Introduction / User permission configuration / Protection of personalized project content / Definitions


The following definitions apply when setting user permissions:

  1. The store structure only has hierarchical semantics for the inheritance. Limiting the permission configuration along the store tree is not intended. Nevertheless, mechanisms have been provided which allow for the validation of the permission definition with project-specific semantics (e.g. script hooks for the Check button or “on-load” / “on-save” scripts).
  2. A modifying inheritance is basically excluded. Each permission definition has the character of a permission definition point (i.e. the permissions are copied and then modified). In order to use this concept in the field, additional help functions are realised (see convenience methods).
  3. The following three states are defined in the group tree:
     Allowed – green tick
     Forbidden = red cross
      like parent node = either grey tick or grey cross.
    Click through the three states. If necessary, the grey icons in the suordinated subtree might also be changed.
  4. Dependency propagation: Default strategy (grey), i.e. the children have the same state as their parent by default, but it is possible to carry out an explicit change.

These settings result in a manageable behaviour of the permission component. The cause and effect are predictable, since the complete configuration state can be viewed at a glance. Limitations in regard to flexibility, particularly for maintenance, are reduced by a number of convenience methods.

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