Introduction / FirstSpirit start page / Areas of the start page

Start page

After logging in (automatically or manually) the FirstSpirit start page opens.

The FirstSpirit start page is divided into the following areas:

  • Language selection
    This selection box can be used to specify a language for further work with FirstSpirit. Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish are available here.
  • User
    Here, you can find some setting options for the logged-on user.
  • Start applications
    Here, you can find entries for starting the FirstSpirit applications.
  • Quickstart
    Here, you can start a project directly with the related application.
  • Download FirstSpirit Launcher
    This link can be used to install the Launcher locally on the workstation (see Installation instructions).
  • Server information
    Information about the name and version of the FirstSpirit Server along with legal notes about third-party software used (below) and the license. The version information is provided automatically by the server. Clicking the version information opens a dialog containing detailed information about FirstSpirit.
  • Legal notices: Information about third-party software used and installed modules.

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