Introduction / FirstSpirit start page / Legal information

Legal notices: information on third-party software and modules

Table of contents

The “Legal notices” link at the bottom of the FirstSpirit start page can be used to call up information (including the name, version, license information) regarding:

  • third-party software being used and
  • modules installed on the server

This information is only accessible to users who have previously been authenticated in the system.

Information for module developers

The “Legal notices” section lists all modules that contain license information regarding their dependencies. These are all modules (FSM archives) which implement the <licenses><Path to licensefile></licenses> tag in the module[-isolated].xml module descriptor, for example:


The CSV file passed here must start with the following row:


In the following rows, one piece of license information is then stored in each row in the specified format.
Any information that is missing is represented by an empty entry.


"myClass",,"meine Klasse",""

© 2005 - 2025 Crownpeak Technology GmbH | All rights reserved. | FirstSpirit 2025.3 | Data privacy