Introduction / Data Store / Editing area of a dataset (detailed view) / Editing datasets in series

Editing datasets in series

FirstSpirit SiteArchitect is designed for editing multiple datasets one after another (“editing in series”). Changes to a dataset are saved following a confirmation prompt when the user selects the next dataset to be edited. The datasets are edited on a single workspace tab to limit the amount of mouse movement required and all important functions can be executed via keyboard shortcuts.

If a dataset on the open workspace tab is in edit mode, the next dataset displayed in the brief overview can be selected as follows:

  • By clicking on the desired dataset with the mouse
  • Using the  “Previous/Next” icons
  • Via the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift + / , followed by Enter or Space on the required dataset

If no changes have been made to the dataset, edit mode is deactivated for the current dataset and activated for the next one.

If changes have been made to the dataset, a query appears:

Query - Adopt changes?

Adopt changes: Clicking this button saves the changes that have been made to the dataset and closes edit mode. Edit mode is then activated for the new dataset.

Discard changes: Clicking this button discards all changes that have been made but not saved and closes edit mode. Edit mode is then activated for the new dataset.

Cancel: Clicking this button keeps edit mode open for the current dataset; edit mode is not activated for the new dataset.

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