  • No rule violations are displayed on section references.
  • If the source section contains metadata, the metadata is copied to the section reference. No metadata can be defined for the section reference itself.
  • The status of the source section regarding the output (Include this section in the output) is taken over when creating a section reference. It can be changed again later, independently for the source section and the section reference, respectively.The status of the output is no longer synchronized between the source section and the section reference after a section reference is created.

Important It is not possible to create section references from sections that are based on table templates.

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